Di Renjie immediately ran back to the room, found Song Zhen, and told him the news.

Song Zhen took the cloth bag, frowned and smelled it.

Damn, why does it smell like disinfectant? Could it be that?

Di Renjie nodded heavily.

Sure enough...

Song Zhen suddenly had a bold idea. Could it be that they castrated people to raise Gu in essence?

In other words, castration is only the first step. Could their ultimate goal be Yuan Yang?

But why do they want Yuan Yang? What is it for?

Could it be? To drink?

Oh my god, this is too perverted, right?

The more Song Zhen thought about it, the more frightened he became. To be honest, he didn't want to meet such an enemy at all.

I'm not afraid of opponents with brutal means, but I'm afraid of enemies who don't even have moral bottom line.

"I guess, they took these things from people, will they use them for some kind of sacrificial activities?"

"I think what you said makes sense!"

But what kind of terrible sacrifice would use these things?

Song Zhen couldn't figure it out, and neither could Di Renjie.

However, the first task now should be to find out their identities.

Song Zhen pondered for a while, and he decided to call Wu Da from Luoyang.

Because Wu Da had been in society, he might know some unknown secrets.

So, Song Zhen decisively wrote a letter and put it in the nearest post station to Jiangzhou County.

Unexpectedly, he was rejected.

"This official, that, letters can't be expedited casually."

Song Zhen frowned and threw the fish token out with an unhappy face: "Look at my identity! You should organize your words better."

When the postman saw the golden fish token, he was horrified.

As we all know, the level of fish tokens is divided into three, six, and nine grades according to the material they are made of.

The most common fish token is made of wood.

The next one is copper, followed by silver, and the top one is gold!

There is also a jade fish token, which is held by members of the royal family. (No historical data)

It can be said that the golden fish symbol represents the top that ordinary people can reach in their lifetime.

He never expected that Song Zhen, a young man, looked ordinary, except that he was very handsome.

He was actually a high-ranking official of the third rank?

Because only the three dukes and nine ministers of the third rank were qualified to wear the golden fish symbol!

The messenger was very frightened and apologized to Song Zhen immediately.

However, he was unwilling to give in and said that this was a rule set by the court.

"What rule, can you tell me?"

"Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Taizong once issued an order that letters that were not related to the saint or assigned by the saint could not be expedited."


Song Zhen cursed inwardly, what rule is this?

The messenger laughed dryly and said, "There is no way. We are also doing things according to the rules."

"Do you have paper and proofreading paper?"

"Yes, Taichang Temple Minister, please wait."

Song Zhen wrote a letter directly on the counter and sent it to Li Zhi, informing him that he would delay his return to the court because he was handling a case in Jiangzhou.

By the way, he briefly described what happened here in the letter.

The image of a good minister who serves the country and the people is vividly portrayed on the paper, with reason and evidence, sincere feelings, and moving.

Song Zhen packed the two letters together and handed them to the other party.

"In this way, can it be expedited?"

"Uh..." The messenger was stunned, and he didn't know how to answer.

It seems that it is not impossible.

But he was still hesitant, because the rules did not state whether it was feasible to do so.

Under Song Zhen's soft and hard persuasion, the messenger finally gave in.

"How long does it take to get from Jiangzhou to Luozhou at the fastest speed?"

"It will arrive in less than two days."

"Okay, arrange the fastest horse for me. If I delay things, be careful that the saint will punish you."

The messenger smiled bitterly.


On the other side, Di Renjie took action at the same time.

He asked the clerks of the Jiangzhou government office to borrow the books that recorded the birthdays of the common people, and then arranged for the local chief bookkeeper to cooperate in the statistics.

How many pure yang bodies are there in and outside the city.

Jiangzhou was moved to Linfen County in the third year of Kaihuang in the Sui Dynasty (583), and was restored to Jiangzhou in the first year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (618).

It belongs to Shangzhou and governs seven counties: Zhengping County, Taiping County, Quwo County, Yicheng County, Jiang County, Wenxi County, and Yuan County.

The case was concentrated in Zhengping County, the county seat, and no such case had occurred in other counties.

Therefore, Di Renjie temporarily set his sights on Zhengping County.

After five days of statistics, the results were obtained.

There are about 800 men in Zhengping County who belong to the pure Yang body.

And within these five days, tragedies occurred one after another around Zhengping County.

Judging from the methods and frequency of crimes, it seemsThe murderer seemed anxious.

Perhaps the participation of Di Renjie and Song Zhen made them frightened, or perhaps, their so-called ritual could not wait.

