After careful consideration, Li Zhi nodded and agreed with the rectification measures proposed by Di Renjie.

First, Di Renjie believed that the Jianghu sect could be regarded as a non-governmental organization, but the state had its own rules. Since it was an organization, it must obey the management of the court.

Therefore, he suggested that every Jianghu sect should register its information with the local government office. If it was not registered, it would be regarded as an illegal organization, and the court had the power and obligation to send troops to attack it.

Song Zhen added that every registered Jianghu organization could pay a certain membership fee every year. If it did not pay the annual membership fee when it expired, its legal attributes would be deprived.

Lu Chengqing was stunned after hearing this. Good guy, this can also be taxed?

He glanced at Song Zhen in the back row and thought to himself, you are so smart, why don’t you take the position of the Minister of Finance?

Di Renjie continued: "Second, the court must restrict the behavior of Jianghu organizations."

Jianghu sects can move freely under the conditions permitted by law, including farming, business and other behaviors.

Song Zhen stood up again and suggested that they could be given certain tax benefits appropriately.

Lu Chengqing, the Minister of the Central Secretariat who was also the Minister of Duzhi (Ministry of Revenue), said that he did not understand why they should be given tax benefits.

Even Li Zhi did not understand.

Song Zhen just mentioned it slightly: "Your Majesty, I think that the enthusiasm of the people to carry firewood for heating should not be suppressed."

Li Zhi understood now. It turned out that Song Zhen meant to cultivate emerging forces to compete with the old aristocratic forces?

As we all know, the aristocracy now controls the intellectual property rights and a large amount of land in the world.

If another force rises, will it have an impact on the old aristocracy?

However, this will create a new problem in the future, that is, how to control the emerging forces for a long time? And keep the two forces in a balance at all times, and do not let the emerging forces grow into another tiger.

After Li Zhi had an idea, he planned to have a good talk with Song Zhen after the court was dismissed.

Then, Di Renjie made the third suggestion.

"Officials of the imperial court shall not collude with members of the underworld organizations. If found, they shall be severely punished."

Li Zhi nodded. It seemed that the "Yonghui Law" would add new regulations. He handed this matter to Di Renjie.

From law enforcers to legislators, this is a historic breakthrough.

Since the issue of underworld sects involved in the Wugenmen case in Jiangzhou has been discussed, the morning court entered the second topic of discussion.

Li Zhi looked around and said lightly: "I plan to send troops to attack Japan. Who is in favor and who is against it?"

As soon as these words came out, the civil and military officials below were like a flock of frightened birds, talking about it.

Except for Li Ji, Su Dingfang and other military generals, many ministers did not expect why His Majesty suddenly made this decision.

They also knew that the Tianke Khan Buddha head case was related to Japan.

But it was not necessary to send troops to attack.

Song Zhen closed his eyes to rest. This kind of military and national affairs was not something he could comment on, so he might as well shut up.

Seeing that no one was talking, Xu Jingzong immediately jumped out to dissuade him.

"Your Majesty, you must not do that. Now that our Tang Dynasty has just ended its war with the Western Turks in the north, and is fighting fiercely with Goguryeo and Baekje in the northeast, it is not a wise choice to send troops to Japan again."

Xu Jingzong's followers stood up one after another: "I second the motion."

Li Zhi was silent for a while, and slowly said: "Do you mean that the Buddha head case is over?"

Xu Jingzong heard the saint's anger, and he quickly explained: "Your Majesty, that's not what I meant."

"I think we can get justice from other aspects."

Lu Chengqing said sarcastically: "Excuse me, Yanzu (Xu Jingzong's name), how can we get it back?"

"You can ask them for compensation, it's definitely not over."

Lu Chengqing hehe Yi Xiao: "But, the time of this case is very sensitive, and the impact is very bad. How much compensation should be asked to calm your majesty's anger?"

"I suggest that Japan compensate our Tang Dynasty with ten thousand taels of gold."

Song Zhen opened his eyes, and he mocked unceremoniously: "Zhongshu Ling, are you a little naive? Tens of millions of strings of money, can they afford it?"

"Every once in a while, they arrange for envoys to come to the Tang Dynasty to beg, under the pretext of learning advanced culture. Do you think they can come up with this money?"

"Are they willing to come up with this money? In the end, don't they just find a few white ducks to take the blame and beg for forgiveness from the Tang Dynasty?"

In the court, some ministers agreed with Song Zhen's words.

Every time Japan sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, as a great country, showed the demeanor of a great country. Not only did they entertain them with good food and accommodation, but they usually returned gifts several times their tribute.value.

To put it nicely, it is called tribute by vassal states, and to put it bluntly, it is begging.

Seeing that no one spoke, Song Zhen stood up and bowed, "Your Majesty, I suggest sending troops! Don't forget the lessons of Goguryeo and Baekje. Be careful that Japan will become another ungrateful wolf."

Indeed, thinking back to the past, Goguryeo was also a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, and what was the result? They rebelled as soon as they said they would.

The military generals immediately looked up to Song Zhen, this boy, I really like him.

Although, the words of sending troops, proposed by a Taichang Temple Minister, are really inappropriate.

However, now only Song Zhen dares to say it in the entire court.

Di Renjie immediately stood up and bowed, "Your Majesty, I second the motion."

Lu Chengqing glanced at the others slightly, he hesitated for a while, and after careful consideration, he also stood up to second the motion.

Although the Fanyang Lu family has withdrawn from the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan, the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan do not think so. They still regard the Fanyang Lu family as a family.

Therefore, officials from the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan in the court followed suit and expressed their support for the resolution of Lu Zhongshu Ling.

Xue Zhengqing and Yan Liben, the two old foxes, did not join in the excitement. They sat there quietly, motionless.

Yan Liben knew that His Majesty would not suddenly propose this decision.

In addition, the collective silence of the military generals meant that this matter would definitely not be that simple.

It is very likely that His Majesty had already communicated with the military generals.

So this time it was not brought up for discussion, but informed.

In other words, no matter what he did, it was actually futile and could not change anything.

Xu Jingzong actually knew it, but he had to do it.

His so-called opposition was not real opposition, but he wanted the saint to see his performance.

So he just mentioned three sentences casually and stopped talking.

But he never expected that Song Zhen would step on his shoulder and become famous?

Xu Jingzong had already blacklisted Song Zhen in his heart, and he wanted to find an opportunity to get rid of this guy.

However, he was still a little afraid of Song Zhen, after all, he had just killed his colleague Li Yifu not long ago.

Standing by the river often, how can you not get your shoes wet? Is Xu Jingzong's butt clean?

Of course, Xu Jingzong didn't believe that Song Zhen's butt was not stained with shit.


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