Therefore, after the beating just now, he unexpectedly recovered his strength quickly and even became stronger.

It goes without saying how difficult it is to cut a person in half with one knife.

However, Song Zhen has done it now.


The battle lasted for an hour, and Tang Gaoyi and others gradually became exhausted and began to suffer casualties.

After all, there was a huge gap in equipment, and some of them didn't even have iron tools.

But the rebels kept fighting in a round-robin battle.

Wen Guxin was watching the show not far away, and he smiled.

Aren't you good at fighting?

It's a pity that two fists can't beat four hands. I have fifty people, and you only have twenty or thirty people. How can you fight me?

At this time, a subordinate ran to his ear and whispered, and Wen Youliang's face suddenly changed.

"Don't play! All of you, come together, that woman, must be kept alive! Everyone else, kill them all!"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Zhen and others felt the ground under their feet shaking violently.

It seemed as if thousands of troops were charging.


There were loud roars from afar, mixed with the sound of metal colliding and people screaming.

However, the group of rebels had already rushed over.

"Quick! Stop them!" Tang Gaoyi quickly arranged for everyone to change their formation.

They had to use their lives to gain a little chance of survival for the people behind them.

The rebels also deployed their troops, ten people in a row, holding long knives and approaching step by step.

"Uncle Tang, take good care of my family!"

"You bastard! I'll fight you!"

"Look, my sons, your father is not a coward!"

"Afang, I loved you."


Tang Gaoyi didn't expect that his companions would not listen to the command and rushed up directly, fighting for their lives.

He yelled with red eyes: "What are you doing? Come back quickly!"

Not long after, there were only a few people left around Tang Gaoyi, and more than 20 villagers went to the sacrifice heroically.

But their fearless behavior made the rebels hesitate.

Enemies who are afraid of death are not scary, but heroes who are ready to die are scary.

"What are you still standing there for? Go ahead."

The more than 20 villagers bought precious time for Song Zhen and others to retreat.

Tang Shuyu pulled Tang Gaoyi, who was kneeling on the ground and crying, back.

In fact, they had another way, which was to jump down the waterfall of Shunhuang Mountain to escape.

But this way has a very low survival rate, and it will never be considered unless it is a last resort.

Now it is a last resort, and every survivor is a survivor.

Tang Gaoyi's wife commanded the women and children on the top of the mountain to gather in front of the waterfall, ready to jump down.

Di Renjie stayed at the end, and he suddenly saw a thick smoke in the distance, and bursts of horse hooves.

"Wait a minute, don't jump yet."


There was no time to explain, someone had already jumped down, and his life or death was unknown.

Song Zhen saw the rebels suddenly retreating abnormally, and heard the noise, so he rushed out to check.

In the distance, he saw countless Tang Dynasty armors, shining in the sun.

He couldn't help crying with joy.

After waiting for so many days, you are finally here.

"Fellow villagers, the Tang army is here to rescue us."

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and ran out to look.

Oh my god, it's true!

As soon as you see this extraordinary armor and equipment, you know he is not an ordinary person.

Compared with the rebels with backward equipment, he is simply a god descending to earth.

Li Yuanying was seen at the rear of the army, and he jumped up and waved excitedly.

"Song Lang, I'm here!"

"?" King Teng?

The Hongzhou army rode their horses and hacked all the way, breaking through the formation of the Wenyu rebels.

Li Yuanying ran all the way, ran to Song Zhen, jumped off the horse and couldn't wait to take credit.

"Song Lang, I came in time, didn't I?"

"It would have been better if you had come earlier."


Song Zhen's eyes moved away from the bodies of the villagers who had just died.

But the result was good after all. There were 86 people on the mountain, and now there are only 51 left. More than half of the villagers survived.

With backward equipment and insufficient personnel, they held on to Shunhuang Mountain for half a month. This record is absolutely remarkable.

The surviving villagers all thanked Song Zhen for saving their lives.

If it weren't for the guerrilla warfare plan carefully planned by Song Zhen, and his on-site command day and night, let alone half a month, they might not have been able to hold on for three days.

Song Zhen and Di Renjie looked a little helpless.

"Don't be like this all the time. I really don't like it."

"But we don't have much education, and we don't know how to thank Minister Song."

"Live well and build Yongzhou well, which is the best reward for me."

......The surviving people on the top of Shunhuang Mountain were led down by the Hongzhou Army.

After many days, everyone finally returned to the foot of the mountain.

"Song Lang, the Jiannan Army is fighting with the Wenyu rebels."

"What are the military strengths of both sides?"

"Three thousand to ten thousand."

"?" Song Zhen was speechless. Do you really regard the Jiannan Army as gods?

The Tang Army's equipment is better than theirs, but the soldiers are human after all, and there will always be a time when they are exhausted.

At that time, people died and equipment was lost, and the next war will be more difficult to fight.

Li Yuanying said with embarrassment: "We know that, but there are equipment, not so many people."

Tang Gaoyi took the initiative to volunteer: "Minister Song, King Teng, let us go back and mobilize the villagers."

"This..." Song Zhen hesitated, "It's not good, right?"

This is a war of redress for the court. How can it be reasonable to let the local people shed their blood?

Tang Gaoyi smiled indifferently: "It's okay, after all, this land is our home."

After that, he led the remaining villagers back.

Under the mobilization of Tang Gaoyi and others, countless local people came to the front of the Tang army camp the next day.

There were young and strong men who came to join the army, and there were also women who came to give food.

Li Yuanying and the commander of the Jiannan Army were moved by the enthusiasm of the people of Yongzhou.

So, without saying a word, they directly accepted the men who came to sign up into the army, and promised that all men who participated in the battle would retain their military ranks in the future and enjoy the treatment of rent exemption.

We can't live up to the enthusiasm of the masses.

In a short period of time, the situation reversed.

The Tang army accepted two thousand new troops and launched a general attack on the two rebels of Wen and Yu.

Although the number of people was a little less, they had an absolute crushing advantage in equipment. In just three days, the rebels were wiped out without leaving a single one.

They didn't even give you the chance to surrender.

If you really want to surrender, what have you been doing?

The Tang army detained all 500 members of the Wen and Yu families, as well as all the staff of the Yongzhou government office.

A total of 1,300 people gathered at the gate of Lingling County.

Li Yuanying gave an order: "Behead!"

As the evidence of the rebellion of the Wen and Yu families was solid, Li Yuanying wrote the case and sent it to Luoyang at full speed.

After obtaining Li Zhi's approval, he was executed on the spot.

On that day, Yongzhou was cloudless.

The originally scorching sun became mild.

On the night of the execution, it rained heavily, washing away the blood outside the city gate.

After that, the rain stopped and the sky cleared, a rainbow hung high in the blue sky, and Yongzhou was a bright and clear world.

Local people said that it was the appearance of Emperor Shun.


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