Originally, there were at most 30 cases a day, but now it has even reached 50.

It seems that all the pure Yang bodies in Zhengping County are about to be killed.

"Only the last 80 people are left."

Just today, Wu Da came from Luoyang, and he brought 30 new members of the organization.

Song Zhen personally took them into Zhengping County.

"Did they return to Luoyang safely?"

"The mistress and others have arrived safely, please rest assured, my lord."


Song Zhen nodded, and then took Wu Da to the underground charity cemetery of Jiangzhou government office, where Guo Yuyang's body was placed.

"I called you here this time mainly to ask, have you seen this method of committing a crime?"

He lifted the white cloth, revealing a naked male corpse.

The only difference from ordinary corpses is that Guo Yuyang is obviously missing a part.

"My lord, although I have never seen this method of committing a crime, I have heard of it."


Wu Da smiled and said, "I wonder if my lord has heard of a martial arts sect called Wu Gen Men?"

I Zhuo, Wu Gen Men?

This sect sounds extraordinary!

Wu Gen Men, as the name suggests, is rootless.

Wu Da introduced to Song Zhen: "The founding concept of Wu Gen Men is related to the Yin and Yang of Taoism."

"They believe that there are two divisions of Yin and Yang in the world, the mysterious Yin and the mysterious Yang are combined, and the pure body is the female body, and the turbid Yang gathers below and becomes the male body."

"Therefore, women are smart and men are vulgar, women are pure and men are stupid, and only the body of the yang can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and practice the supreme magic."

"......" So nonsense?

I have to say that this set of rhetoric seems to be well-spoken. If a person is not sure about his mind, he might be fooled.

But Song Zhen is not an ordinary person. He is a successor who has accepted nine years of compulsory education.

If we explain it from the perspective of yin and yang, it means "husband is yang and wife is yin."

The Book of Changes says: "Heaven moves vigorously, and the gentleman strives to be self-reliant."

The Qian hexagram says: "The earth is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with great virtue."

Since the Zhou Dynasty, the importance and superior status of men in society have been emphasized.

Dong Zhongshu wrote in "Spring and Autumn Annals": "Yang is the husband and gives birth to it, and Yin is the wife and helps it."

The Taoist doctrine even says: "When the world was first opened, everything was chaos, which is Wuji; Yin and Yang intertwined, and the two energies of Yin and Yang generated all things, which is Taiji."

It can be seen that Yin and Yang are inseparable.

And the explanation of Wugenmen is nonsense.

Song Zhen expressed his strong disagreement.


Wu Da came, an extra helper, and brought thirty younger brothers.

So, Di Renjie began to implement the action.

He decided to randomly select ten pure Yang bodies who were likely to be persecuted and guard them heavily.

When Governor Wang Hao heard their plan, he said with an embarrassed look.

"Ahem, Shi Yushi, Taichang Temple Minister, to be honest with you, I am also a pure Yang body."

"Hmm?" Song Zhen's expression gradually became thoughtful.

At this time, the chief clerk beside Governor Wang Hao said, "Governor, I don't think you need to panic."

"How can you tell me not to panic? I'm not kidding you."

"Governor, think about it, you live and eat in the government office of Jiangzhou, do thieves dare to break into the government office?"

Wang Hao touched his chin and nodded, "Well, it seems to make sense."

"So, Governor, please rest assured! I guarantee with my personality that as long as I am alive, no governor will suffer!"

Wang Hao patted the chief clerk on the shoulder with relief.

"You two, just go ahead, the safety of the people is the first priority!"

Di Renjie was not very reassured, he was silent for a while and asked, "What about you?"

"Me? I will stay in the government office of Jiangzhou, they dare not come here! Hahahaha."

Song Zhen was amused, you old boy, don't set a flag casually.

Since there are many victims involved in the castration case, and the Jiangzhou government office has been unable to solve the case, the murderer is still at large.

Today, the men in Zhengping County are very scared, worried that they will be the next victim.

How to calm people down when they are in panic? The only way is to impose sanctions to set things right!

Many people gathered in front of the Jiangzhou government office and asked the government for protection.

As the governor, Wang Hao stepped forward without hesitation. He came to the door and first pressed his hand to let the visiting people calm down.

"Everyone, please don't panic."

"Believe in the Jiangzhou government office! Believe in the Tang Dynasty court! And."

"Believe me!"

"I am JiangzhouGovernor, Wang Hao, I promise that I will punish the traitors and restore Jiangzhou to a bright and clear sky! "

The shill in the crowd immediately clapped his hands! He shouted loudly: "Good! Well said! We must believe in Governor Wang! Believe that he can lead our Jiangzhou to the light!"

