The first person to discover the abnormality was Song Zhen. He quickly pushed Di Renjie and asked him to wake up and enjoy the show together.

Li Xiang's left and right hands were placed in that place, which looked particularly strange.

Why was it strange? Because he didn't have them, but they moved by themselves as if they really existed.

"Ah, this..." Di Renjie was stunned.

Song Zhen whispered: "Did you see that? He looks like I was poisoned at the beginning."

No, no, no, it's actually more exaggerated.

Poisoning is just losing reason, and Li Xiang now looks like a ferocious beast, with all his facial features twisted together.

Half a minute later, he finally lay straight on the bed with his hands limp.

You're not mistaken, it's true!

Red and white pus gradually overflowed from the wound.

Song Zhen was stunned. No, you are like this, how can you still do that?

Isn't it too outrageous?

But Li Xiang's expression was full of satisfaction. He licked his lips, tilted his head, and continued to sleep.

Song Zhen walked over quietly and looked down at Li Xiang's wound.

He was very confused. Li Xiang had been injured for half a month. Logically, the incision should have healed long ago. Why was pus still flowing out?

"Wait." Song Zhen suddenly discovered something strange!

Damn, it's a bit weird.

Why is there flesh everywhere, but only one cut?

It looks like it was pierced artificially.

"Is it for urination?" Song Zhen fell into deep thought, and he tried to recall the biological knowledge.

He remembered that behind the pubic symphysis of men is the bladder, and below the bladder is the prostate and sac.

Further down, there is a position where the output of both sides meets.

That is the shallow perineum!

Song Zhen suddenly realized: "I understand, no wonder the thieves dug out part of the foundation, that's why!"

Don't ask why Song Zhen knows this, just ask that in his previous life, he had seen a male doctor due to overwork.


Just then, a man in red came in through the window.

The moment he entered the room, the six eyes met, and the three of them were stunned at the same time.

The man in red blinked, first looked at Di Renjie, then glanced at Song Zhen.

Then, he ran away without looking back!


Di Renjie realized it later, and Song Zhen had already rushed out!

He cut off the wooden window with a knife, then climbed over and caught up with the man in red.

Song Zhen prepared a bunch of flying knives in advance, and he followed closely, looking for the right time, and threw a flying knife to test it.

The man in red cleverly used the wooden building to avoid it.

Song Zhen was faster than the man in red. When he raised his right hand and held up the youth version of Zhuge Liannu, his hair suddenly stood up and he quickly turned his body to the right.

A red umbrella came straight in from the room next door and broke the wooden window.

Fortunately, Song Zhen was agile and barely dodged it.

"I didn't expect you to come alone?"

The man in red who was being chased laughed and said, "Hehehe, how dare I go to the banquet alone in front of my husband?"

Song Zhen felt his scalp tingling after hearing this.

Damn, this voice is too creepy.

During the conversation, the other man in red did not stop his hand movements.

"She" twisted the umbrella handle, and the umbrella suddenly opened wide, and the huge force bounced Song Zhen out.

Song Zhen inserted the horizontal sword into the ground with one hand to keep his body balanced and stable.

"There is a mechanical device?" It is absolutely impossible to shock him so far with the power of the umbrella alone.

"Hehe, my dear, your vision is really good."

"Then my dear, how about trying this trick?" The red-dressed person laughed, "she" quickly turned the umbrella handle, and saw a sword blade popping out from the umbrella ribs, spinning towards Song Zhen.

"Shouzheng, I'll help you!" Di Renjie ran over, he picked up the horizontal sword and chopped at the red umbrella.

The harsh metal friction sounded, and a large area of ​​fireworks was startled.

The clerks outside the house heard the sound and rushed over, and thirty people surrounded the entire yard.

The red-dressed people felt bad, and they wanted to retreat.

However, Song Zhen saw the opportunity, raised his right hand and shot blindly without vision, and shot the red-dressed person in the house with an arrow.

"Use a hidden weapon, right!" The red-dressed person in the house bit her lips lightly, "she" made up her mind, directly pulled the arrow out of her right chest, and sprayed some red powder on the wound.

Then, "she" pressed a switch at the end of the umbrella, and the sword blade of the umbrella ribs could actually break away!

The blade rotated with the umbrella, and its kinetic energy was enhanced, shooting towards Song Zhen and Di Renjie at a rapid speed.

Song Zhen's pupils shrank, and he protected Di Renjie behind him, and quickly played with his sword to knock down the blade.

Di Renjie felt Song Zhen's decline, and he quickly supported him.

He saw that the other party had three blades stuck in his body, one in each of his thighs., right shoulder, fortunately, neither was fatal.

Song Zhen endured the severe pain, he pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty and said: "Don't worry, I'm lucky, I won't die."

"Who wants you to die?"

Seeing Song Zhen injured, the two red-clothed men rushed out of the siege directly, and they sprinkled red powder on the clerks guarding outside the yard.

Some clerks quickly held their breath, but it was too late. They fell into hallucinations and chopped at the people around them with knives.

The two red-clothed men walked away.

The clerks who were hit were quickly tied up and subdued by their companions.

Seeing this, the clerks surrounding the yard called the doctor in a panic.

Song Zhen was carried away by everyone, leaving only Di Renjie at the scene.

He was observing the fight scene.

Too many things happened tonight. One was Li Xiang's inexplicable behavior.

The second was how the two red-clothed men broke into the heavily guarded Li family courtyard.

Third, the enemy's equipment is really incredible.

The red umbrella has amazing defense, and the umbrella is made of bronze.

Moreover, the attack power is also extraordinary. Not only does it have a device that can bounce people away, but it also has a sword blade installed at the end of the umbrella ribs!

The sword blade can even be taken out of the umbrella and attack from a distance.

In addition to the red powder that can make people hallucinate, there is no idea about what other means the enemy has.

This case is different from the past. In the past, they used reasoning to find the murderer.

But this time, they have come into contact with the murderer several times. Knowing that the other party is the murderer, they have no way to stop him, and they can't even keep one person.

Not to mention thoroughly investigating the other party's identity.

The biggest problem now is that the red powder is really hard to defend against, and the Tang army's Ming Guang armor can't do anything about it.

Armor only defends the body, but it is difficult to defend against the airborne poison.

Di Renjie walked and found a cloth bag in the house.

He picked it up with a frown, opened the opening tied with a rope, and a pungent smell of blood hit him.

"This is..."

This smell seems familiar, as if he has smelled it somewhere before.

Suddenly, Di Renjie's expression changed drastically.

"This, this is not..."

In order to verify his guess, he poured out the contents of the cloth bag.


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