Song Zhen recalled that it seemed that Wang Bo in history had indeed studied medicine.

However, when he was twelve to fourteen years old, he followed Cao Yuan to study medicine in Chang'an, and successively studied "The Book of Changes", "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", "The Difficult Classic", etc., and had some knowledge of "the affairs of the three talents and six Jias, and the numbers of the Mingtang Yukui".

Then at the age of sixteen, Wang Bo passed the Yousu exam.

It is now unknown what the Yousu exam specifically tests.

The imperial examination subjects in the Tang Dynasty were divided into six major regular subjects and special subjects.

The most popular regular subjects were the Jinshi and Mingjing subjects, accounting for more than 70%.

Those who took the Jinshi exam were purely pursuing their dreams, and the admission rate was extremely low, less than 1%.

The Mingjing exam was okay, and only required rote memorization, with an admission rate between 10% and 20%. Di Renjie passed the Mingjing exam.

At that time, there was a saying that "30 years old is a Mingjing, 50 years old is a Jinshi", and the court would also give priority to Jinshi and neglect Mingjing when allocating official positions.

There were many more Jinshi and prime ministers in the Tang Dynasty than those who came from other subjects. There were 368 prime ministers in the Tang Dynasty, and 143 of them were Jinshi, accounting for 39% of the total number.

Those who can pass the Jinshi exam are not ordinary people, and those who can win the top prize are the top of the top. For example, Wang Wei, who was both a poet and a painter, won the top prize in the 19th year of Kaiyuan at the age of 20.

As for why Wang Bo chose to study medicine, Song Zhen didn't understand.

But it was just a piece of cake, and Song Zhen readily agreed.

Then, the two talked about the Wang Family Academy.

Wang He's words were full of excitement: "Sir, thanks to your proposal, the Jinyang Wang family now has a high reputation in the Bingzhou Governor's Office."

Song Zhen smiled: "Your Wang family's reputation is already very high."

"No, no, no, it's different from before. Now that the Qixian Wang family has seen us do this, they have also joined."

"Haha, that's good."

If one family does this and receives a good return, then other nobles will follow suit.

This is a good thing.

No noble family does not cherish their feathers. They are like a group of proud peacocks who want to dress themselves up.

After half a year of development, Wang's College has now enrolled more than 500 civilian students.

What surprised them was that in addition to earning fame, they could actually make money? In just half a year, they actually earned 50,000 strings of cash.

Indeed, the Taiyuan Wang family opened a folk college, breaking the pattern of the nobles monopolizing talents in this era.

However, the Taiyuan Wang family could not care about so much, they only thought about themselves.

There are so many gentry in the world, but they are the most special.

It is this specialness that makes them gain the honor and become the first to try.

Even if they are despised by other gentry, so what?

Taiyuan Wang family knows that what they are doing is a great thing that can be recorded in history.

The most important thing is that although it seems to be sharing knowledge, it can't shake the status of the gentry at all.

Under Song Zhen's suggestion, only the most basic reading, literacy and arithmetic are taught.

With only these courses, it is impossible for students to pass the imperial examination.

The most popular Mingjing subject requires reciting a large number of ancient books, and Taiyuan Wang family did not open the "Nine Classics" to the outside world.

The Jinshi subject examines a person's ability to adapt to changes and poetry and songs. Wang's Academy did teach relevant knowledge, such as Qiyan, rhyme and rhythm.

Unfortunately, the Jinshi subject is not so easy to pass. As smart as Wang Bo is, he did not dare to pursue his dream, but chose the less popular Yousu subject.

Can there be a Wang Wei among these 50,000 students?

Whether or not there is one, it is no loss to the Wang family of Taiyuan.

If there is a genius, he will definitely be grateful to the Wang family of Taiyuan after passing the imperial examination. As long as he is a normal person, he will not forget the well digger when drinking water.

This is a bit similar to the practice of cultivating students in the pre-Qin period.

People have desires, and the Wang family of Jinyang is also human. Wang He asked Song Zhen for his opinion.

"Sir, we want to expand Wangjia Academy beyond Bingzhou. What do you think?"

Song Zhen shook his head and said, "I don't think it's appropriate."

Wang He was slightly stunned: "Why?"

"Humans are social animals, and such powerful nobles are like beasts that occupy the mountains as kings."

"Once outsiders invade their territory, they will definitely defend it with all their strength."

"Bingzhou is the territory of your Taiyuan Wang family. You don't want other nobles to come in and rob you of your interests, right?"

Wang He felt that what Song Zhen said made sense, and he bowed to thank him.

"You are too hasty. It's not time yet. When the time is right, I will naturally tell you."

Opening up knowledge and breaking the monopoly of the nobles is Song Zhen's "reform of the greatTang" the second step of the plan.


In the evening, Song Zhen and his party were invited to the Wang family's mansion in Jinyang as guests, accompanied by Lu Yang's family.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw little Wang Bo and little Ruoshui playing house.

They called each other husband and wife in their childish voices, which looked very incongruous.

However, the Wang family had long been accustomed to this scene.

Tian Qi hurried over, picked up Song Ruoshui, and accused her: "Xiaoshui, don't call others your husband's name casually."

Song Ruoshui blinked her big eyes and said confusedly: "But Aye, this is just a game." She knew in her heart that it was just a game between children.

She didn't take it seriously, why would Aye object?

Song Zhen walked over and took Song Ruoshui. He weighed her in his arms and looked slightly surprised: "Oh, our Xiaoshui has grown up. "

Indeed, after more than half a year, Song Ruoshui was raised by Wang from Taiyuan and became plump, and she had long lost her former thinness.

Song Ruoshui nudged Song Zhen in her arms affectionately and called "Hello, godfather".

Seeing her cute appearance, Cui Mengzhu couldn't help but rub her. Song Ruoshui didn't know her and dodged in a hurry.

Song Zhen introduced her: "This is godfather's wife, that is, your godmother."

Song Ruoshui blinked her big eyes. The young girl was very smart. She changed her appearance and stretched out her hand for godmother to hug her.

Her pair of white lotus legs stepped on Cui Mengzhu's chest, and they could actually stand up?

She looked down at her shriveled chest, pouted unconvinced and said: "Godmother, we are all women, why are we different? "

Cui Mengzhu blushed shyly, then rolled her eyes at Song Zhen, as if blaming him.

Song Zhen touched his nose, looking a little embarrassed.

"Xiaoshui, you are still young now, you will have it when you grow up."

"So." Song Ruoshui asked innocently with blinking eyes, "So, is it as big as my godmother's?"

"Uh..." Song Zhen didn't know how to answer immediately.

He had to laugh dryly: "Your godmother is a weirdo, you can't compare with her."

Cui Mengzhu twisted the soft flesh on Song Zhen's waist angrily.


Hmph! Weirdos, you stinky men, don't you just like giants with childlike faces like me!


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