"Your Majesty, I accuse Song Zhen of harboring evil intentions, using drama to create false statements, fabricating false information, and openly opposing class relations. This is the third crime."

Song Zhen asked him with interest: "Minister of the Central Secretariat, have you ever watched "Butterfly Lovers"?"

Li Yifu looked at him with contempt, and said with a slight smile: "I don't bother to watch such a bad drama."

"You haven't even watched it, what qualifications do you have to comment on it?"

"You must have watched it before you can comment?"

Song Zhen laughed: "Then tell me, what part of the plot in the play is problematic?"

"What about the red door against the red door, the bamboo door against the bamboo door in the play, it's just a mess, are you referring to the past to satirize the present!"

Li Yifu again He bowed to Li Zhi and said, "Your Majesty is wise. Song Zhen's lies are misleading. It is not appropriate to say what he said. Please reduce his crime of false speech."

Song Zhen looked around and said, "You are wrong. The reason I made this play is to praise the Tang Dynasty."

"The saints of the Tang Dynasty are enlightened, the culture is open, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the folk customs are simple. How could it be possible that Zhu despises Zhu, Zhu despises Shu, and Shu ignores Nu?"

"This is not to use the past to satirize the present, but to use history as a mirror to let the people of the world see the beauty of the Tang Dynasty."

"Zhongshu Ling, I remember that you also come from a poor family. Does anyone look down on you? No, right?"

Li Yifu's face turned red because of Song Zhen's sarcasm. Really?

How could there be no?

The five surnames and seven families looked down on him in the past, which is still vivid in his mind.

When the officials heard Song Zhen's weird remarks, they all bowed their heads.

Some were ashamed, some were laughing, and some were thinking deeply...

Song Zhen saw that Li Yifu had been silent for a long time, so he patted his shoulder heavily, which scared him.

"Zhongshu Ling, have you finished talking about my crimes? Is there anything else to add?"

"I..." Li Yifu didn't know how to answer.

Now it seems that the three crimes are a joke and completely untenable.

Li Zhi saw that the time was right, so he asked Song Zhen to leave.

Unexpectedly, Song Zhen didn't leave, but he stood there.

"Song Shouzheng, what else do you have to say?"

Song Zhen bowed: "Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

"Just say it."

"I impeached that Zhongshu Ling Li Yifu secretly accepted bribes from the five surnames and seven families, and was instructed by others to try to harm loyal officials."

"What?" All officials were shocked. This scene seemed to be a bit interesting, with you coming and going, interesting.

Li Yifu's face changed instantly. With shaking hands, he pointed at Song Zhen and cursed: "Don't make up stories! Do you know what crime it is to slander a third-rank minister?"

"I don't know if it's a crime or not, but I see that you slandered me, a fourth-rank minister, and nothing seems to happen."

Li Zhi frowned, he walked down from the dragon chair directly, and asked Song Zhen with a serious expression.

"Is what you said true?"

"Your Majesty, of course it is true. Two days ago, at midnight, thirteen people sneaked in while the Jinwu Guards were changing shifts, and secretly drove a carriage to deliver twenty boxes of unknown things to the residence of the Secretary of the Central Secretariat in Xuanhefang."

Li Zhi looked at Li Yifu with a gloomy expression: "Is this true?"

Li Yifu's psychological quality is a bit strong. He said calmly: "Your Majesty, please don't listen to slander, this is nonsense! I never have any contact with the five surnames and seven families."

At this time, Xue Zhengqing, the Minister of the Dali Temple, took the initiative to volunteer: "Your Majesty, I am willing to search the residence of the Secretary of the Central Secretariat."

What? You are not going to die! That is the prime minister's residence, how dare you search it?

The officials were shocked and surprised by Xue Zhengqing's boldness.

At this time, Lu Chengqing also stood up: "Your Majesty, I think that when we go to Li Zhongshu Ling's mansion to search, we can also go to Pingkangfang to check the accounts."

This is very well said, it seems impartial and fair.

