Ouyang Yu paused and continued, "There is a sentence in the Yin Fu Jing that says this."

"Fools regard heaven and earth as the holy, I regard time and things as the holy; people regard fools as the holy, I regard not fools as the holy; people regard strangeness as the holy, I regard not strangeness as the holy. Therefore, it is said: sinking into water and entering fire, it is self-destruction."

"The key lies in the latter sentence, sinking into water and entering fire, it is self-destruction!"

Di Renjie was stunned. Sinking into water and entering fire, isn't this the murderer's method of committing the crime?

Could it be that this is a revenge killing? Intended to vent, referring to Niu Ma's family, self-destruction?

It seems a bit appropriate, but at present, there is not enough evidence to show that this is a revenge killing?

Because the person involved, Niu Ma, and his wife have not been found yet, it is impossible to understand the story behind it.

So Di Renjie asked Ouyang Yu to ask the villagers where they were going and where they are now.

He stayed at the scene, looking for the missing item in the five elements, gold!

"Official, are you asking about Niu Ma? He has not been seen since three days ago."

At this time, the peasant woman next to the man said, "How can it be only three days? I sit at the village gate and chat every day, and I haven't seen him for five days."

"You are wrong. It is clear that he did not appear for seven days."

The villagers gave different accounts, and it was unknown which was true or false, so Ouyang Yu asked where Niu Ma usually sold fruits.

"Outside the city gate."

"Which city gate?"

"It seems to be near Dingding Gate."

The site of Tang Luoyang City mainly consists of five parts: Guocheng, Gongcheng, Ziweicheng (Imperial City), Dongcheng, and Hanjia Cangcheng.

Generally speaking, ordinary civilians are not allowed to enter the main city of Luoyang, and can only move around in Guocheng outside the city.

And Guocheng has 8 city gates.

There is no gate on the west wall, and three gates on the south wall, from west to east, Houzai Gate, Dingding Gate, and Changxia Gate.

There are three gates on the east wall, from south to north, namely Yongtong Gate, Jianchun Gate, and Shangdong Gate.

There are two gates on the north wall, namely Anxi Gate on the east and Hui'an Gate on the west.

The three gates on the south wall and Jianchun Gate on the east wall are all one gate with three passages.

Yihe Village is near the Longmen Grottoes, which are in the southwest suburbs of Luoyang City.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Niu Ma to sell fruits near Dingding Gate on the south wall.

Ouyang Yu ordered the clerk to go to Dingding Gate and ask the Jinwu Guards guarding the gate to find out the situation.

On the other side, Di Renjie walked back and forth around the tile jar.

"Is there a possibility that the gold is in the tile jar?"

Because the water in the tile jar is relatively turbid, there are many impurities floating on it, so the bottom of the jar cannot be seen at a glance.

In order not to destroy the scene, he arranged for the clerk to find a wooden stick and stir it in the tile jar.

The clerk suppressed his nausea and looked around.

"Di Shaoqing, there is no foreign object at the bottom of the clay jar."

Di Renjie fell into deep thought. This was strange. If it was not in the clay jar, then where could it be?

"Could it be that the gold was hidden in the body?"

The body, it is very possible. Then I am afraid I will have to trouble Shouzheng to do an autopsy in person.

Lu Yang, this old man, rushed all the way and finally arrived at the crime scene, Yihe Village.

However, seeing a group of onlookers vomiting outside the door, he hesitated.

Bad things! Should I go and see it myself?

If I don't go, will the saint blame me?

However, investigating the case is the responsibility of the Dali Temple, and I am just a small Jingzhao Yin who manages the Luocheng government office.

The problem is that the murder happened in the area under my jurisdiction. If he doesn't go to the scene, will he be pointed at?

The Jingzhao Yin of the Imperial City is a very tricky official position and can be easily optimized.

Look at the former Song Jingzhao Yin, wasn't he promoted by the court and exiled to Tingzhou because of the Buddha head case?

Just when Lu Yang was hesitating, Di Renjie in the backyard noticed him at a glance.

"Lu Zhishi, no, Lu Jingzhao Yin, you are here too?"

Lu Yang laughed dryly and tiptoed over.

There was no way, he was caught on the spot, he had to go.

From the perspective of responsibility, the first to investigate the case should be Luocheng Prefecture. If it can't be investigated, the Dali Temple will be asked to assist in the investigation.

It's just that Di Renjie is more diligent, and he can't wait to run over to find out the truth of any murder case.

Moreover, according to the explanation of the person who reported to the official, the death of the deceased was extremely strange and the means were extremely cruel.

Di Renjie thought to himself that he liked this kind of case.

He had gone to Yongzhou to investigate the case, but he didn't have the chance to investigate the case, and he couldn't even see the body. Instead, he was able to redress the injustice.

Then in Jiangzhou, the simple reasoning process left him wanting more.

Now, he can finally show off his skills!

ThisThis murder case was the first case that Di Renjie took on after taking office as the Shaoqing of the Dali Temple. He must pay attention to it.

Ouyang Yu had the same idea.

"Lu Jingzhao Yin, look."

Lu Yang cursed in his heart, look at your head! I haven't eaten tonight yet!

Then, he turned his head reluctantly.

Oh my god, he almost fainted.

The body was white and yellow, with no blood on the body. The whole person was slightly swollen, and the boy's big white eyes were rolling as the clerk lifted it.

"This is..."

"It's cooked."

"(`Д´) " Lu Yang thought that he would go back to eat chicken later. Isn't this almost the same as cooked chicken?

He immediately lost his appetite and even felt nauseous.

In fact, the appearance of the body was not too disgusting, but after thinking of something, he couldn't help it.

Lu Yang couldn't figure out why a murder case suddenly happened when he just came to Luocheng?

Could it be that some hidden mechanism was triggered?

The more he thought about it, the more disgusted he became. He couldn't help but lean against the wall and retched.

When Di Renjie saw him like this, he was stunned. Good man, why is Lu Jingzhao Yin still so timid?

This shouldn't be the case. Logically speaking, Lu Jingzhao Yin had seen all kinds of corpses when he was the governor.

What about the Hu people's giants, the corpse of a woman who had just died and soaked in water, the rotten corpse of Zhao Mingfu in the well, etc., the psychological tolerance should have become extremely strong.

"It seems that I lack exercise." Di Renjie thought to himself.

Lu Yang wanted to ask what useful clues were found at the scene, the progress of the investigation, etc.

But he couldn't ask. When he opened his mouth and smelled the meat, he wanted to vomit!


Di Renjie hurried over, patted his shoulder, and comforted him: "Lu Jingzhao Yin, it's okay."

"You are a young man, of course it's okay."


Di Renjie had no choice but to have Lu Yang sent away. He looked like he couldn't help at the scene.

The most important thing to do now is to find Shouzheng first and ask him to help with the autopsy.


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