Maybe Yan Zu and Yi Fei will question, can a carriage carry so much? Who are you kidding?

Sorry, it really can.

"The Exploitation of the Works of Nature" records: "Any four-wheeled cart can carry 50 shi, and those with more mules and horses can carry 12, 10, or 8."

How heavy is 50 shi? Four tons!

The road from Hongzhou government office to the dock is a slightly steep downhill road, and it doesn't take much effort for horses to pull it.

Theoretically, it can be done.

Song Zhen fell into deep thought, 15 carriages, and there were only six horses at the cremation site, that is, two carriages.

Where did the remaining 13 carriages go?

Di Renjie thought about it, and he asked Huang Zhishi to take him to see the box filled with loess.

Hu Changshi was very perceptive, and he had arranged for the clerk to go back to the government office to get it in advance.

Not long after, a huge box was lifted up.

It was still half filled with loess.

Di Renjie asked, "When you found out that the tax money was missing, was that all the loess you had?"

A clerk nodded and said, yes.

Then Di Renjie knew.

From the dirt marks on the inner wall of the box, it can be seen that the thieves must have covered the copper coins with loess.

Then, I don't know how, the copper coins were taken out from the bottom of the box, and the loess slid down from top to bottom, creating the illusion that it was full before.

Di Renjie ordered people to clean the dirt in the box and then wash it with water.

He carefully looked inside the box, and it looked flat, as if there was nothing wrong.

He knocked gently on the bottom of the box, and his face changed when he heard the sound.

The bottom was actually empty?

"There must be a mechanism somewhere."

Di Renjie touched left and right, and suddenly felt that the bracelet on the right was a little loose.

Then he pulled hard, and saw that the flat plate at the bottom of the box had split open a three-finger-wide crack out of thin air.

"There is something wrong with Hongmen!"

Huang Shi was furious, and he immediately arranged for people to arrest the thieves.

However, he was stopped by Hu Changshi.

"Huang Shi, wait a minute, you need to know something."

"What is it?"

"These boxes are provided by our government office to Hongmen for loading. I think they have nothing to do with Hongmen."

Di Renjie said with a mocking smile: "You said it has nothing to do with it? I think you have something to do with Hongmen?"

Hu Changshi's eyes changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Di Sicheng, please don't spit blood."

"There is a question, why did the tax money disappear in the section that Hongmen was responsible for?"

"Maybe someone is framing them."

"Okay. In this case, who do you think framed them?" Di Renjie smiled faintly, "It won't be me and Shouzheng?"

Hu Changshi was silent. Song Zhen and Di Renjie had just arrived, and they had no chance to participate in this matter.

Even if anyone is suspected, they would not suspect these two people.

However, this little evidence cannot prove that the tax money was stolen by Hongmen, but only proves the means by which the thieves stole.

Song Zhen could not listen any longer, and he said impatiently: "If this cannot be proved, how can Hongmen be convicted?"

"Don't you think about it? The only people who can control the box mechanism are the two guards sitting in the carriage."

"Unless Hongmen can prove that the two people are not theirs."

Huang Shi nodded in agreement. Yes, Minister Song was right.

In any case, Hongmen Escort Agency has become the biggest suspect.

Because the people are theirs, the horses are theirs, and the carriages are theirs.

Except for the boxes that are not theirs.

However, who dares to guarantee that Hongmen Escort Agency will not collude with the people in Hongzhou government office and cooperate with each other from inside and outside?

Song Zhen only wants to close the case quickly and go home to hug his wife.

He didn't have time to talk to this group of people here. If he wanted to prove his innocence, the Hongmen Escort Agency had to come up with evidence that could prove itself.

And it shouldn't be the Hongzhou government office that should look for evidence.

Because now, no matter from which angle you look at it, the tax money was stolen by the Hongmen Escort Agency.

If they didn't steal it, why did the missing tax money happen to be in the part they were responsible for?

If they didn't steal it, why did all the boxes have no problems, but the boxes on their section of the road had a mechanism?

If they didn't steal it, why did they deliberately set fire to the bodies and destroy the evidence two days after the incident?

All the evidence pointed to the Hongmen Escort Agency.

Song Zhen didn't know what this Hu Changshi was still arguing for them?

"Are you also one of the accomplices?"

Hu Changshi was frightened by Di Renjie's questioning, and he quickly begged for mercy from Huang Shishi.

"Huang Shishi is wise, please don't believe the words of villains."

After hearing this, Song Zhen was not polite., threw the fish bag at him.

"Open your eyes and see who is more senior, me or you?"

"Villain? Ha, ridiculous."

"You are a small sixth-rank official, how dare you talk to me, a fourth-rank official, like this?"

Hu Changshi was so angry that his beard flew up, but he was speechless.

"Huang Zhishi, this man has repeatedly argued for Hongmen. I think he must have some secret relationship with them."

"I suggest arresting him to serve as a warning to others."

Hu Changshi's face changed drastically after hearing this. He hurriedly grabbed Huang Zhishi's hand and begged, "Huang Zhishi, please believe me."

Huang Zhishi pushed his hand away with disdain: "If you have anything to say, go and talk to the jailer."

"Come on, tie him up!"

In addition, a team of officers and soldiers also surrounded the Hongmen Escort Agency.

Di Renjie arrived later, but found that the place was already empty.

"It seems that there must be their spies inside the Hongzhou government office."

By doing this, the Hongmen Escort Agency is confessing.

If you are innocent and have not committed any crime, then why are you running?

Well, now it can be confirmed that the disappearance of 10,000 guan of tax money must be related to the Hongmen Escort Agency.

Then the question is, with the evidence currently available, only a very small part of the tax money can prove that they did it.

How did they steal the rest of the money?

I don't know.

Di Renjie decided to board the big ship carrying the tax money that day and patrolled it, but did not find any problems.

"Since there is no problem with the hull, it is very likely that the problem is in the waterway."

Di Renjie got on a small wooden boat and walked the road again.

I don't know how long the boat has been sailing, he noticed that there is a problem with the mountain range on the shore.

What's the problem?

It's very simple, that is, there is a very obvious difference on the side of the mountain.

This mountain range looks like it was formed naturally.

But Di Renjie felt something was wrong. The mountains nearby were all green, so why was there a large area of ​​red flowers here?

It was too abrupt, and people had to be suspicious.

Di Renjie ordered the boatman to continue forward, and he observed the surrounding mountains along the way.

"Sure enough, that place should be the place where the money was thrown."

He immediately went back and informed the Hongzhou government office of this discovery. Governor Huang was overjoyed and immediately arranged for the clerk to go there.


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