"Lu Jingzhao Yin, it's time to go out. Another body was found near Yihe Village."

"?" Lu Yang's eyes widened.

What the hell is going on? Why are there so many murders as soon as he takes office?

Back then, nothing happened to Di Renjie and Song Zhen after they left Bingzhou.

But when he came to Luoyang, it was only half a month, and another one died?

He wondered if these two guys were destined to kill him?

"It's definitely not my problem! It's their problem!"

Lu Yang wanted to cry but had no tears. He just wanted to go back to Bingzhou now.

Damn, Luoyang is too far away.

As soon as Lu Yang arrived at the scene of the crime, Di Renjie and Ouyang Yu arrived right after him.

Lu Yang deliberately waited for them outside. He didn't dare to go in alone.

A hundred meters away from the crime scene, the clerks of the Luozhou government office surrounded it and prohibited the villagers from watching.

However, the villagers not far away still saw the general idea.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this time the death is more miserable than the two people from the Niu Ma family."


"I heard from Wei Sanlang that he fell straight from a high altitude."

"My mother, is she so scary?"

"Yes, but from a distance, the body looks like a ball."

"Was she thrown into a ball?"

"That's not the case. Maybe she was dead before she fell, who knows?"


Di Renjie and the other two pushed the crowd aside and approached to check the body.

The body was tied up with vines, his feet were twisted to the head, connected head and tail, and then his hands were twisted to the ankles and tied.

The overall look is really like a ball.

"What kind of murder method is this?"

The body this time was destroyed very disgustingly, half of the head was gone, and the facial features were bloody and fleshy. The mother couldn't recognize it.

This caused huge trouble to the investigation.

Ouyang Yu resisted the nausea and walked over to untie the vines that tied the body.

The body was lying flat on the ground in an irregular twist.

It was too late for Di Renjie to stop it. He remembered what Song Zhen said: "The body should remain the same as it was when it died."

But he thought about it and it seemed that he had not told Ouyang Yu about this precaution.

Di Renjie squatted down and carefully examined the body's death.

I saw that his right foot and right hand were burned into carbon, but strangely, the left hand and left foot were not like this.

But the left hand and left foot seemed to be frozen, and the skin surface was red and purple.

Then behind him, a horizontal knife was inserted, piercing through his chest.

"The bound vines represent wood, the burn on the right side of the body represents fire, the frozen left side of the body represents water, and the knife inserted in the body represents gold, so what about earth?"

Di Renjie subconsciously thought about the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and did find the corresponding attributes from the surface characteristics of the body.

He raised his head and carefully observed the terrain around the crime scene.

It cannot be said that there are mountains on all sides, but there is indeed a not-too-high mountain nearby, about thirty feet high.

Therefore, he deduced that the deceased was most likely pushed down from the top of the mountain.

Then he rolled all the way down and finally fell into the farmland near the bottom of the mountain.

Wei Chen was brought here by the clerk of Luozhou government office. His face was pale and his lips were trembling. It was obvious that he was very scared.

"Tell me how you found this body?"

Farmer Wei Chen was still in shock. He stammered: "That's it, it's me. I sat down to rest by the field. Suddenly, something fell from the sky and hit me behind me."

"Falling from the sky?"

"That's right!"

"Where did it fall at the beginning?"

Wei Chen pointed to a place: "It's here! Langguan, look, the mark of the fall is still there."

Di Renjie walked over and took a look. Judging from the depth of the mark, it should have fallen from a place of twenty feet.

Judging from the flatness of the marks around, it seems to be a vertical fall.

Twenty feet, that is, more than sixty meters high.

He looked up at the mountain peak. Obviously, the mountain peak is a gradual slope, which does not meet the conditions for a vertical fall.

At this time, Ouyang Yu beside him said: "There is a saying in the pre-Qin Mohist school, 'If there is no lifting from above, no pulling from below, and no snatching from the sides, then it will fall straight down.'"

To put it simply, when an object falls, if it is not lifted from above, not pulled from below, and not affected from the sides, then it will fall vertically.

Di Renjie was stunned. You also understand this?

Judging from the traces at the scene, it does meet the situation of a vertical fall.

So, if it did not roll down the mountain, where did it fall?

Judging from the traces on the wrists and ankles of the deceased, Di Renjie had a high probability that the deceased had struggled violently before his death, leading toThe vines left blood marks from friction in these two places.

He actually fell to death?

Isn't this too tragic?

I wonder how desperate the deceased was when he was in the air, his hands and feet were tied and he couldn't move?

Although his left hand and right hand, left foot and right foot were burned or frostbitten, they were not fatal injuries.

Judging from the degree of damage to the body, the deceased should be facing the ground.

Because he fell to the ground, his neck was broken and tilted irregularly to one side.

The head just happened to hit the stone on the ground, and the brain was directly broken.

Horrible, it was really terrible.

Di Renjie carefully examined half of the head and saw a piece of red and white stuff flowing inside, which was extremely disgusting.

"It seems that there is no mercury injected."

Mercury is a silvery-white liquid metal. Once it enters the body, it will leave more or less white spots.

However, Di Renjie did not find any metal substances inside the wounded.

Most of the head of the deceased was smashed and disappeared, leaving only the right eye intact.

Unlike Niu Ma Nv, he opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth slightly, showing an extremely terrified look.

Di Renjie saw some wet soil at the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly had an idea, put on gloves, and reached into his mouth to dig.

"So that's it, the soil is hidden in the body?"

There was soil in the mouth of the deceased.

Di Renjie touched the throat of the deceased and found it hard, as if there was a foreign object in it. He must have swallowed a lot of soil residue.

Now it's good, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five elements are gathered again.

Ouyang Yu asked cautiously: "Do you want to ask the Minister of Taichang Temple to examine the body?"

He has been in Dali Temple for half a month, and he has heard a little about Song Zhen's extremely professional autopsy techniques.

So, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

In order to identify the body, Di Renjie shouted to the crowd.

"Villagers, who are brave enough, please come and verify the identity of the deceased."

After this, many villagers retreated, they didn't dare.

After waiting for a long time, no one was willing to stand up and point out.

In the end, only a child came over, and this operation made many adult men feel ashamed.

If you are not afraid of children, what are you afraid of?


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