"Do you dare to bet?"

Li Jin didn't buy it. He smiled and said, "What qualifications do you have to decide a person's life or death?"

Song Zhen spread his hands: "Of course I don't have the qualifications, but the saint does."

"If the saint knew that Li Yifu took a large amount of bribes and committed illegal things, guess what he would do?"

Li Jin suddenly panicked.

But soon he was relieved. Ha, you want to bluff me? It's not that easy.

I don't believe you can find it!

Song Zhen looked around and said loudly: "I'll give you one last chance. If you confess, you will be treated leniently. If you resist, you will be treated severely!"

Everyone in Li's mansion looked at each other, and they were struggling.

Because the amount this time was really too large, it reached an incredible number.

Once it was discovered, it would be a dead end, and no one could save it.

But they wanted to take a gamble, and they bet that Song Zhen would never find it!

"I'll count to three, and you decide your own fate."

"Three, two, one!"

"Okay, no one stands up, right? You'll regret it later."

Song Zhen smiled slyly, "You don't think I can't find it, do you?"

He put his hands on his waist, grabbed Tang Hengdao and took two steps.

"As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest."

"You wouldn't be so stupid to put so many gold, silver and jewelry in the open in the room."

"So, where is it?"

"In fact, the entrance to the underground palace is nearby. Do you think I can find it?"

Everyone in Li's mansion was worried.

Xue Zhengqing and Qin Yilin followed Song Zhen's every move intently. They were very curious. They had searched the suspected places just now, whether it was the room, the hall, or the yard.

After searching inside and outside for almost half an hour, they didn't find anything suspicious.

The sun peeked out from the clouds.

The longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for them!

After all, the civil and military officials are still forcibly controlled by His Majesty in the Zhenguan Hall, and no one can leave.

Even His Majesty did not leave. He sat on the dragon chair in the hall, waiting for the results of the search.

However, Li Yifu is a shrewd man. He loves money, but he does not show it. He will always maintain an image of clean hands to the outside world.

As they walked, Song Zhen was about to leave the courtyard, but he suddenly drew his sword and cut off the moon-shaped door in the courtyard with one knife!

"What?" The imagined sparks did not appear. Instead, Tang Hengdao cut a hole in the moon-shaped door like cutting iron into mud.

Qin Yilin's eyes condensed!

"This moon-shaped door is actually made of wood?"

Just now, they passed by this place many times and did not find anything unusual. So how did Song Zhen find it?

"It's very simple. There are three loopholes."

Song Zhen smiled slightly and explained, "The first loophole is that the dye applied to wood has a different degree of penetration than the dye applied to blue bricks."

"I noticed something wrong with this moon-shaped door at first glance."

"Because my fiancée is a painter, she often paints on the walls at home. I have a strong intuition about murals because of her influence."

Qin Yilin and Xue Zhengqing took a closer look and it was true! There is something wrong with the pattern of the moon-shaped door here. The color looks lighter.

Song Zhen continued to explain: "The second loophole is because this moon gate is made of wood. In order to prevent rain erosion, it needs to be coated with wood wax."

"Please look, does the moon gate reflect light under the sun? Will normal blue brick structures reflect light?"

"The third loophole is the smell! When I passed by here just now, I smelled a stronger wood fragrance than other places. Although the courtyard here is full of flowers and plants, it is to cover the wood fragrance of the moon gate, but this fragrance is not the same as that fragrance."

Qin Yilin was shocked. He didn't expect Song Zhen to be so observant.

Is this the legendary Dali Temple Secretary? Love it.

Xue Zhengqing was relieved. He is worthy of being the big brother I have chosen! It's really amazing.

Before Song Zhen explained, Qin Yilin had arranged for Qianniuwei to destroy the wooden door.

After Song Zhen finished speaking, a call came from the other side.

"General, we found the entrance to a secret cave!"

The people in Li's mansion were anxious and wanted to rush over to stop Qin Yilin and the others from going down. As soon as they stood up, they were put on the neck by a knife in the next second.

Before Song Zhen went down, he sneered: "I told you that you will regret it. Why don't you seize the opportunity?"

The three of them passed through a long and narrow tunnel and walked out of the light, and they immediately took a breath of cold air.

Wow, the golden light is dazzling!

Qin Yilin said that he had never seen so much gold and silver treasures in his life!

There were eighty boxes of gold alone!

What is thisconcept?

Qin Yilin widened his eyes and stammered, "How much money is there here?"

"It's terrible. The gold alone is worth 20 million guan! It doesn't count other things."

"You should know that the tax revenue of the Tang Dynasty last year was only 6.2 million guan."

This can no longer be described as rich enough to rival a country.

Xue Zhengqing looked overjoyed, but Qin Yilin was very sad!

A dignified Zhongshu Ling, a third-rank official, could actually have such a terrifying wealth.

So where did his money come from?

Song Zhen knew that Li Yifu in history was a famous corrupt official. He intervened in the imperial examinations and made money by selling officials.

The most famous case of selling officials was Changsun Yan, the son of Changsun Wuji.

Li Yifu has always been good at making money.

He knew that Changsun Wuji's family was rich, so one day he sent his son Li Jin to find Changsun Yan and took the initiative to curry favor with him: "My father has asked for an official position for you, how do you plan to thank him?"

Changsun Yan always wanted to be an official, but because his aunt, Empress Changsun, had left a will to Li Shimin before her death, she had specially taken care of the Changsun family.

"Don't let my clansmen become officials again, so as to prevent them from taking advantage of their favor and monopolizing power and causing disasters."

Changsun Wuji was actually wise to do so. From ancient times to the present, there have been countless cases of relatives in power, and she did not want the Changsun family to follow in their footsteps.

But when Changsun Yan heard this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly asked how he wanted me to repay him?

Li Jin stretched out seven fingers and smiled lightly: "Seven hundred thousand strings of cash, how about it?"

Changsun Yan readily agreed. Five days later, the appointment letter arrived, and he was named the fifth-rank Sijin Supervisor.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of Li Yifu's selling officials to make money, a fifth-rank official position worth seven hundred thousand strings of cash.

He has been in control of political power since the sixth year of Yonghui. Now, less than three years have passed, and he has amassed 20 million guan?

It is conceivable how dark the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty is now.

Poor people cannot enter the officialdom through the imperial examination. Even if they are nominated as officials, they will work hard all their lives and will never be promoted.

Song Zhen's money was earned legally, but Li Yifu is different.

Qin Yilin hurriedly got on the horse, he wanted to go back to the palace to report to the saint!

This is 20 million guan! It is equivalent to the tax revenue of the Tang Dynasty for three years.

Now, due to the two-front war between the Western Turks and Goguryeo, the Tang Dynasty's treasury, which was in deficit, suddenly became full.

"Brother, our family is rich."

"We can fight well!"


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