Huang Maguai, because he often ran to the fields to catch frogs when he was a child, was nicknamed Maguai.

Maguai, in the dialect, also means frog.

In Song Zhen's impression, Huang Maguai is a talkative person.

He is over fifty years old, but still alone. Later, he learned that he liked a woman when he was young, but later the woman was forced to marry a local gentry as a concubine.

And he is a pure love warrior, so he will seal his heart in cement in this life, no longer love anyone, and no longer marry.

Huang Maguai is very popular in the village, not only because he has many skills and knows a little about everything.

The most important thing is that he has a warm heart.

During this period, Song Zhen and Tang Gaoyi and other strong men were responsible for hunting in the mountains. The rest depended on Huang Maguai to clean up the prey alone, and he was busy preparing food for everyone alone.

He was always busy with a smile on his face, and his smile was like a spring breeze when he saw anyone.

But, such a good man, actually died?

Song Zhen walked over and asked in a deep voice: "How did Huang Maguai die?"

"He, he found that a hemp rope was not tied properly. In order to complete the assassination mission, he sneaked in to reinforce it, but was caught by the group of people, and then he was forced into a dead end."

"In the end, in order not to expose our position, he chose to rush into their knives and died from a pierced chest."


When the knife pierced his chest, he must have been in pain, right?

Huang Maguai has a character flaw, which is that he is afraid of pain. On weekdays, when cutting prey, if he accidentally cuts his fingers, he will scream for a long time.

Song Zhen doesn't know how much courage he has to overcome his inner fear.

Tang Gaoyi punched the wall angrily, and the other villagers also looked sad.

In order to save everyone, Huang Maguai chose to sacrifice himself, which made Di Renjie see again what it is, there is true love in the world.

What makes people sad is that generally only after the tragedy happens, everyone will feel the same.


The Wen and Yu families suddenly came up with a bad idea. Since the group of people were hiding on the mountain, I would set fire to the mountain and force them to show up.

If they don't come out, they will accept the fate of being burned to death.

"Not good, Minister Song, the officers and soldiers have withdrawn from Shunhuang Mountain."

"?" Song Zhen was puzzled. Wouldn't it be good to withdraw? Isn't this good news?

"No! They started to set fire to the forest from the lower part of the mountain."

Song Zhen was shocked: "What?"

Because it just started, the thick smoke has not spread to the Shunhuang Temple on the top of the mountain, so they hid here.

However, according to the current weather, coupled with the southeast wind, it doesn't take three days to burn from the mountainside to the top of the mountain.

No, no, no, it only takes two days, and the thick smoke can choke the people on the top of the mountain to death.

This sudden change made the remaining 85 villagers at a loss.

Tang Gaoyi picked up his weapon and wanted to rush out, but Tang Shuyu stopped him.

"Uncle Tang, what do you want to do?"

"Come on, some real men, fight with me! Leave a way out for the women and children."

Tang Gaoyi's wife rushed over and hugged him, crying, "Laogenzi, don't abandon me."

"What are you doing?"

"I want to go with you!"

Although Tang Hehua is not very old, her eyes are very firm: "Dad, I'm going too!"

"Sisister has gone, so I can't hide behind." The seven-year-old Sizi said in a tender voice, quite manly.

"I'll go too!"

"What's wrong with women? Do women have to hide behind men?"

"That's right, we are all from Yongzhou, and there is no coward in Yongzhou!"

More and more villagers stood up, and Tang Gaoyi shouted with red eyes: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"When people die, there is nothing left."

Tang Shuyu laughed bitterly: "I have nothing to begin with, and now my biggest wish is to kill a few more thieves and avenge my family!"

Di Renjie was deeply shocked by the actions of the people of Yongzhou.

This group of ordinary people, in order to allow others to survive, can put their own life and death aside.

They are born ordinary, but they do great things.

They are brave and true heroes.

Di Renjie saw countless lights from them.

The light was dazzling, and it seemed to illuminate the entire night.

Song Zhen chopped down the small tree next to him with a knife, and he was breathing heavily.

No matter how hard he tried, could he still not protect these lovely people?

Song Zhen had been in the Tang Dynasty for so long, and for the first time he felt deeply powerless.......

The wildfire lasted for a whole day. With the help of the southeast wind, the fire became more and more fierce and soon spread to two-thirds of the height of Shunhuang Mountain.

Song Zhen and others have already felt obvious discomfort.

The thick smoke accompanying the wildfire made it difficult for everyone to breathe smoothly.

Tonight, all the villagers gathered in Shunhuang Temple.

As if they had made an appointment, they all knelt in front of the statue of Shunhuang and bowed their heads devoutly.

Song Zhen was puzzled: "Uncle Tang, what are you doing?"

"Beg Shunhuang to bless and protect the people of Yongzhou."

"Is it useful?" Song Zhen touched his head.

The old man among the villagers muttered something in his mouth. Song Zhen and Di Renjie said they could not understand the Yongzhou dialect.

Everyone knelt in Shunhuang Temple to pray for almost an hour. Song Zhen leaned on the pillar of the temple gate and looked up at the sky.

The bright moon was hazy.

Song Zhen shook his head, he covered his mouth and nose and returned to the temple.

At this moment, several thunderbolts suddenly fell from the sky, stirring up waves in the originally quiet night.

"Could it be?" Song Zhen and Di Renjie hurried out to see.

They saw thunder dragons flashing among the dense dark clouds in the sky.

A minute later, heavy rain fell in Yongzhou.

The villagers cried with joy, and they rushed out of the Shunhuang Temple, catching the rain with their hands.

"No way? This works?" Song Zhen's eyes widened.

He turned his head with difficulty and looked at the Shunhuang statue standing in the center of the temple.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see that the Shunhuang statue had a little smile on its mouth.

The villagers knelt down in the rain and bowed to the east.

"Shun Emperor appeared, and the sky rained!"

"Thank Emperor Shun for protecting Yongzhou!"

"Extinguish the forest fire and kill all the bandits!"

Di Renjie was moved by their actions. He pulled Song Zhen to the statue of Shun Emperor and devoutly burned incense.

"Thank Shun Emperor for appearing and saving us in times of crisis."

Some things cannot be explained by science. You can question them, but you have no evidence to deny them.

The heavy rain washed away the forest fire on Shun Emperor Mountain. All the forest fires were extinguished overnight.

Song Zhen had never expected that he could turn the situation around like this.

The weather was good, and heavy rain suddenly fell, preventing the tricks of the Wen and Yu families from succeeding.

And it was because of this rain that the Hongzhou army, which was blocked by the forest fire on the periphery, was able to rush into the city.


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