"Minister Song, please teach me martial arts."

Song Zhen kept walking forward, ignoring her.

"I told you, I don't know women's martial arts."

"It's okay, I can learn men's martial arts."

"Your strength is not up to standard, so I can't learn it."

"I can practice, just please teach me."

Tang Shuyu quickly ran to Song Zhen, and she begged: "Minister Song, I beg you, please accept me as your apprentice, I want to avenge my family."

Song Zhen stopped, looked at her seriously and said: "Revenge, violence is not the only way."

"But, I only have this one way now."


Tang Shuyu was right, she had no identity, no power, and it seemed that she could only fight violence with violence.

Song Zhen was not against her doing this, but he could do nothing to help her.

In his previous life, his martial arts cousin only taught him how to use various weapons. As for boxing and leg techniques, he learned them by searching videos on the Internet based on his personal hobbies.

For example, Bajiquan is the action posture that I learned from Brother Zhuo.

However, Bajiquan is strong and powerful, and is not suitable for women to learn.

To be precise, if you have not practiced for many years, you cannot fully exert the power of Bajiquan.

Although Yan Zhaoping is also a woman, she is born with supernatural power, so she is very suitable for learning Bajiquan.

As for Tang Shuyu...

Song Zhen really doesn't know what martial arts to teach her.

Just now, when Song Zhen and Tang Gaoyi were practicing boxing as usual, they happened to be caught by Tang Shuyu.

She accidentally let her know the secret that she was a martial arts master.

So this scene happened.

Song Zhen felt a headache. Do you think I am omnipotent? I know a little bit of everything?

He sat on a stone beside him, thinking silently.

He was searching his memory to find out what kind of boxing there is.

Regarding martial arts movies, the most classic ones are the Huang Feihong series and the Ip Man series.

Song Zhen's brows relaxed. Yes, Ip Man.

As we all know, Ip Man is good at Wing Chun, and there is a saying that the founder of Wing Chun is Wu Mei Shi Tai of Shaolin Temple in Nan Shaolin, Fuqing, Fujian.

Wu Mei Shi Tai combined Zen and martial arts, and finally created a practical kung fu suitable for women to practice - Wing Chun.

Speaking of Ip Man, we have to mention the actor Donnie Yen.

The most classic line in it is that sentence: "I want to fight ten!"

When Song Zhen saw this scene, he was so excited, it was so handsome.

But the problem is, Song Zhen has not systematically studied Wing Chun.

All the memories of Wing Chun in his mind come from film and television works. Is it feasible?

He needs to try it.

Song Zhen stood up and called Tang Gaoyi.

Tang Gaoyi has become his exclusive sandbag. He will practice with him whenever he is free to increase his practical experience.

"What's wrong, Minister Song?"

"Come, fight with me."

"?" Still fighting? Didn't we practice today?


Tang Gaoyi had no choice but to throw the hoe aside. He took a horse stance and took root.

Song Zhen let out a long breath, his eyes focused, and slowly stretched out his left and right hands, with his palms up and down. This is the classic posture of Brother Zhen, asking for directions.

Seeing this, Tang Gaoyi was slightly stunned. This starting posture seemed to be something he had never seen before.

He looked serious and did not dare to look down on the other party.

In the past two weeks, the two practiced fighting many times, and each won and lost.

Overall, Song Zhen won more.

Tang Shuyu first picked up the hoe that Tang Gaoyi had dropped, and then stood aside to watch the fight.

Tang Gaoyi moved. He shouted loudly, ran quickly, made a tiger claw with his left hand, and clenched his right fist to attack Song Zhen one after another.

Song Zhen calmly used his palm to perform the "Geng Lan Shou" move, pushing away the tiger's claws, then turned his palm upwards and pressed down hard.

But in this way, the opponent's fist was no longer blocked.

Song Zhen barely turned his head to avoid the attack, and his left hand turned into a palm and slapped the opponent's right fist with force, and hit Tang Gaoyi's chest with an elbow.

Tang Gaoyi had no choice but to retreat two steps, and he was shocked.

Song Zhen's boxing at this time was different from the past. Usually, Bajiquan tended to attack, but this time, it was just defense?

Tang Gaoyi turned his head, and he rushed up again with a fist.

Since you want to defend, I will beat you up.

He stepped forward in a chain and used a move of "Black Tiger Heart Digging".

He rotated his fist to maximize his power.

Seeing this, Song Zhen hit the opponent's hand with his right elbow, relieving some of the force, and then turned his left hand into a palm, attacking the opponent's neck with a knife.

Tang Gaoyi responded to the situation and raised his right shoulder to resist.

He retracted his left hand and swungAfter a circle, he punched again.

Song Zhen easily resolved his offensive movement with his hands spread.

Tang Gaoyi changed his right hand to tiger claw again, trying to grab Song Zhen's hand, then pull it over and knee it.

His imagination is good, but unfortunately he is facing Song Zhen.

Song Zhen used his hands spread again to deflect his attack, then changed his left hand into a fist, and punched the opponent's chest again.

Tang Gaoyi was knocked back a few steps, he was not convinced, and rushed up again.

This time, he used the bow step of the black tiger fist to push his elbow, and then bow step to chop his palm.

However, the next second, Song Zhen's left and right hands firmly locked his attack, and then circled his hands and hit the opponent's armpits on both sides.

