A tall and strong "woman" in red came out of the wooden house. When "she" passed by, she saw a little chicken and kicked it casually.

"Chiji jiji--"

The little yellow chicken flapped its wings and screamed to the side, with two dark eyes staring at that side.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" Wang Hao was frightened when he saw the blade in the other party's hand.

He tried his best to get rid of the restraints, but was locked tightly by two strong men.

One of the strong men was named Zhang San, and his surname was Zhang. Because he was the third child in the family, he was called like this.

He looked more nervous than Wang Hao, and his face was a little pale.

"Are you okay?" His companion opposite asked with concern.

Zhang San shook his head: "This is the first time I have participated in such a thing... I can't help but feel a little nervous..."

"It's okay, I'll get used to it in the future."

Zhang San's sweat dripped from the corners to Wang Hao's forehead.

Wang Hao kept struggling, so a few strong men came to stabilize his emotions.

The man in red had a woman's makeup on his face, but he spoke in a deep, rich, and magnetic voice.

"Take off his dandy clothes."

A sturdy man showed no mercy and tore off Wang Hao's dandy clothes.

The man in red looked down and frowned slightly.

"Small, um, quite delicate."

Wang Hao was full of sturdy clothes, and he twisted his waist desperately.

"I am the governor of a state, you can't do this to me!"

"Hehe, anyone we Wugenmen like will not be spared, even if it is the emperor."

"Aren't you afraid of being implicated?"

"Don't scare me, isn't it just to make a governor a temple servant? It won't destroy all nine clans."

The man in red didn't speak the whole time. He held the butcher knife and gestured left and right, as if looking for the best position. The one who answered Wang Hao was the sturdy man who tied him up next to him.

Wang Hao felt a chill in his crotch. He cried and begged for mercy, "I won't investigate the case anymore! Can you let me go?"


"I have money, I can give you money."

"No need."

"I can give you the key to the Shaofujian! There are a lot of Tongbao in it, you can take whatever you want!"

"..." The red-clothed man raised his hand in the air and paused. He hesitated.

The Shaofujian was only in charge of the skills of all kinds of craftsmen. The Tang Dynasty followed the Sui system.

The "Minting Jian" was set up to manage the minting of coins, but the Minting Jian was a subordinate institution of the Shaofu.

It was not until the first year of the Tang Chuigong (685) that it was changed to the Smelting Fang Office, and then the Qianjian was newly established after the Kaiyuan period.

In short, the functions of the Shaofujian included minting coins.

Jiangzhou was a famous coin-casting place in the Tang Dynasty. The "New Book of Tang·Food and Goods" records: "There are ninety-nine furnaces in the world, and thirty in Jiangzhou."

There were ninety-nine furnaces for coin-casting in the Tang Dynasty, and Jiangzhou alone accounted for thirty of them. Yangzhou, Xuanzhou, Ezhou, and Weizhou each had ten furnaces; Yizhou, Dengzhou, and Chenzhou each had five furnaces...

Wang Hao was overjoyed when he saw the expression of the man in red. It seemed that this condition touched the other party.

Is there anyone in the world who doesn't love money?

Just when his heart was finally put down, he didn't expect that the man in red would not play by the rules!

The man in red raised his butcher knife and cut it in two with one knife.

"Ah——" Wang Hao made a cruel cry.

The little yellow chicken watching next to him was startled, and it lost its balance and fell to the ground.


The man in red frowned and looked at him, and said in a deep voice: "Not clean enough, give it another knife!"

"What?" Wang Hao's pupils shrank.


On the other side, after leaving the city, Di Renjie quietly changed into civilian clothes and returned to the city, while Song Zhen continued to Wenxi County.

He hurried back to the Jiangzhou government office.

"Why is Governor Wang missing?"

"I don't know, he seemed to have gone to the toilet just now." A clerk replied lazily.

"Which toilet did you go to? Take me to see."

The clerk was unmoved, he turned his head: "Look, it's behind the arched wall of that courtyard."

Di Renjie hurried to the backyard, only to see complicated footprints on the ground.

"It seems that there was a dispute here."

He kicked open the toilet, only to see that there was no one inside.

"How long has Governor Wang been gone?"

"Not sure, maybe a quarter of an hour?"

Di Renjie frowned: "He's been gone for a quarter of an hour, didn't you go looking for him?"

"Governor Wang usually takes more than an hour to relieve himself."

"?" Paid shit, right?

Di Renjie returned to the backyard and carefully observed the traces on the ground.

Finally, he found the track of the carriage behind the wall.

He asked the clerk for a horse and followed the traces to a courtyard in the east of the city.

Just after enteringAs soon as he opened the door, he heard a terrible scream.

Di Renjie subconsciously stopped, as if he had heard this voice before.

A dozen men in red came out of the house, staring at Di Renjie with a fierce look.

He tightened the Kanglong mace in his hand, looking a little nervous.

This time, he was alone, and Shouzheng was not by his side.

Without Song Zhen's protection, could he beat this group of evil bandits?

"Oh, there is a pure yang body that comes to the door by itself."

Behind the man in red, another man in red with obviously more gorgeous clothes walked out.

"Catch him! The master will definitely like it."

The thirty clerks brought by Di Renjie rushed up and fought with the man in red.

A clerk swung a knife and slashed at the man in red.

The man in red raised his red umbrella slowly and blocked the knife with the umbrella cover.

Then he closed the umbrella and stabbed the clerk's chest. The hard leather armor could not stop the opponent's attack at all, and a blood flower bloomed in the air.

Di Renjie was watching from behind. He did not expect that the red umbrella had such a strong attack power.

How to break a weapon that can defend and attack?

At this time, a man in red suddenly rushed to Di Renjie's side, raised his umbrella and was about to attack.

Fortunately, Di Renjie noticed the abnormality in time, and he raised the Kanglong mace to block the attack.

However, the huge force of the man in red still pushed him back a few steps.

The man in red looked at the red umbrella in surprise and found that the upper part of the umbrella ribs had been hammered and bent, creating an arc.

"Is this a heavy weapon, a short blunt weapon, a mace?"

Di Renjie was horrified. What happened? The man in red looked plain and even soft, why was he so powerful?

He had only experienced this level of power in Tian Qi.

Could it be that after severing the Yin and Yang, one can really cultivate peerless martial arts?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure it out. How could a man cultivate such amazing power after losing the root of troubles? What was the principle?

Without giving Di Renjie time to hesitate, the man in red attacked again.

Seeing this, Di Renjie quickly dodged first and didn't fight him head-on.

He was thinking about countermeasures. The opponent's weapon was extremely powerful and it was difficult to fight with brute force.

Then, Di Renjie accidentally glanced at the Kanglong mace in his hand.

He remembered a move that Song Zhen had taught him.


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