"Tell me in detail."

Huang Zhishi invited Di Renjie to sit down, and then handed him a case file.

"That's right."

"Last year, our Hongzhou collected a total of more than 123,000 strings of tax and more than 180,000 stones of grain."

Because of Di Renjie's special status, since he was a close friend of the governor, Huang Zhishi unreservedly listed the tax situation of Hongzhou one by one.

Moreover, it was not a secret anyway, because these figures were basically disclosed to the Ministry of Revenue every year.

The reason for the disclosure to the public was probably that Li Zhi wanted to make the governors of various states competitive.

As a pillar city of Jiangnan West Road, Hongzhou has always been a major taxpayer.

This is more than 123,000 strings of tax. You know, the total tax revenue of the entire Tang Dynasty last year was only more than 6.2 million strings of tax, which accounted for nearly one twentieth of the total.

【The above is fabricated, reference material: "In 780 AD, the two-tax system was implemented, and the tax money was more than 10.898 million strings of cash and more than 2.157 million shi of grain that year." Because the household tax was newly added during the Kaiyuan period, the tax money soared. 】

Hongzhou's business was extremely developed, perhaps it had a lot to do with the smooth waterway.

However, most of the tax revenue came from the rent and labor service system.

What is the "rent and labor service" system?

It is a tax and labor service system based on the implementation of the equal-field system, mainly collecting grain, cloth or serving the government.

This system stipulates that all equal-field households, regardless of how much land they are granted, must pay a fixed amount of taxes and perform certain corvée labor according to the number of people.

Simply put, "rent" means paying millet in the north and rice in the south, 3 shi per person.

"Diao" means differentiating the specialties of different places in the country. If it is a mulberry silk area, it needs to pay 2 zhang of silk, silk, and shi (shi) and 3 liang of cotton; the hemp producing area needs to pay 2.5 zhang of cloth and 3 jin of hemp.

"Yong" means serving the country for 20 days. Of course, if you have money, you can also not go and use silk to pay corvée, 3 feet per day.

Hongzhou is an important town in the south of the Yangtze River. Last year, the weather was good, so it is normal to pay more taxes.

"The missing tax money is as much as 10,000 guan. It is still unknown where it is."

Di Renjie was shocked. He actually lost 10,000 guan?

Good guy, this is a lot of money.

Taxes are usually delivered in Tongbao. Why not exchange Tongbao for gold? Maybe the court wants to recycle monetary resources.

Ten thousand guan, each guan weighs six jin and four liang, that is more than 60,000 jin.

How did it disappear?

Di Renjie asked in a deep voice: "When did you find out that the tax money disappeared? Who found out? Where did it disappear?"

Huang Shi sighed and replied: "Generally speaking, our government transports tax money by water, starting from Ganjiang River and reaching Weishui River."

"The ship transporting tax money traveled north along Ganjiang River, preparing to cross the border. When it was about to reach Jiangzhou, the clerks in Jiangzhou counted it again and suddenly found..."

"The box that originally contained 10,000 jin of tax money turned into yellow soil."

Di Renjie continued to ask: "Did you count it one by one before boarding the ship?"

"Of course you did."

"Did any accidents happen while the ship was sailing on the water?"

"No accidents, Ganjiang River was calm."

Di Renjie frowned, this was strange, more than 60,000 kilograms of tax money disappeared on the ship?

"Wait, is there a possibility? The tax money was not loaded onto the ship at all?"

Di Renjie expressed his doubts, and Huang Shi denied it flatly: "It's impossible. I was there when the inventory was taken before boarding the ship."

"But, Huang Shi, did you check every box?"

Huang Shi was speechless: "No, you don't know how many boxes there are, how can I check them all?"

If 120,000 tax money were to be loaded into boxes, the amount must be very large.

Di Renjie left the Hongzhou Governor's Mansion with a heavy heart. In his opinion, this case was a bit tricky.

If there was no clue, Huang Shi would not have invited Dali Temple Secretary Di Renjie to help investigate the case.

In the final analysis, the money was too much and the loss was heavy.

Di Renjie analyzed, what kind of people would steal tax money?

It should be because of profit, and it is very likely that it was a gang crime. After all, it is impossible for one person to make more than 60,000 kilograms of tax money disappear out of thin air.

One person simply cannot swallow so much wealth.

He personally prefers the speculation that the tax money was not on board.

It is very likely that the prince was replaced by a cat during the transportation process.

Returning to Tengwang Pavilion, Di Renjie saw Song Zhen organizing the performance of the palace musicians.

He really had no idea, so he asked Song Zhen what he thought about this matter?

Song Zhen answered without even raising his head:"Huaiying, let me ask you, what kind of people do you think are capable of participating in this case?"

Di Renjie replied without hesitation: "It must be someone from the Hongzhou government office. How can ordinary people have access to tax money?"

Song Zhen snapped his fingers: "Right, you think so too?"

Huaiying frowned: "What do you mean?"

"We all think so, so why haven't we found out the reason yet?"

Di Renjie suddenly realized, yes, when the case happened, according to common sense, he would immediately ask the people from the Hongzhou government office.