Tang Gaoyi felt pain and said that his hands were numb and he was unable to lift them.

Seeing that he retreated without defense, Song Zhen seized the opportunity this time and rushed up.

Both fists hit Tang Gaoyi's chest quickly.

This is Brother Zhen's most classic move: the sun-shaped punch.

It is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, and as fast as lightning, which makes people dazzled.

I don't know how many punches were thrown. Finally, Song Zhen punched with his left hand, and Tang Gaoyi flew five meters away.

Song Zhen clasped his fists, bowed, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Thank you, Uncle Tang."

Tang Gaoyi didn't recover for a long time. He covered his chest in pain and was helped up by Tang Shuyu.

"Minister Song, what kind of boxing is this?"

"Wing Chun."

Tang Gaoyi was stunned. It was not Bajiquan? When did he learn it?

In fact, Song Zhen just learned it, and he didn't study it systematically.

However, he himself is a martial artist. After mastering one boxing style, learning another boxing style will be twice the result with half the effort.

After all, martial arts in the world are all based on the same principles, and many of their moves are similar.

In actual combat, what matters is the flexibility between attack and defense. It does not mean that you can practice martial arts just by practicing the basic routines.

Martial arts is martial arts, fighting is fighting, and martial arts that cannot be used in actual combat are just fancy moves.

You must remember the moves in your mind through actual combat and perform them subconsciously.

This requires years of repetition of every move, which is a very boring process.

Many college students have actually taken Tai Chi as an elective in their physical education classes.

However, in a fight, almost no one will use it subconsciously.

The most fundamental reason is that they have only learned the form of martial arts, not the meaning.

Of course, in real life, there is no chance for you to fight.

Even if you are beaten, I suggest you not to fight back, otherwise it will be a fight, and each party will take half of the responsibility, and the judgment of legitimate defense is very vague.


Tang Shuyu's eyes lit up when she saw Song Zhen's brave performance.

"Minister Song, please teach me."

Unexpectedly, she knelt down with a plop.

"I really want to avenge my family. I swore that I must kill my enemies."

Song Zhen sighed: "Boxing can't help you get revenge."

"Besides, you are old now. If you want to practice martial arts, you will suffer a lot."

"I am not afraid of suffering, I am afraid that I can't get revenge for my family."

"Martial arts should not be a means of revenge for you."

"But this is the best means I can use at the moment."

At this time, Di Renjie came over, he gently helped Tang Shuyu up, looked at Song Zhen and pleaded.

"Shouzheng, just teach her."

"......" Song Zhen opened his mouth, and finally said, "Okay."

Song Zhen asked the carpenter in the village to help him make a wooden man with branches inserted on it.

He led Tang Shuyu to the wooden man and spoke slowly.

"Wing Chun emphasizes both offense and defense, and defense and offense at the same time, and focuses on the combination of hardness and softness."

"Watch carefully, Wing Chun's techniques can be roughly divided into the following categories."

"First, clapping can dissolve the opponent's moves, which belongs to the short bridge force defense."

"Then there is spreading hands, which dissolves the opponent's offensive movements, which belongs to the long bridge force."

"There is also the arm hand, which looks like a white crane spreading its wings. The arm hand's elbow raising and hand dropping movements are exactly the opposite of spreading hands."

"Circling hands, a transitional attack and defense technique, attacking from the inner gate to the outer gate, and vice versa."

"Pressing hands, a technique of grappling and clamping, must be strong."

Tang Shuyu asked in confusion: "Master, this pressing hand is very similar to the clapping just now, what is the difference between the two?"

"Good question." Song Zhen praised at the right time, "The lower clapping hand clamps the elbow, and the pressing hand opens the elbow. The lower clapping hand fingers face forward, and the pressing hand fingers face left or right."

"The difference is that the posture is notSame. "

Song Zhen didn't understand the rest of the Wing Chun moves. He had seen these theories by chance when he flipped through his cousin's martial arts secret book.

It's strange to say, since he came back from Chang'an.

Song Zhen felt that his memory had been greatly enhanced. He could remember many words or things that he had only glanced at in his previous life very clearly.

Tang Shuyu nodded, and then walked up to the wooden man.

But Song Zhen stopped her and shouted sternly: "You want to practice running before you learn to walk?"

"Run around the mountain twice for me, and come back when you're done."

"Ah?" Tang Shuyu's expression froze, and she looked at Song Zhen in disbelief.

This is Shunhuang Mountain. Do you know how far one lap is?

What's more, the mountain road is not a flat road, and it is absolutely difficult to run.

"What's the matter? You must do it every day in the future. If you can't do it, don't learn it. "

Tang Shuyu lowered her head and gritted her teeth. Without saying anything, she turned around and ran down the mountain.

Song Zhen asked her this, on the one hand, to make her give up.

On the other hand, he wanted to turn the hatred in her heart into endless motivation.

If you don't have a strong will, what can you use to learn martial arts?

Like Di Renjie, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days?

Song Zhen looked at Di Renjie helplessly: "Huaiying, why don't you run with me."

"Ah? I want to run too?"

"What else? Do you still want to be like last time, unable to beat a 200-pound man?"

"I'm doing this for your own good."

"......" It seems to make sense.

Di Renjie had no choice but to catch up with Tang Shuyu, shouting while chasing: "Miss Tang, wait for me."


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