Song Zhen cleverly misinterpreted the minority ethnic group's honorific "Tian Khan" for Li Shimin as a title.

From Li Zhi's series of actions, it can be seen that he really wanted to surpass the late emperor.

He first asked Song Zhen to compose a song for Li Shimin, and then asked Song Zhen to compose a song for himself.

He even said it bluntly in the hall.

"Jiuzhou Tong" is far better than "Fu Guang."

Isn't this Li Zhi's competitive heart?

So, Song Zhen simply followed his lead and proposed the honorific title of "Tianhuang Dadi".

"Song Zhen, what did you call me just now?"

"Tianhuang Dadi!"

Li Zhi's facial muscles twitched, and it can be seen that he was suppressing his emotions.

He waved his hand and asked the eunuchs and Qianniuwei to leave.

In the entire Dayi Hall, only Song Zhen was left, and he and Empress Wu were there.

Li Zhi slowly walked down from the desk and stared into Song Zhen's eyes.

Song Zhen was not afraid, but looked at him calmly.

The monarch and his minister looked at each other, and Li Zhi suddenly smiled.

"Good, very good!" He patted Song Zhen's shoulder heavily, "You kid, always bring me surprises."

It can be seen that he was very happy with the title of Emperor Tianhuang.

"In this case, I will follow the example of Tian Khan and come to pay homage to all nations."

So, the homage ceremony was postponed to three months later.

Li Zhi arranged for the Grand Herald to write a letter, inviting the monarchs of the vassal states to arrive in Luoyang, the eastern capital, in three months.

Song Zhen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was really a little scared just now.

He was worried that Li Zhi would not be able to keep his mind and let himself be governed by officials.

Wu Meiniang secretly winked at him, and Song Zhen immediately understood.

He only needed to propose the concept of the title. As for "Queen of Heaven", Song Zhen couldn't speak up, and it was not his turn to speak up, so he could only rely on Wu Meiniang's own ability.

Since Wu Meiniang agreed, she naturally had her own methods.


A week later, Wu Meiniang came to Baixi Hall and found Song Zhen.

"Is it done?"

Wu Meiniang nodded with a smile and whispered "thank you".

"It is my honor to share the worries of Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

Wu Meiniang covered her mouth and laughed softly, shaking her body and dizzying Song Zhen.

"You, your little mouth is like honey."

After laughing, her expression immediately returned to normal.

"Shouzheng, what do you need me to do for you?"

The implication is, what kind of official do you want to be?

Song Zhen smiled and shook his head: "Queen Mother, I am now one of the Nine Ministers, the highest position among all the ministers, and there is no more room for promotion. In fact, I don't need it."

Wu Meiniang was stunned, it seemed to be this.

No, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites is just an idle position, and actually does not hold much power. You obviously have a brighter future.

Moreover, she wanted Song Zhen to stand higher, so that she would have more bargaining chips to stabilize the harem.

Song Zhen bowed and said, "I can recommend someone to the Queen Mother."


"My close friend, Di Renjie. This man is sincere and sincere. He is shrewd and considers the importance of things. He has the qualities of a famous minister."

Wu Meiniang raised her eyebrows: "Really?" She began to be curious about Di Renjie, wondering if he was really as amazing as Song Zhen said.

Moreover, Song Zhen had just been promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Rites not long ago. It is generally impossible for him to be transferred horizontally in the short term. It will take at least three or four years, and he must make some achievements.

Then, Wu Zetian must find another person to support.

Since Song Zhen has become her confidant now, Di Renjie, who he recommended, is also OK.

"What is Di Renjie's current official position?"

"Fifth-rank Imperial Censor, Sixth-rank Dali Temple Secretary."

Fifth-rank? It's still a bit low, Wu Meiniang thought to herself.

Her eyebrows suddenly relaxed, and she knew what to do.


Xue Zhengqing had just returned to Luoyang when Wu Meiniang summoned him into the palace alone.

Old Xue was still wondering why it was not the saint who summoned him, but the queen?

"Xue Siqing."

"Your Highness, I greet the queen."

"I want to ask you about someone."

"Your Highness, please speak."

"Di Renjie."

Xue Zhengqing was shocked. Why did the queen suddenly mention my elder brother?

He had not had much contact with Wu Meiniang at present, and he didn't know what kind of person she was.

He was worried that Wu Meiniang wanted to attack Di Renjie, so he did his best to praise Di Renjie.

Hearing Di Renjie's boss's praise, Wu Meiniang was stunned.

It seemed that this person really had some skills, wasn't it just right?

In fact, in her heart, she didn't need her confidant to be capable, she just needed him to be loyal enough, that was enough.

Of course, it would be even better if one could be like Song Zhen, who was favored by the saint and had outstanding abilities.

So, she smiled and said:I plan to promote Di Renjie. "

Wu Meiniang stopped pretending and spoke frankly. She believed Xue Zhengqing was a smart man.

Xue Zhengqing looked as steady as an old dog, but he was overjoyed in his heart.

Well, even Her Majesty the Queen thinks so highly of my elder brother. Isn't this a good thing?

The higher the official position of my elder brother, the more life-saving talismans he has.

