After Di Renjie returned to the court, he was widely praised by the local government for his fair and just handling of things. He performed very well and was awarded in the hall.

"Di Renjie, I grant you the title of Duzhi Langzhong. I hope you can continue to work hard in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Duzhi Langzhong is a fifth-rank official position. Compared with Dali Temple Cheng, the sixth rank was promoted to the fifth rank.

There was a promotion, but not much.

Di Renjie's promotion was the normal speed, and Song Zhen was an exception.

Throughout history, how many people can be like him?

However, Li Zhi did not deprive Di Renjie of his Dali Temple Cheng position and let him serve concurrently.

Duzhi means the Ministry of Revenue. Di Renjie in history did serve as this official.

However, something incredible happened.

No one knew what was going on. Li Zhi suddenly tampered with the books and quietly added another position to Di Renjie.


This position is very important. If a senior official in the court breaks the law, the assistant censor usually reports to the chief censor and then reports to the emperor.

Low-level officials can be impeached directly or collectively.

What kind of officials are considered low-level?

Ministers who are qualified to sit in the Zhenguan Hall are considered low-level if they are below the fourth rank.

Then, the Kanglong mace was not taken back!

What does this mean?

After a series of changes in official careers and official positions, many people have actually seen it.

The saint began to cultivate his own power!

The most hurt was the Guanlong Group headed by the Five Surnames and Seven Families.

What? You said that the new prime minister Lu Chengqing was from the Fanyang Lu family, not from the Guanlong Group?

The Fanyang Lu family and the Taiyuan Wang family had long announced their separation from the Five Surnames and Seven Families, and by the way, they also left the political alliance of the Guanlong Group.

These two traitors are no longer their own people.

Combined with the disturbance caused by the rebellion case of the Wen and Yu families, the Five Surnames and Seven Families could no longer sit still this time.

They had secretly bribed Li Yifu to let him punish Song Zhen.

Now, Song Zhen is like an indestructible cockroach. The more you punish him, the faster he will be promoted.

How to play this game?

Although the Minister of the Ministry of Rites is an idle position and does not have much power, it is at least a third-rank official of the Nine Ministers.

As we all know, there is a huge gap between the fourth and third ranks.

The Five Surnames and Seven Families no longer dare to attack Song Zhen casually, because their status is different from the past.

As the saying goes, thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west.

Five months ago, could the Qinghe Cui family imagine that five months later, Song Zhen would actually climb to such a prominent position?

They probably didn't even dare to dream about it.

How could a young man be so lucky? He actually jumped from the seventh rank to the third-rank minister in a short period of time?

This is just like a fairy tale.

The more comfortable Song Zhen lives, the more tormented it is for the Qinghe Cui family.

The diehard fans left in the family were once again insidiously incited.

They openly and secretly insulted the elder Cui Yu for being blind and letting a talent go.

If they had accepted Song Zhen earlier, the Qinghe Cui family's genealogy would have added another rich chapter.

The most ecstatic one is the Fenzhou Song family.

They earned a nine-minister minister without doing anything, and their ancestral graves are smoking!

To be honest, the Fenzhou Song family did not provide any practical help to Song Zhen.

On the contrary, the Taiyuan Wang family helped Song Zhen a lot.

Now that it is almost the beginning of autumn, Song Zhen plans to take Song Ruoshui to Luoyang and "recognize his ancestors" by the way. The procedures should still be followed.

He feels that it is really embarrassing to always trouble the Taiyuan Wang family.

So, Song Zhen, Di Renjie and Tian Qi, who was serving in the Jinwu Guard, asked for leave together and returned to Bingzhou again.

Bingzhou Governor Lu Yang, well, the first Governor Lu who won without doing anything, personally went to the post station at the border of Bingzhou to wait for the two to return home in glory.

Di Renjie had another mission when he returned home this time, which was to pick up his father Di Zhixun to be an official in Luoyang.

On the day when Song Zhen and the new Minister of Personnel, Yang Hongwu, were conferred titles, they exchanged politely with each other and exchanged work experiences.

He was not polite to Yang Hongwu and asked him directly for an official position, asking for Di Renjie's father Di Zhixun.

Yang Hongwu was stunned. You kid, you said so righteously in the hall at the beginning, didn't you use the back door?

Song Zhen said to him with a smirk: "If you don't use the back door, you are a fool." Old Yang was speechless.

However, the position he wanted was not high, just a small county magistrate under Luozhou.

Di Zhixun was originally the chief of Kuizhou, and this was not a promotion, but a horizontal transfer.

Yang Hongwu was very cautious and reported the matter to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi just nodded silently and didn't say much.

So, Di Renjie's father Di Zhixun was arranged to be the prefect of Xin'an County.

Di Renjie just returned to Luoyang and learned the good news. He knew that it was Song Zhen who asked for a favor for him. He was very grateful and couldn't express it in words.

In history, Di Renjie thought that he could take good care of his parents after returning to Bingzhou after passing the imperial examination.

As a result, his parents left their hometown and went to other places to serve as officials, and they separated again.

There is no work where there is a home, and there is no home where there is a job. It is conceivable that it is a painful thing for the filial son Di Renjie.

Fortunately, he met Song Zhen and made up for the regret.

He no longer has to regret the sentence "My parents live under this cloud."


After a ten-day journey, several people finally arrived in Bingzhou.

This made Lu Shishi look forward to it. His neck stretched out.

Cui Qiufang was very surprised to see Cui Mengzhu also followed, and her face was full of joy.

"Seventh Aunt, Seventh Uncle." Cui Mengzhu called sweetly.

Governor Lu stroked his white beard with satisfaction, and then he rolled his eyes when he saw Song Zhen.

Who would have thought that this hateful boy would be my niece's husband one day?

Straight motherf*cker!

Song Zhen saluted with a playful smile: "Hello, Uncle Lu." Just like before, so mean.

"Hmph!" Governor Lu turned his head away, he still couldn't forget the giant view.

Originally he thought he had forgotten it, but when he saw Song Zhen, the nausea came up again for some reason.

Damn it!

However, this little old man was only arrogant for a while, and his wife pinched the soft flesh on his waist, and he quickly changed his expression.

"Welcome back, to be honest, I haven't seen you two for a long time, I miss you." Governor Lu said against his will.

During this period, you don't say, you have a very comfortable life, everything you eat is delicious.

Several people had a good meal at Lu's house, and the next day they went to visit the Wang family of Taiyuan. Di Renjie's father Di Zhixun was now invited to live in the Wang's house.

Song Zhen chatted with Wang He, the elder of the Jinyang Wang family, and the other party said with emotion: "Teacher, I didn't expect that you are now a third-rank official."

"It's okay, just so-so." Song Zhen said Versailles.

Wang He thought for a while, then said: "Sir, I have something to trouble you."

"Just say it."

"Zi'an is old now, he wants to go to Chang'an to study medicine, but I think it might be better for him to go to Luoyang with you."



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