After a group of fishermen dived and observed, they found something.

Fifteen boxes were lying quietly under the riverbed.

Huang ordered people to salvage the boxes. When the boxes were opened, they were full of copper coins.

"Damn, there are only fifteen boxes left. The rest must have been taken away by the thieves."

Huang kicked the box angrily, and then his foot hurt, and he covered his foot and screamed.

Song Zhen leaned lazily against the tree, holding a grass in his mouth, and turned his head to ask Di Renjie: "Do you know how many boxes are needed to pack 10,000 tax money?"

Di Renjie looked at the size of the box and calculated in his mind.

"It will take hundreds of boxes to pack it all, right?"

"Oh, who will make up for the remaining money?"

Di Renjie smiled: "Then I don't know."

It is a very serious matter that a government office has termites inside.

Moreover, the case involved too many people, causing heavy losses to the Hongzhou government office.

Although more than a thousand guan of tax money was recovered, it was actually a drop in the bucket.

Di Renjie and Song Zhen returned to the prison of the Hongzhou government office, and they met the Hu Changshi.

At this time, Hu Changshi no longer had the high spirits of the past, and he lowered his proud head.

After seeing the two people coming, he grinned.

"You don't know how powerful the enemy you have provoked is."

Song Zhen raised his sword eyebrows: "Oh? What do you mean?"

"Hongmen, they are not ordinary civilian messengers."

Song Zhen moved a low stool and sat there to listen to his bragging seriously.

"Tell me how terrible they are, let me be scared."

"It doesn't matter to tell you, they are a martial arts sect."

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes. Speaking of it, when he first heard about Hongmen, he couldn't help but think of that mysterious organization.

If we trace back the history, it was an underground secret organization that fought against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.

Now that we have actually met it in the Tang Dynasty, it is most likely not the Hongmen.

We can only say that it came from Hongzhou, so it is called Hongmen.

The upright Di Renjie said with a nonchalant look on his face: "Jianghu sect? Sorry, I have never heard of it."

"Hahaha, ignorant." Hu Changshi raised his head and laughed.

His face became playful: "You will soon know how terrible they are."

Song Zhen stood up and kicked him: "Damn, can you stop playing tricks, how terrible are you, you tell me? I was scared."

Hu Changshi groaned, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his smile was very creepy.

"Jianghu sect is a folk organization composed of a group of martial arts heroes. They all have unique skills. As long as they are given a knife, they can slaughter your whole family."

"So awesome?"

"That's it."

"What the hell!" Song Zhen kicked him again.

Di Renjie said in a deep voice: "So, the Hongmen stole tax money just to develop the power of the Jianghu sect?"

"Hahaha, do you think that the Hongmen is the only Jianghu sect involved in this?"


"As far as I know, there are at least seven sects."

"Which seven sects?"

Hu Changshi spat out a mouthful of blood foam with disdain, and said coldly: "Do you think I will tell it?"

Song Zhen lifted his neck and asked him with interest: "Then what kind of shit Jianghu sect are you?"

"It's okay to tell you, I'm from Chongguang Tower."

"Chongguang Tower?"

"The world is opened up, the sun and the moon are shining again. Clear the vast land and make the eight wastelands unified."

I Zhuo, are you so arrogant? May I ask if you dare to recite this poem in front of Li Zhi?

Song Zhen always felt that he had heard this poem somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Hu Changshi looked at the expressions of the two people, and he was no longer surprised.

If you have never seen the power of the martial arts sects, you will never know how terrible they are.

"You think you are good at solving cases, but sometimes, the more you know, the more trouble you will get yourself into."

Song Zhen disagreed. Are the martial arts sects very powerful?


As we all know, only long-term wars in troubled times can create a real prosperity of martial arts.

Chinese martial arts mainly flourished in the Song and Ming dynasties.

You can see that most of the martial arts novels are set in these two dynasties.

How many martial arts novels have you read that are set in the Tang Dynasty?

Yes, the Tang Dynasty was a martial arts-loving dynasty, but it really developed after Wu Zetian created the martial arts examination.

Most of the martial artists in this era have no rules.

In short, they are just fighting small fights and have not yet formed a routine.

The strongest folk master Song Zhen has met now is Tang Gaoyi from Yongzhou.

His boxing method is completely figured out by himself, and it has a taste of the black tiger boxing of later generations.

Even if he isThe Shi family, such as Yuchi Junjun, did not have a set of martial arts to show off.

If you want to talk about military tactics, there must be some.

After all, who the hell would fight with your Tang army in a battlefield? Who can beat them with a suit of armor? Aren't you bullying people?

It is precisely because the Tang army has invincible equipment that they do not pay much attention to martial arts such as swords, spears, etc.

At this time point, we can see the weakness of Tang Dynasty martial arts.

As for the so-called martial arts sects, to be honest, Song Zhen didn't take it seriously.

If he copied out a book of swords, spears and techniques of later generations, it would probably cause a storm in the martial arts world, just like the birth of "Nine Swords of Dugu" in "Swordsman".

Song Zhen smiled indifferently, and patted Hu Changshi's face, three parts cold, three parts ridiculed, and four parts careless.

"If you are a brother, come to Jiaqingfang in the southeast of Luoyang to kill me! Remember, I live at No. 128."

"Whoever doesn't come is a dog and rat!"

Di Renjie looked at Song Zhen with a strange expression. No, how could he remember that we clearly lived in Lehefang in the south?

Wait, Jiaqingfang?

Hiss——It seems that there are two Zhongshulings living there.

Shouzheng, you are so bad. But I like it.

Di Renjie also didn't like the two Zhongshulings.

Although he didn't agree with Song Zhen's approach, he didn't have any opinions.

Hu Changshi silently wrote down the address and must inform the people in the sect when he had the chance.

If Di Renjie and Song Zhen hadn't interfered, their actions would have been perfect.

Hongmen Escort Agency wouldn't have abandoned its hard-earned business and wandered overseas.

The moment Song Zhen left the prison, he suddenly realized that it was time for him to establish an intelligence organization.

Otherwise, if I were to provoke this bunch of shitty martial arts sects again, I would be in the dark.

However, I will speak to you nicely, don’t think I am easy to talk to, ikun never causes trouble but never fears it.

The affairs of the martial arts world are the affairs of the martial arts world, and the trouble will not affect my family.

If you dare to attack someone around me, don’t blame me for being rude.


[A small case, mainly to introduce the concept of martial arts sects. ]

[In addition, it seems that I haven’t asked you for a long time, handsome Yanzu, beautiful Yifei, please move your hands and click to urge for more. ]

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