There are many people visiting, even up to a thousand people.

To be honest, it's not that they don't want to trust the Jiangzhou government office, but the reality is too cruel.

A similar tragedy happened a year ago, and now a year has passed, and there is still one! It's even worse than before.

Do you dare to believe it?

Do you dare to entrust your life and property to such a government office?

The shill in the crowd is performing hard, but still can't calm the worries of others.

Seeing this, Wang Hao felt that there was no way, so he just ignored it.

Anyway, it can't be cut on me, why should I care about you?

There is an old saying in the Central Plains, called "If it doesn't concern me, just ignore it. "

The real meaning here is just like this.

Just after Di Renjie and Song Zhen arranged the government guards and new organization members in place.

Unexpectedly, the thieves were silent? Not taking action?

This scene made the people of Jiangzhou, who had been nervous for many days, feel relieved.

Di Renjie frowned.

"This is not normal! Could it be that there is an insider who leaked the information?"

Song Zhen laughed: "What insider? Didn't you see that Wang Hao, he was still openly promoting it? He was afraid that others would not know about his great achievements. "

From the perspective of the officialdom, Wang Hao did nothing wrong.

However, from the perspective of the investigators, this guy is simply a bad teammate!

Who would make their secret actions public?

If you want to pretend, can you wait until the matter is done before pretending?

Now that the thief has not appeared.

There is no clue to find the other party's hiding place.

Di Renjie and Song Zhen had no choice but to stay put and wait.

From the previous phenomenon, it can be guessed that the thief must be anxious, so he handled 80 cases in one day.

It is absolutely impossible to give up easily, they must come out of the cave to harm people again.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a whole seven stars, there is still no harvest.

The group of people in red seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth and never appeared again.

Even Di Renjie lost confidence: "Could it be? They have accumulated enough?"

Song Zhen pondered and said, "It shouldn't be, I guess they are waiting. Let's see. ”


Three days later!

In the government office of Jiangzhou, a clerk ran over in a hurry, panting and saying, "The governor is here."

Wang Hao looked unhappy: "Am I not here? What is coming?"

"No, it's the group of people in red, they appeared again."

Di Renjie and Song Zhen raised their heads at the same time. Seeing this, Wang Hao wanted to show off in front of the leader, so he asked pretentiously.

"Tell me quickly, where are they now?"

"In Wenxi County, several cases happened at the same time."

What? They are not in Zhengping County, but Wenxi County instead?

That's bad!

Song Zhen stood up immediately and was about to leave when Di Renjie grabbed his sleeve.

"Shouzheng, don't worry, what if the other party is making a feint to the east and attacking in the west? "

Song Zhen paused. Oh, right, what if it was just a false signal to attract most of the troops of Jiangzhou government to leave Zhengping County?

Unexpectedly, Wang Hao waved his hand and said righteously.

"Don't worry, you two. I'm here in Zhengping County! It's absolutely impossible for the thieves to do whatever they want."

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites doesn't believe in my ability?"

"No, I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Song Zhen was amused by his words. He pulled Di Renjie and ran out.

"Shouzheng, do you really want to leave here? What if..."

"If we don't leave, how can those venomous snakes dare to come out of the cave?"

Di Renjie's eyes lit up: "What do you mean?"

"Hush. It's good for you and me to know. "

So, Di Renjie and Song Zhen rode away from Zhengping County openly, with three hundred fully armed soldiers behind them.


Wang Hao sat in the hall of the government office, looking a little bored.

What can I do when I am bored? There is no other way, so I have to taste tea.

He took a sip and exclaimed: "It is worthy of being invented by the Minister of Taichang Temple. It is indeed several times more delicious than boiled tea."

After a while, he felt a little swollen in his lower abdomen.

So he went to the toilet behind the government office alone.

"Shhhhhh——" He spread his legs and whistled leisurely.

The next second, a black sack was covered on his head!

"Who are you? How dare you attack this governor?"

Wang HaoAfter an unknown amount of time, he was taken to a courtyard.

"Are you here? Then take off your dandy clothes and lie on the bed."

"?" Wang Hao's heart was in his throat, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Wait, where is this? Who are you? Why do you want me to lie down?"

"Oh, what a joke. Why do you want me to lie down? Look at the hair on your legs. If you don't shave it clean, I'm afraid it will pollute the eyes of the sect master!"

Wang Hao burst into tears and screamed, "No!"

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to his plea for mercy.


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