If it was really them, there would definitely be no results.


Officials protect each other? The criminals involved are all over the government office?

That's impossible. They are in politics, so they naturally know that if they do this, it will be a capital crime and they will be beheaded.

They have no reason to take this risk, and there is no need.

Once you join the army, you will be exempted from rent and labor service for life. In the Tang Dynasty, being a civil servant or a soldier is a very glorious thing for the family. The most important thing is that it can bring the most direct benefits to the family.

Why take the risk of doing something illegal?

"I suggest you go back to the tax money transportation route, and there is."

Song Zhen's eyes condensed: "There is also a means of transportation to transport tax money."

"I see." In fact, Song Zhen's idea coincided with Di Renjie's.


Di Renjie went out to look for clues, Song Zhen withdrew his thoughts, and he returned to rehearsing the program.

For the second song, he planned to use "Ten Thousand Butterflies Fluttering Wings".

This song is a niche music in the future, and he dared to bet that few people have heard it.

However, a small number of listeners does not mean that the song is not good.

"Ten Thousand Butterflies Fluttering Wings" comes from the radio drama "Do You Have Sickness?"

"Do You Have Sickness?" is a female-oriented novel, which tells stories about love between men.

In his previous life, Song Zhen was recommended to play it by a B-station water friend, and then he went to listen to it.

In order to appreciate the artistic conception of the melody, he also went to read the female-oriented novel.

The plot point of the song is to express the excitement and self-questioning of the male protagonist when facing the person he likes, the emotions hidden inside, and the joy without losing his sense of proportion.

And the character of the male protagonist, ahem, in short, is a face-palm.

Song Zhen doesn't know why female readers or female viewers like the face-palm male protagonist so much.

Maybe they think that such a man would be cool.

Look at those ancient puppet shows, fairy puppet shows, and modern dramas. Most of the male protagonists are face-palm, or they are the same domineering CEO personality.

Song Zhen really wants to complain about this.

But what about real life?

You can't find a girlfriend if you have a face-palm, because you can't be sweet-talking, you can't be glib, and you can't act according to the situation.

To put it nicely, it's a steady personality.

To put it bluntly, it's a piece of wood who doesn't know a woman's heart.

Unless you are either talented or rich, and most importantly, you have to be handsome.

Then the other party can ignore this character flaw of yours and think you are an abstinence male god instead.

However, in reality, which man would be like this?

One of Song Zhen's roommates in his previous life was such a male god in ancient puppet dramas.

He was very handsome, just a little bit worse than him.

His family was in real estate and was extremely rich.

However, he remained single until graduation.

When he first entered school, many girls confessed to him, but he rejected them one by one.

Then in his sophomore and junior years, he was still single.

Some girls who were rejected many times began to spread rumors that he was Nantong, and the rumors became more and more outrageous.

Because Song Zhen often played with him, he was tragically nicknamed Nantong.

However, both of them ignored the rumors and laughed them off.

Later, I heard that the roommate was arranged by his family to marry the daughter of a business partner after graduation.

[The above is a true story. I have a senior in college. ]


Apart from the character setting in the novel, this song is still very nice. Song Zhen thinks it is very ancient.

Especially in the second half, the rapid strumming of the strings perfectly interprets the melody of the vibration of butterfly wings, which makes people feel numb after hearing it.

It seems that there are really thousands of butterflies flapping their wings in front of them.

Song Zhen quickly adjusted his mentality, stroked the zither with both hands, and slowly closed his eyes.

The most important thing for a performer is to integrate emotions into it, so that it is easy for the audience to resonate.

The same is true for singing.

For example, the song Chicken You, oh no, "Just Because You Are So Beautiful".

The singer Kun Kun used a cheerful and relaxed tone to perfectly express the throbbing of a flamboyant little boy facing a girl he loves.

The emotional singing melody "For the first time, it became like this"I" pushes the song to the chorus.

Then the chorus sounded, and in "Just because you are so beautiful, baby", it directly interprets the love of a little boy for his beloved, and sublimates the whole song to a higher level.

Whether you resonate with it or not, I resonate with it anyway.

Song Zhen played alone on the side, and the female prostitutes beside him stopped their movements.

They listened blankly and couldn't help but marvel.

It's really beautiful.

Especially the slow rhythm of the first half of "Ten Thousand Butterflies Fluttering Wings", as if there is a person who is thinking about but can't get, standing in front of you alive.

As the saying goes, "Reeds are dense, white dew turns to frost. There is a beautiful woman on the other side of the water. "

The sound of the zither gradually accelerated in the middle part.

Everyone was shocked. Did the man in the story take action?

Suddenly, Song Zhen stopped, and everyone's heart stopped beating for a moment.

The latter part of the melody seemed to be disorderly, but it was actually full of emotions.

"Only those who fall are foolish."

They were completely absorbed by the sound of the zither and completely fell.

It was not until a while after the song ended that they woke up from it.

"Song Lang, what is this song?"

Song Zhen smiled and said, "This song is called "Ten Thousand Butterflies Fluttering Wings", which means whether you are sick or not, there is no cure for lovesickness."


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