Song Zhen was at home, eating takeout from Pingkangfang with Cui Mengzhu. It was free, so they could eat as much as they wanted.

Compared to the big money he made for the Hedong Pei family, a little bit of wine and food was not worth mentioning.

Speaking of which, although Li Zhi did not adopt the preferential tax policy for the chamber of commerce proposed by Song Zhen.

However, Li Zhi still allowed him to establish the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce.

When Pei Yaojun heard about this, he quickly chose to join the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce.

To be honest, the Hedong Pei family is located in Wenxi County, Hedong, Shanxi, so it is also considered to be in Jin.

The Gongsun family realized it later, and they joined without saying a word, even though their ancestral home was not in Jin.

But it didn't matter, not for anything else, just because Song Zhen was the president.

Song Zhen spread the news that he would establish the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce.

Many big businessmen from Bingzhou came here to register their information at the Song family in Fenzhou.

Establishing a chamber of commerce was the first time in the Tang Dynasty that someone had done this, and many people found it very fresh.

They thought there would be some benefits to joining the association, so it would be a waste not to join.

More and more people joined, fortunately Song Zhen had foresight and had expected this.

So, he suddenly raised the threshold for joining.

Only those with a family property of more than 1,000 guan are eligible to join the Shanxi Merchants Association.

This threshold has invisibly blocked many merchants from joining, and at the same time, it has also increased the popularity of the Shanxi Merchants Association.

Many merchants are proud to join the Shanxi Merchants Association.

Those who can enter are all rich people!

If you don’t have enough money, you can’t even get in the door.

Even though the threshold for joining is so high, three hundred wealthy merchants were still accepted in just ten days.

This does not include Wu Meiniang’s Wu family of wealthy merchants.

Song Zhen had made three rules with Wu Meiniang, and he must ensure that he would not become a puppet of the Wu family.

Since Wu Meiniang is now weak and helpless, she has to obey Song Zhen.

However, it is hard to say what will happen next.

Other regions heard that Bingzhou had established a Shanxi Chamber of Commerce, and the rich people in various places also wanted to follow suit and set up Luozhou Chamber of Commerce, Huizhou Chamber of Commerce, Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce and so on.

However, all the applications were rejected.

Li Zhi's reason for rejection was that the Chamber of Commerce was still in trial operation and was not open to the public.

He wanted to observe whether this Chamber of Commerce was as good as Song Zhen said, and whether it would increase the tax revenue of the Tang Dynasty.

If not, he would not hesitate to ban it.

Cui Mengzhu was eating happily with chicken legs in both hands, and Song Zhen was looking at her with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Cui Mengzhu frowned slightly and pouted her little mouth, which was very cute.

"It's okay, you continue to eat."

"Humph!" The two were old married in their previous life. With the emotional foundation of the past, it was easier to get along in this life than in the previous life.

Cui Mengzhu doesn't need to be like a young girl who just fell in love and always maintain the so-called ladylike image.

She just needs to be herself, and she doesn't need to pretend.

"Dear, I'm very surprised. You eat so much every day, why don't you gain weight?"

Cui Mengzhu raised her head and grinned, "Really not gaining weight?"

"Ah? Isn't it the credit of my massage every night?"

"You want to die! You call that massage?"

"I'm very professional, you should have felt it."

"You don't need your expertise, thank you." Cui Mengzhu rolled her eyes at him unhappily and continued to gnaw on the chicken leg.

Song Zhen walked over and pinched her face that was applauding because of eating meat.

At this moment, Di Renjie came back, panting, "Shouzheng, I want to trouble you with something."

"Go ahead, Huaiying."

"Can you go to Luozhou government office and help examine the body?"

"Okay, let's go now." Song Zhen gave Cui Mengzhu a small kiss on the cheek and left without saying goodbye.

Cui Mengzhu stopped chewing the chicken leg, and she looked at the two people's backs in confusion.

Why do I feel weird?

"Where's my husband?"


It's the end of the evening, the sun is setting, and shyly covering half of her face.

Song Zhen and Di Renjie galloped and quickly came to Luozhou government office.

They saw the pale Lu Yang.

"Seventh uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Lu Yang forced an awkward but polite smile.

"Are you really okay?"

"Really okay."

Song Zhen took a lunch box from behind the horse, opened it, and handed it to Lu Yang.

"Seventh uncle, nephew-in-law thought that you haven't had dinner yet, so..."

"Chicken soup is here!"

When Lu Yang saw the steamed chicken in the lunch box, he immediately thought of the corpse!


Song Zhen was puzzled: "This, this, this dishEverything is ready, why don't you eat it?"

Lu Yang said with a listless look: "I dare not eat it."

"Seventh uncle, you like to joke, eat it while it's hot. I won't bother you, I'm leaving."

Lu Yang glanced at him fiercely, this kid is still full of bad water!

"You can't leave!"

Song Zhen turned around and said with a smile: "Seventh uncle, you don't think I poisoned the chicken soup, do you?"


"You really like to joke." Song Zhen took the lunch box and walked directly into the Luozhou government office and went to the underground charity cemetery.

Di Renjie hesitated for a moment, and he kindly advised: "Shouzheng, I think you should not take this chicken soup down to eat it?"

Song Zhen tilted his head in confusion and asked: "Why? Is the corpse disgusting?"

Di Renjie said embarrassedly: "A little bit."

"That's just right. "Song Zhen took a chicken leg out of the lunch box and started to chew it.

As a result, when he arrived at the underground cemetery and lifted the white cloth, he suddenly felt that the chicken leg in his hand was not fragrant.

You know what, after this person was steamed, he was no different from a cooked chicken.

Song Zhen finally understood why Lu Yang was so averse to chicken soup.

To be honest, it does look a bit like it.

Song Zhen took a big gulp of the chicken soup, then put the lunch box aside, washed his hands and wiped his mouth.

This corpse was the most fragrant corpse he had ever examined, without the rotten smell.

Song Zhen was fully armed, wearing gloves, a mask, and a white coat. You know what, it really looked like that.

"The deceased was steamed in a pot, right?"

"It was cooked, but not in a pot, but in a clay jar."

"Oh? "Song Zhen raised his eyebrows. He just habitually said pot, but there was no pot in the Tang Dynasty.

He touched the body gently with his hand and found it was a little soft and rotten. Then, he took out a knife and cut a small incision.

Judging from the maturity of the meat, it must have been steamed for six hours.

"Huaiying, the body is obvious. You don't need to examine it to know the method of committing the crime. You called me here. There must be other reasons, right?"

Di Renjie took a deep breath and said, "It's like this. The murderer's method of committing the crime was extremely cruel. At the scene, the two children were tied up with vines, and then placed in a clay jar, added water, and slowly steamed. "

Song Zhen's face sank. This method of committing the crime was indeed a bit inhuman.

However, he heard some clues from Di Renjie's words.

"The five elements at the scene lack gold? So, you just want me to do an autopsy to see if there is gold hidden in the body?"

Di Renjie nodded heavily.


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