Unfortunately, there were only a limited amount of stones, and soon, the villagers on the top of the mountain ran out of ammunition and food.

Tang Gaoyi pulled out his hatchet and shouted, "Fellow villagers, wait until they come up, and then we will kill them! We must let the women and children go first!"


As the rebels approached the top of the mountain step by step, some villagers rushed out desperately with red eyes.

"Dad, don't go."

"Be good!" The man smiled and touched the child's head, "Live well."

He looked at the woman and nodded to her.

This scene happened many times.

This group of men knew that as long as they went down the mountain, they would have no hope of survival, but they still rushed down without hesitation.

Although the elderly in the villagers were staggering, they were not afraid.

"Children, I have lived enough, and the future of Yongzhou belongs to you."

Some elderly people could not walk down the mountain, so they asked others to kick them down and let themselves become another falling rock.

But who is willing?

So, the old men jumped and jumped down regardless of the obstruction.

"Thieves, take my kick!"

Song Zhen, Tang Gaoyi, Tang Hehua and Tang Shuyu, who have a basic martial arts foundation, have already bent their bows and shot arrows.

Di Renjie didn't know what to do, so he could only go up and hand them arrows.

Song Zhen closed his ears, pretending that he didn't hear the separation of life and death just now, and concentrated on shooting.

He almost never missed his arrows, and truly achieved one arrow per person.

As mentioned earlier, the armor craftsmanship of the rebels of the Wen and Yu families was poor, so as long as they shot accurately, they should be able to hold them off for a while.

Song Zhen specifically aimed at their eyes with great force, as if venting his emotions, and shot an arrow through their heads.


"Ah!" Another rebel fell off the cliff.

Song Zhen stretched out his hand, felt his hand was empty, and he looked at Di Renjie in confusion.

"Shouzheng, we have no arrows left."

Song Zhen smiled with relief. He drew out the horizontal sword from his waist, threw it to Tang Shuyu, and spoke slowly.

"Disciple, do you remember the sword technique I taught you a few days ago?"

"Disciple remembers."

"Come! Follow me down the mountain to kill people!"

Song Zhen drew out the 30-centimeter-long cudgel, jumped up, grabbed the vines and slid down the mountain.

He ran over quickly, threw the cudgel directly, and stabbed the opponent's hand.

Then he turned over and jumped over a short tree, and kicked the opponent's neck with a crescent hook.

Song Zhen waved his fists quickly, left hook, right hook, and lower hook, and finally grabbed the opponent's hand and twisted it hard.

"Ah!" The rebel's hand was bent at 90 degrees, and he screamed in pain.

Song Zhen turned around and kicked the rebel to a huge tree.

He drew out his sword and danced with the opponent, breaking the rope of the armor first.

He didn't know how many times he chopped, and the last knife pierced the opponent's heart.

Song Zhen gently pushed the man, and the opponent fell to the ground and twitched all over.

The other rebels hesitated and dared not step forward, because his killing action just now was too brutal.

Rather than being tortured, it would be better to stab me to death directly.

"Why don't you all come together."

The rebels exchanged glances with each other, and then rushed up with shouts.

On the other side, Tang Shuyu held the knife in both hands, facing the encirclement of five or six people.

She took a deep breath, her eyes became sharp, and she shouted and chopped at the neck of one of them. Because it happened too quickly, the other party did not react.

Blood splashed all over her.

She smiled.

It turns out that the feeling of killing the enemy is so wonderful.

She chopped more than ten times in a row, and the opponent's neck was only connected by skin and flesh.

The remaining people were scared again.

Damn, why are there two ruthless people?

Song Zhen looked at the seven rebels rushing over calmly. When they were about to get close, he raised his left hand and quickly drew his gun.

Oh no, it was a rapid-fire crossbow.

The youth version of Zhuge Liannu is only lethal within a distance of ten meters.

He improved the equipment and could shoot three crossbow arrows at a time.

In fact, it is very simple, just need to enlarge the card slot.

Three arrows, killed three people.

The remaining four people are already dead.

When the opponent's knife was about to hit, Song Zhen observed the direction of the blade.

Three from left to right, and one from right to left.

Got it.

Song Zhen leaned back with his upper body, barely dodged the opponent's blade.

Then he supported the ground with his right hand, split his legs, and kicked the wrists of the two people respectively.

The two knives fell to the ground.

Before Song Zhen landed, he used his right foot to push the ground under his feet, causing him to slide backwards.

Then he inserted the sling knife into the ground with his left hand to brake.

He exerted force on his waist and jumped on the spot.The chopper was thrown out and stabbed one of the two standing people.

He ran over quickly, grabbed the machete on the ground and directly cut off the other person's right hand, then pierced the protective leather armor with a backhand knife.

Song Zhen drew the knife and inserted the knife in a cool and smooth way.

In this way, he easily killed seven people.

He walked over and pulled the chopper out of the forehead of a rebel, leaving a red and white blood mark.

At this moment, he noticed a huge figure rushing towards him.

Because the opponent's body was too big, he couldn't dodge and was hit hard against the rocks.

Tang Shuyu noticed the battle situation here, and she screamed: "Master!"

Song Zhen's throat felt sweet and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Good guy, this collision directly caused me internal injuries.

But how could the enemy give up? I saw the opponent rushing over again.

At least he was a big man of more than 300 pounds. If he hit him, wouldn't he be crushed?

Song Zhen quickly endured the severe pain in his chest and dodged, only to see the rocks being smashed into pieces.

My goodness, isn't this Tian Qi 2.0?


The strong man shook his head, and he shouted and rushed over again.

Song Zhen dodged sideways and hit the opponent's feet with a sweeping kick.

However, this time, his right foot was accidentally entangled by the vines on the ground and he fell directly.

The strong man got up from the ground, and Song Zhen was busy untying the vines.

Just when the opponent was about to hit him, he finally untied it and ran away quickly.

However, the next moment, the opponent punched him, and Song Zhen had to use Wing Chun's spreading hands to try to relieve some of the force.

Unfortunately, he had no advantage in both physical and strength.

In the face of absolute power, any skills are futile.

Song Zhen was caught by the other party and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hiss - it hurts." He felt that he was about to suffocate.

Seeing a machete about to fall, his head was dizzy, his whole body was in pain, and he couldn't move at all.

Song Zhen licked the blood from the corner of his mouth. Is he going to die here?

I should be the first time traveler to die halfway, right?

At the critical moment -

"Benefactor, I will help you." I heard a loud shout.

The strong man's knife stopped in the air, and his head was directly separated from his body and fell off.

The blood gushing from his neck splashed all over Song Zhen.

Song Zhen's heart was beating wildly, and he was gasping for breath.

Damn, it was close, I almost had to be reborn again.

But who would come to save him?


[I will test the title of the book soon. Do you old bookworms have any good suggestions? Begging. 】

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