A child came over to take a look. Seeing the horrible death, he screamed and left without saying a word.

After waiting for a long time, a brave middle-aged villager finally came in to identify the body.

The moment he looked at the body, he immediately judged.

"This is Niu Mazi."

"Niu Ma? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, guess why he is called Niu Ma?"

Because Niu Ma's face was uneven and had many brown spots, and it looked like a pockmarked face from a distance.

"You mean, the deceased is Niu Ma?"

"Yes, I will never make a mistake."

The villager who came to identify was Niu Ma's neighbor.

"Half of his face was covered with pockmarks, so he was called Niu Mazi."

Di Renjie fell into deep thought again. Since Niu Mazi was dead and did not look like suicide, it was very likely murder.

"If Niu Ma is not the murderer, then can it be indirectly proved that he really didn't kill the person."

Ouyang Yu also agreed with this view.

First, the children died, and then the wife disappeared. She had been dependent on the children before she disappeared.

Their mother is also missing.

Di Renjie strictly followed the autopsy technique taught by Song Zhen and roughly guessed the cause of death.

So, for this case, Song Zhen would not be bothered to do the autopsy.

Di Renjie knew that Song Zhen was busy every day in preparation for the "New World Worship".

So he tried not to bother him as much as possible if he could not disturb his work.

On the way back, Ouyang Yu muttered to himself: "It's strange, why would the murderer choose to commit the crime again after fifteen days?"

Because the method of committing the crime was extremely cruel, they subconsciously thought that it was done by the same murderer.

Fifteen days...

Di Renjie recalled that the last time a body was found was on the day of Yiyou in the month of Jiyou in the year of Dingsi (September 10, 657).

And this time the crime was committed on the day of Gengzi in the month of Jiyou in the year of Dingsi (September 25, 657).

In his mind, he carefully recalled the details of these two days in the almanac.

Then he discovered an amazing fact.

That is, the five elements of Yiyou day are "well water".

The five elements of Gengzi day are "wall soil".

Moreover, when the boy and girl died last time, they were probably boiled to death using "well water".

This time, Niu Ma took soil residue in his mouth, which just corresponds to "wall soil"?

In addition to these two five elements, are there any others?

Of course, the almanac says that there are also gold and thin gold, covered with lamplight, pine and cypress wood, etc.

"In this case, can I use the five elements to infer the murderer's method of committing the crime in advance?"


After the carriage that Di Renjie and Ouyang Yu were riding in arrived at the Dali Temple, he couldn't wait to run back to the horse stalks, found a small black horse, and quickly ran to the Luozhou government office.

"Lu Jingzhao Yin, please give me a copy of the birth date of the three deceased."

In ancient times, people usually used birth date to record the date of birth.

The so-called birth date is to use the sixty-year cycle to record the year, month, day, and time of birth, so there are four pairs of heavenly stems and earthly branches, a total of eight characters.

However, many people don't know the time of birth, so the last two characters are either left blank or made up.

Maybe wealthy families will clearly record the time of birth, but ordinary families really don't have the conditions.

Lu Yang's face was still pale. He waved his hand and arranged for the clerk to hand the household registration form to Di Renjie.

In the Tang Dynasty, in order to ensure social stability and economic development, a strict village system was implemented, stipulating that everyone must live in the village where they live, pay taxes and serve in the military.

The Tang Dynasty divided household registration into two types: civilian and military.

Civilian refers to the household registration of ordinary residents, which is subdivided into three types: scholar, commoner and craftsman.

Military refers to the household registration of soldiers and generals.

The Tang Dynasty stipulated that all residents must register their household registration, and clerks would come to check from time to time.

When registering, you need to fill in information such as surname, date of birth, age, gender, family members, as well as housing, occupation, economic status, etc.

You can check at a glance whether your family has money.

The standard for taxation is formulated according to the economic situation of each household, generally targeting the poor.

The rich either do not have to pay taxes, such as those who join the army, or pay taxes based on the area of ​​land they hold.

In the Tang Dynasty, similar to later generations, there were also personal paper household registration books, not just fish tokens.

Di Renjie looked through the household registration form of Yihe Village and finally found the information of Niu Ma's family.

Niu Ma, the birth date is [Ding Hai Wu Shen, Geng Zi Gui Chou]. (September 3, 627)

Di Renjie counted with his fingers and found that dayThe five elements of fate are exactly "wall soil"?

The boy and girl are twins, born on the same day, and their birth date is.

[Dingwei Wushen, Gengzi Guichou] (September 3, 647)

The five elements of fate are exactly "well water"?

Isn't it strange? Except for the different years, the month, day and time are exactly the same as their Aye Niu Ma.

Is this a coincidence?

No, no, no, it is very likely that this is one of the reasons why their family died!

In the world, it is really rare to have such a coincidence like their family!

Di Renjie looked at Niu Ma's missing wife again, her birth date.

[Guisi Wushen, Gengzi Guichou] (September 3, 633)

Sure enough, they were born on the same month, day and time again!

The five elements of fate are "Jianfeng Gold"!

Di Renjie widened his eyes, this family is really predestined.

Except for the different years in the first two cases, the latter ones are completely the same?

Di Renjie noticed that her five-element fate was "Jianfengjin"!


He simulated the murderer's murder method in his mind.

First of all, it is necessary to have the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth at the same time.

Gold, it is very likely that the sword pierced the heart.

Wood, it should inherit the usage of the previous two cases, that is, tying with vines.

Water, the body may be found in the river.

As for fire and earth, I can't think of it for the time being.

Di Renjie rubbed his temples, it was a bit too brain-burning.

Since the murderer's crime pattern has been guessed, then first find out the day with the five-element fate of "Jianfengjin" from now.

Di Renjie counted with his fingers, Dingsi year Gengshu day Renshen day? (October 27, 657)

Isn't this time interval too far?

Then, it is very likely that the murderer will start with other people who were born on the same month, day and time, but with different five elements.

Now that the five elements of earth, water and gold have appeared, wood and fire are still missing.

However, there are thousands of villagers in Yihe Village. If everyone's fate is calculated, it will be an extremely huge project.

Moreover, the murderer may not only target the villagers of Yihe Village, he can also kill the residents of Luoyang City.

Now we need to infer why the other party did this?

Why use the five elements to kill people? What is the motive for killing? Why use such a cruel five-element killing method?


[As for why Di Renjie can calculate the deceased's lunar calendar and Na Yin with just one finger, don't forget that he has studied the "Book of Changes". 】

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