Thinking of this, Xue Zhengqing bowed and said, "Your Majesty the Queen, I have the same idea. We should not let the pearl be covered in dust."

Wu Meiniang narrowed her eyes: "What are you going to do?"

"I plan to recommend Di Renjie as the Shaoqing of the Dali Temple."

"Okay, I will cooperate with you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen." ”

The Dali Temple has two Shaoqings, who are from the fourth rank and above, and their actual power is almost the same as that of the fourth rank.

Among the nine temples and five prisons, Shaoqings and Shaojians are from the fourth rank.

Of course, except for the position of Shaoqing of Taichang, the status of Taichang Temple has always been superior to that of the nine temples and five prisons.

So, it is conceivable how much Li Zhi values ​​Song Zhen.

Di Renjie had just returned to Luoyang and went to court as usual the next day.

He saw Song Zhen waiting for him at the gate of Zhenguan Hall early.

"Shouzheng, so early."

"Huaiying, you are not late either." Song Zhen smiled, "Let's go in together?"

Di Renjie waved his hand: "You and I have different official positions, so it is not appropriate to go together. ”

He was afraid that people would gossip about him, which would be bad for Song Zhen.

Song Zhen knew what he was thinking, smiled lightly, and did not force it.

After the door of Zhenguan Hall was opened, Duke of Ying Li Ji, Duke of Xing Su Dingfang and other dukes entered first, and then it was the turn of the three dukes and nine ministers.

The three dukes refer to the prime minister, the general, and the imperial censor.

After Li Ji and his party entered, Lu Chengqing and others entered the hall after the signal from Huang Sijian.

Next, it was the turn of Song Zhen and the nine ministers including Xue Zhengqing to enter together.

Then came the ministers of various departments The secretary and the ministers of each department.

Then came the junior officials and junior supervisors of the nine temples and five supervisors.


This was the first time that Song Zhen participated in the court as the Minister of the Ministry of Rites. Before, he was only appointed and had not officially taken office.

After taking office, this guy immediately took a vacation.

He looked young and handsome, standing among them, which seemed a bit abrupt.

Li Zhi saluted the dukes one by one, and then sat down.

Song Zhen found that he was the first person to lead the nine ministers team, and he suddenly felt a little shy.

"Minister of the Ministry of Rites, it's time to go in."

"Okay. "

Song Zhen had just been observing the walking posture of the dukes, so he strode forward with a dragon-like and tiger-like gait.

This action made the nine ministers behind him a little confused.

Hey, hey, hey, you are not a duke, don't walk so arrogantly.

Xue Zhengqing lowered his head and pretended not to know this guy.

When Li Zhi saw the posture of Song Zhen entering the door, he was also slightly stunned.

Good guy, you kid, you are really young and energetic.

Fortunately, Li Zhi is not the kind of person who cares about things, otherwise, cough cough.

Song Zhen sat down in the first seat in the third row on the left, and sitting next to him was the Minister of Guanglu Temple.

"Old Han, are you nervous? "

Due to this period, Song Zhen's Taichang Temple and Guanglu Temple have been cooperating, one is in charge of the tomb temple group worship, rituals and music, and the other is in charge of sacrifices, court meetings, and banquets.

The two had in-depth exchanges when preparing for the new "Taichang Temple".

Han Zishi replied embarrassedly: "Taichang Temple Minister, I am not nervous. "

Song Zhen glanced at him. You call this not nervous? Are you kidding me about the Tang Dynasty? I see your legs are shaking.

Originally, when Changsun Wuji was in office, most of the ministers and junior ministers of the nine temples and five prisons were his people.

Since Changsun Wuji retired, Li Zhi openly carried out a major change of blood.

The fact that Song Zhen could become the Minister of Taichang Temple at the age of 24 or 25 shows Li Zhi's determination.

The saint wanted to make the court his one-man show.

At this time, the imperial power was more concentrated than before and reached its peak. Who dared to disobey Li Zhi's title?

Although most civil officials felt that it was unreasonable to let such a young boy be the Minister of Taichang Temple , but who dares to object?

Do you dare to object?

The old party has already set in the west, and now is a new dawn.

Han Zishi is also a newly promoted Guanglu Temple Minister. His psychological quality is not as strong as Song Zhen, commonly known as, face.

Today's court meeting, the main content of the meeting is two things.

The first thing is the report of Xue Zhengqing on the case in Jiangzhou.

When he finished reporting the case, the entire Zhenguan Hall was deserted.

Because the things done by the Wugenmen and Huanxifo two Jianghu sects are really...

A bit shocking.

It was also the first time that Li Zhi learned that there were actually Jianghu sects in the folk?

"My dear family, about JianghuSect, what do you think? "

Xue Zhengqing intended to promote Di Renjie, and he blinked at him frantically.

The simple Di Renjie didn't understand.

Old Xue was speechless. You kid, you are really ignorant. You don't cherish such a good opportunity to show your face in front of the saint?

Song Zhen stood up, and everyone looked at him, including Li Zhi who was sitting on the high platform.

Everyone thought he had some brilliant ideas, but he just walked to Di Renjie's ear silently, whispered something, and then returned to his seat.


