In Luoyang City, the sound of bells and drums suddenly rang out, starting from the bell tower of Ziwei City. The rhythm of the drums was replicated in one area after another, and soon reached the tower.

The Jinwu Guard stationed on the tower understood the meaning of the Qianniu Guard based on the frequency of the bells and drums.

Yuchi Baoqi, the commander-in-chief of the Jinwu Guard, arranged soldiers to assist without delay.

At this moment, the dull drum sound spread throughout the entire Luoyang City, making the people's hearts rise.

Generally speaking, the bell tower in Luoyang rarely beats drums in groups, unless it enters a state of war readiness or encounters something particularly important.

The people speculated what happened that made the Tang army use bells and drums to send messages.

The one hundred men and horses from Ziwei City galloped rapidly on the streets of Luoyang.

The people hid aside, fearing that they would accidentally block this group of well-trained Qianniu Guards.

"So many palace guards are going out together, where are they going?"

"I don't know, maybe they are going to arrest criminals?"

"Why don't we go to the Dali Temple or Luozhou government office to arrest criminals? What kind of criminals do we need Qianniu Guards to arrest?"

Qin Yilin, the general of Qianniu Guards, rode in the front, followed by eighty Qianniu Guards.

This is not an ordinary minor official. The generals of the Sixteen Guards of the Tang Dynasty are high-ranking officials of the third rank.

Li Zhi actually arranged a third-rank official to go out, which shows how much importance he attaches to this case.

Along the way, Jinwu Guards cleared the way for them, ensuring that the team of 100 people could go straight from Ziwei City in the north to Xuanhefang in the southeast without any obstruction.

The clansmen of the Five Surnames and Seven Families saw it, and when they went back to report it, it was actually too late.

Xue Zhengqing's main attack was to catch someone off guard.

He and Li Yifu actually had a grudge.

Because the deceased Dali Temple Minister Bi Zhengyi and Xue Zhengqing were not just simple colleagues, but brothers who had been through thick and thin together.

In the past, he had little influence and could only bury his hatred in his heart.

This time, he had a chance, and he would not let it go.

There were two reasons why Xue Zhengqing volunteered. The above was one of them, and the other was to be the most solid barrier for Song Zhen!

He was very self-aware.

He knew that without Di Renjie and Song Zhen, there would be no Xue Zhengqing today!

Only by keeping these two big brothers could he have a smooth career in the officialdom.

Whether it was public or private, he had to stand up for the next task that was likely to offend people.

One hundred men and horses traveled unimpeded along the way, and in half an hour, they successfully arrived at the residence of the Secretary of State in the northwest corner of Xuanhefang.

Half an hour was already the fastest arrival time that could be achieved in theory, because the fastest speed of a horse was only 60 kilometers per hour.

Xue Zhengqing jumped off his horse quickly with his sword in hand. He shouted to the guards at the door: "Open the door! The Dali Temple is investigating the case!"

"Anyone who dares to obstruct will be killed without mercy!"

The guards of the Li Mansion don't care about you. They claim to be the servants of the Minister of the Central Secretariat and don't take the Dali Temple seriously at all.

"This official, do you know where this is?"

Xue Zhengqing didn't answer the other party's question. He turned around impatiently and waved his hand.

"Kill him."

The Dali Temple clerk next to him had just drawn his sword, but he didn't expect the Qianniu Guard to get there first.

The warrior wearing the complete version of Ming Guang armor raised his sword and fell, and eight heads fell to the ground instantly.

Qin Yilin leaned against the horse's belly and said calmly: "Xue Siqing, for this kind of offending thing, let us, the Qianniuwei, take action."

"Hehe, are we in the Dali Temple afraid of offending people?"

"This is what the saints mean."


Qin Yilin kicked the door of Li's mansion with a strong kick. The four-meter-high and twenty-centimeter-thick phoenix wood door fell straight back, raising a cloud of dust, and even felt the ground shaking three times.

When Song Zhen, who was still on the horse, saw it, he was shocked.

Wow! Awesome!

Do you know how heavy this door is?

Damn, it fell down with one kick? Is it scientific? If it was in a movie, someone would definitely think it was a special effect!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes... Song Zhen asked himself that he couldn't do it.

He really deserves to be the general of the Qianniuwei! He silently gave Qin Yilin a thumbs up!

Eighty Qianniu guards rushed in and controlled all the guards in the mansion.

Li Yifu's six sons ran out in a hurry, and he asked what happened.

Song Zhen smiled and replied: "Nothing, just come to visit."

"......"Visit? You brought dozens of fully armed tough guys to visit my house?

Xue Zhengqing and Song Zhen walked to the central courtyard. Old Xue put his hands behind his back, looking like a famous detective.

Qin Yilin nodded secretly. He was worthy of being the Dali Temple Minister. This kind of observant look was admirable.

Song Zhen was staring at a certain building in the yard in a trance..

Xue Zhengqing turned around seriously, then walked in front of Song Zhen, suddenly with a flattering face and a playful smile.

"Song Lang, did you see anything?"

"?" Song Zhen was stunned. Didn't you go to see it just now? I'm still waiting for your answer.

Xue Zhengqing's look made Qin Yilin unable to recover for a long time. So you have been pretending just now?

Song Zhen shook his head, saying that the mansion was too big, how easy it would be to search out the stolen goods?

Xue Zhengqing thought about it, and then said: "Twenty boxes, a lot of them, and they are worth a lot. If I were Li Yifu, I would definitely keep them in my room."

So, he led his soldiers to search Li Yifu's room, turned the whole room upside down, and found nothing.

Li Jin, the eldest son of Li Yifu, cursed without hesitation: "You Dali Temple are doing atrocities! Breaking into the Zhongshu Ling Mansion! Even searching the house at will! You are guilty of heinous crimes! I will definitely let my father report you in the future."

Song Zhen saw that he was noisy and kicked him to the wall five meters away with a side kick. Qin Yilin was slightly stunned when he saw this scene.

It seems that the force is very strong, but in fact it is only a serious injury and not fatal. What a delicate control of force.

Li Jin slid down from the wall with his whole body limp, and he spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The other sons of Li Yifu cursed and wanted to rush over to beat people.

Song Zhen squatted down and wiped his black leather Liuhe boots with a handkerchief, and said without raising his head: "You talk too much nonsense. You know but don't report it, and your sin is even more serious."

"I will give you a chance to reform now."

"Either tell me where the stolen goods are placed, or die!"

Li Jin laughed wildly with blood on his mouth: "Hahaha, if you want to accuse someone, you can always find a pretext. My father has lived an upright life, serving the country and the people. He is a good official who is poor. How could he accept bribes from others?"

Song Zhen laughed: "You don't want to say it, right? Don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Li Jin raised his mouth insidiously: "If you say there is, then there is?"

"That's right. How about we make a bet?"

"What is the bet?"

"Bet on your life!"

Li Jin frowned, he didn't understand what Song Zhen meant.

"If I really find the hiding place of the stolen goods within half an hour, you either commit suicide or use the lives of two family members to exchange for your own life!"

Li Jin's pupils shrank and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated!


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