After hearing Qin Yilin's report, Li Zhi was so shocked that he could not speak. All the civil and military officials in the hall were stunned.

Then look at Li Yifu on the other side.

He was sweating profusely, his face turned the color of pig liver, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Li Zhi ran down from the high platform and kicked him hard!

"Dogs and rats!!!"

Twenty million strings of cash, Li Zhi said that he had never seen so much money in the treasury.

You, a small Zhongshu Ling, are richer than me?

Li Zhi knew that he sold official positions, but he didn't know that he made an astronomical amount of money by selling official positions!

Damn it, Li Zhi wanted to draw his sword and chop him on the spot! Blood splattered directly in Zhenguan Hall!

Fortunately, Li Ji stopped him and said something like it was unlucky to see blood in the hall.

This made Li Zhi regain his sanity.

"Come here, take him to jail!"

Back in the palace, Wu Meiniang heard the news from somewhere that her confidant Li Yifu was arrested?

She hurried over to plead with Li Zhi.


Li Zhi slapped her away with a slap!

"Your Majesty, you..."

"You still dare to plead for him?"

"What crime did Li Yifu commit?"

"Oh, your people used their power to sell official titles. In three years, they actually made 20 million guan! Do you think he should be killed?"

Wu Meiniang's beautiful eyes widened, her mouth trembled, and she didn't know what to say.

Li Zhi breathed heavily in anger, and his hands twitched.


His eyes went black and he fell backwards.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

"Come here, call the imperial physician!"


Song Zhen didn't know what happened in the palace, and even if he knew, there was nothing he could do.

Everyone knows that Li Zhi is in poor health.

What disease is it exactly?

According to historical records, Li Zhi was so sad when Li Shimin died that he fell ill, which is said to be "wind tuberculosis".

When Empress Changsun died, Li Zhi, who was only nine years old, cried bitterly, which had long left the root of trouble.

Then when his father Li Shimin died, he cried again, and this time he was dead.

If Li Shimin knew about it, he would probably call him a filial son!

Of course, there are also genetic reasons.

As soon as the news of Li Zhi falling ill in the bedroom came out, the officials were very uneasy.

In their view, the saint was diligent and hardworking, and was a rare wise monarch. When dealing with state affairs, he was no less than the late emperor.

It was precisely because Li Zhi was too diligent that the ministers felt distressed.

As soon as Song Zhen returned home, Yan Liben came to the door.

"I heard that His Majesty suddenly fainted."

Song Zhen was stunned. No way? The two saints are coming to the throne so soon?

According to historical records, Li Zhi fell ill in the fifth year of Xianqing, and it is only the second year of Xianqing now?

"Could it be that my arrival caused him to suddenly collapse?"

It's bad! Song Zhen said that I am not mentally prepared, and I am also physically prepared.

You know, this time he destroyed Li Yifu, Wu Meiniang's confidant.

If Wu Meiniang is really allowed to participate in political affairs, the first one to be destroyed will be himself!

It's bad! It's bad! It's bad!

"Why don't you run away?"

However, Song Zhen quickly regained his sanity.

"What are you afraid of? When the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it. I am a time traveler."

Now you can't panic, you have to be calm.

In his mind, he was thinking frantically about what to do next.

Li Zhi was a wise ruler, and he had a good personality, but Wu Zetian might not be, because she was a woman.

As the saying goes, a woman's heart is as deep as the sea.

What's more, it's a woman who is the emperor. Who can stand it?

During the Wu Zetian period, the prime ministers were replaced the fastest, which can be seen from this.

Yan Liben saw Song Zhen silent, so he was silent too.

"Minister Yan, when His Majesty wakes up, why don't we take time to visit him?"

"Okay, His Majesty likes you very much. If you go, he should be very happy."

Song Zhen bid farewell to Yan Liben. He sat in the hall with a frown.

"Huaiying, when will you come back? I can't stand it anymore. I'm afraid only you can conquer this woman."

The first day I miss Huaiying.


At this moment, Di Renjie is in Shuzhou, Jiannan Road.

He investigated Jiannan Road one by one according to the death list in the booklet.

Jiangnan West Road has been resolved. The local government office didn't know where to get the news, or maybe that group of nobles have always been so arrogant and domineering, and the locals have long been fed up with their actions.

Di Renjie led a team of 300 imperial guards and just as they arrived, the person was handed over.

He was shocked beyond words. What on earth was going on?

The case was investigated very carefully.It was smooth, effortless, and made Di Renjie feel like he was in a dream.

So, he didn't stay in Jiangnan West Road for long, and soon came to Jiannan Road.

However, Jiannan Road did not offer people like Jiangnan West Road.

"Di Zhongcheng, welcome to Shuzhou." The governor of Shuzhou greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Governor He, I am not here just for fun this time."

"Oh?" Governor He raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Excuse me, the Yu family and the Tang family in Shuzhou..." Di Renjie handed over the case file and explained his reason.

Unexpectedly, Governor He shook his head: "Di Zhongcheng, you are late. These two families were destroyed by the rioters some time ago."

"Huh?" Di Renjie was stunned. What's the situation?

Governor He ordered someone to take out a case file and handed it to Di Renjie for review.

"Alas, these two families were not considered great noble families, but they relied on their family background and were fearless and arrogant in the local area. In the end, they aroused public resentment and went to destruction."

Di Renjie spent a quarter of an hour and finally finished reading all the contents of the case file.

He took a deep breath and asked solemnly: "Are you sure they were destroyed?"

"Yes." Governor He nodded heavily.

Di Renjie's eyes rolled, and then he smiled and saluted: "In this case, we will leave."

Governor He asked him reluctantly if he would not stay for a few more days?

After learning Di Renjie's answer, his face was full of regret.

"Governor He, no need to see him off."

Di Renjie and the other party said goodbye at the border of Shuzhou. He did not expect that the other party would actually see him off all the way?

What does this mean?

"Have a good trip, Di Zhongcheng."

"He Zhishi, go back."

After walking a few miles, Yuchi Junjun knocked on the carriage and Di Renjie opened the curtain.

"Old Di, are you leaving just like that?"

"He wants me to leave, so why should I stay?"

"That He guy is obviously problematic."

Di Renjie smiled faintly: "I know."

Yuchi Junjun was puzzled: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Let's walk and see."

He Zhishi stood on a high place, looking down at Di Renjie and his party leaving Shuzhou.

A strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"Di Sicheng, there is a message."


"From Minister Song."

Di Renjie opened the paper and saw only what was written on it.

"I have created a new organization in QQ Village outside Luoyang City, with the code 893491078. Come and have a look when you have time. Everyone in the group is talented and speaks well."


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