But what is the reality? Old Lu, are you sure you are not adding fuel to the fire?

Yan Liben looked at the ceiling, silent, pretending not to hear anything.

Another Zhongshu Ling Xu Jingzong also stood up: "Your Majesty, I think it is inappropriate. It is unfair to search the mansion of a third-rank minister based on Song Zhen's words."

Old man Li Ji secretly guessed the emperor's intention, and then said lightly: "It's just a search. Those who are innocent will be innocent. For Li Zhongshu Ling, there is no loss."

It's bad. Things have developed into this state all of a sudden. All officials suddenly don't understand the situation.

Song Zhen calmly said to Li Yifu: "Minister of the Central Secretariat, do you dare to make a bet? If I lose and I can't find any stolen goods in your house, I will immediately take off my official robes and resign on my own initiative."

"......" Li Yifu looked as calm as an old dog on the surface, but he was panicking inside.

He couldn't figure it out, how did Song Zhen know?They obviously did it very covertly.

Even the Jinwu Guards guarding the city did not notice anything unusual, how did he find out?

Song Zhen originally did not want to attack him, but Li Yifu took the initiative to run into the gun today, and insisted on licking the Five Surnames and Seven Families, and playing a trick on him.

Fortunately, his dark web organization had been fully established a week ago.

He asked Wu Da to secretly monitor Li Yifu, Xu Jingzong and others, find out their handles, and give them a fatal blow at the right time!

Isn't this the opportunity?

Don't blame me for being too cruel, it's you who didn't open your eyes.

If Song Zhen hadn't prepared for a rainy day, maybe this time I would have fallen into Li Yifu's hands.

Fortunately, everything is under control.

Song Zhen will not indulge him, want to trap me to death? Then don't even think about living!

Revenge when there is revenge, revenge when there is grievance, do what you say, this is my way of dealing with the world.

Li Zhi was in deep thought. To be honest, he had long been dissatisfied with Li Yifu's recent actions.

First, Wang Yifang impeached Li Yifu for having an affair with a criminal woman, and let the Dali Temple Secretary be acquitted and took her into his family.

The most serious thing is that he also forced a Dali Temple Secretary to death.

Logically speaking, the power of life and death of ministers should be controlled by saints. You, a minister, have crossed the line by doing this.

And Li Yifu is Wu Meiniang's man. In this case, Li Zhi had many quarrels with Wu Meiniang, but finally compromised and did not punish Li Yifu.

But what about Li Yifu? Relying on the fact that Wu Meiniang is the queen and has been favored by His Majesty, he has become more unscrupulous.

According to the information Li Zhi currently has, Li Yifu is selling official positions!

It is said that a position starts at 700,000 guan! It is simply appalling!

It's just that Li Zhi and Wu Meiniang's relationship has just been restored, and now they are in the honeymoon period, so it's not easy to touch him.

This time, Li Yifu touched Li Zhi's political interests.

It was Li Zhi who instructed Song Zhen to suppress the Five Surnames and Seven Families. The two cooperated perfectly, and now it was almost time to reap the fruits of victory.

As a result, you suddenly jumped out to speak for the Five Surnames and Seven Families? Even slandered my meritorious officials?

If you don't die, who will die?

However, there was one thing Li Zhi didn't understand. In his impression, Li Yifu was a person who was particularly good at observing words and expressions and was meticulous. How could he not guess the relationship between me and Song Zhen?

Could it be that the Five Surnames and Seven Families gave too much?

Li Yifu was still proving his loyalty, but Li Zhi didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Xue Siqing, take people to search Li Yifu's residence."

Song Zhen requested: "Your Majesty, let me go too."


Li Zhi glanced at everyone in the hall with a frosty face.

"If anyone dares to leak the news, don't let me find any clues, otherwise the whole family will be exiled!"

"You guys take care of yourself!"


【At the request of Yan Zu and Yi Fei, a Q group was established to share the music in the book from time to time and chat with everyone.

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