Di Renjie blushed when Song Zhen reminded him so blatantly.

Just when he was about to stand up, Zhongshu Ling Xu Jingzong took the lead.

"Your Majesty, I think that for the civilian forces, a conciliatory policy should be adopted to recruit them. "

Song Zhen laughed when he heard this. You are a bit whimsical, aren't you?

Do you know why the Jianghu sects were born?

It would be great if they could be recruited so easily.

Not every Liangshan has a Song Jiang!

Xu Jingzong was talking loudly in the front row, and the more he talked, the more outrageous he became. He even wanted to assign official positions to the Jianghu sects.

Song Zhen stood up and refuted his statement: "Zhongshu Ling, this is inappropriate, isn't it?"

Xu Jingzong frowned: "What's wrong with it?"

"Think about it, the Jianghu sects are not regulated and do evil in the local area. The court not only does not punish them, but rewards them. What kind of example will it set for the people?"

"Doesn't this just reflect the court's extrajudicial mercy and your majesty's generosity and kindness?"

"Hahaha." Song Zhen laughed, "Mercy? What about the people who were harmed by them? What should they do? ”

“It is said that the law is tolerant. Han Feizi said: ‘Those who follow private principles are in chaos, while those who follow the law are in order.’ ”

“Seeking roundness outside the rules will not lead to roundness; seeking balance outside the law will not lead to balance. If a country does not have the rule of law, can the world still be peaceful?”

“Your Majesty arranged for Duke Zhao to compile the Tang Law Commentary, aiming to improve the rule of law, so that the people of the Tang Dynasty have laws to follow, act in accordance with the law, and follow the law, which will benefit future generations.”

“You are so good, you want to destroy the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, what is your intention?”

“You! "Xu Jingzong really wanted to vomit blood. You good boy, I just said a few extra words. Do you have to put such a big hat on me?

Xue Zhengqing and Di Renjie were stunned.

Good guy, this is the first time I found that Song Zhen is so talented?

The idiom "the law is not merciful" he just said comes from "Zhang Juzheng", which people of this era have never heard of.

There is also the sentence "Seeking roundness outside the rules, there is no roundness; seeking balance outside the law, there is no balance. ", is from the Song Dynasty Song Qi's work "Song Jingwen Notes".

Song Zhen said that they were all surnamed Song, a family, so it was not a matter of stealing.

Li Zhi nodded silently, mainly agreeing with Song Zhen's words "the merits will last for thousands of years".

Xu Jingzong was so angry that he sat down.

The Imperial Censor Li Shuang sighed in his heart that this young man had the style of the old man in the past, and it would be a pity if he didn't come to the Imperial Censorate.

Before Song Zhen sat down, he winked at Di Renjie.

Di Renjie understood, and then he stood up and bowed.

"Your Majesty, I think that the Jianghu sects should be severely punished."

Li Zhi frowned and asked, "You are..."

Xue Zhengqing quickly stood up and introduced, "Your Majesty, he is the Dali Temple Secretary, Di Renjie. "

So that's it, he is Di Renjie?

Li Zhi didn't have a deep impression of him. The two previous official titles were given casually and soon forgotten.

After he gave the Kanglong mace as a reward, he soon forgot it.

A saint is busy with all kinds of affairs. He has to face nearly a hundred civil and military officials every morning. It is difficult to know everyone.

This time, Li Zhi carefully looked at Di Renjie and saw that he was dignified, handsome, and upright, and nodded secretly.

You may not believe it, but without good looks, you can't get promoted in the Tang Dynasty.

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty liked to judge people by their appearance.

Hong Mai's collection of essays in the Song Dynasty, "Rong Zhai Man Bi", wrote: "Tang Quan has four methods of selecting people: one is body, which means a magnificent body; the second is speech, which means correct speech; the third is calligraphy, which means beautiful regular script; the fourth is judgment, which means good literary and logical skills. ”

In short, in the Tang Dynasty, when selecting talents, the examiner first looked at whether you were handsome and pretty, then looked at your character, then looked at your calligraphy, and finally looked at whether you were biased towards the arts or sciences.

However, if you are particularly handsome, such as Song Zhen, the last three points can be ignored.

Although Di Renjie was not as burly and masculine as Song Zhen, he had a unique temperament when he was young and very attractive.

Di Renjie was silent for a moment, and he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it is recorded in the "Historical Records" that Han Feizi said: Confucian scholars use literature to disrupt the law, and knights use force to violate the law."

What does this sentence mean?

In short, it means that literatiThey always use literary tricks, use history to satirize the present, and use public opinion to disrupt social harmony, while knights will directly violate laws with violence.

These two types of people are hidden dangers in society and should not be employed, let alone used at the same time.

Han Feizi believes that the reason why these people can cause harm to society is not because of themselves, but because of the indulgence of the monarch, bending the law to show favor, and promoting unhealthy trends.

"If it is not rectified, it will be prevented before it happens. As the Minister of the Ministry of Rites said, this will shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty and run counter to the original intention of your majesty to revise the "Yonghui Law Commentary". "

Finally, Di Renjie brought Song Zhen along and mentioned it casually.


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