"In the south of Dongdu, there are five sacred beast mountains, and there is also a Yi River next to it, which is the Jiao River."

"A large trunk dragon must be accompanied by a large river, and a small trunk dragon must be accompanied by a small river. A large branch dragon must be accompanied by a small river, and a small branch dragon must be accompanied by streams and field water."

"If you regard the dragon vein as a tree, the trunk and branches are its trunk and branches. The qi of the dragon vein extends forward on the trunk and branches. The dragon's acupoints are the fruit of the flower house on the branches and trunks."

Li Chunfeng made a heavy stroke on the map.

"In fact, they are all wrong. The dragon's cave of the south dragon is not in the seven-inch position, but the dragon head!"

Song Zhen and Di Renjie were shocked! So professional?

Kneel down!

Di Renjie asked curiously: "Grand Historian, why did you tell us these secrets?"

Li Chunfeng smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, I believe you will not shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty."

"Especially him." Li Chunfeng looked up and smiled at Song Zhen.

Song Zhen felt that there was no secret in front of this great god, just like a naked little girl being shot at unscrupulously.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

He was afraid. Xuanzang's shocking words before had already made him extremely nervous.

Forget it, just look at it, Li Chunfeng will not tie him up and take him back to slice him for research, right?

Li Chunfeng smiled meaningfully, then lowered his head and continued to explain.

"The reason why I said they were not well-trained and could not accurately find the dragon points is one reason."

"Second, the method they used to break the situation was wrong."

"If you really want to block the dragon vein and cut off its true energy, you should not use the killing situation, but use other methods."

"Other methods?"

Li Chunfeng smiled but did not say anything. There were some things he knew he shouldn't say, so he would not say them.

Di Renjie asked anxiously: "Then, Taishi Ling, do you know what the murderer's purpose is for doing this?"

"There is only one purpose, that is, support!" Li Chunfeng's eyes regained their sharpness, "They want to support the new master to ascend the throne, use the evil spirit, and disperse the vitality of the guardian beast."

"The last step must be to open a ritual at the top of the Emperor Peak!"

Di Renjie and Song Zhen were shocked. The murderer actually wanted to rebel?

"Unfortunately, the world is peaceful now, and there is not much resentment among the people, so they use the five elements to kill people cruelly and create resentment out of thin air."

"Then use the corpses of five different attributes to give the five beasts a heavy blow."

Song Zhen finally spoke: "Grand Historian, I have a question. If the murderer really succeeds, what will be the consequences for your majesty and the Tang Dynasty?"

"Consequences? Your majesty will naturally be fine, but there may be problems at the border."

"Border?" Song Zhen immediately thought of the fierce confrontation between the Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo.

In fact, many famous generals died in the Tang Dynasty's war against Goguryeo.

The most regrettable thing is Pang Xiaotai. In 662 AD, he was appointed as the general manager of the Liaodong Road.

He led the army of Lingnan to the north with Su Dingfang and others to attack Goguryeo.

However, because the expedition was too long, the Tang army had difficulty in getting food and grass. In the end, Pang Xiaotai and his thirteen sons all died on the battlefield and sacrificed their lives for the country.

It is said that before Pang Xiaotai set out, he told his subordinates that "Tai was born in Baizhou and should return to Baizhou after death."

So his men cut off his head on the battlefield, took it out at the risk of their lives, and finally escorted it back to Bobai.

Song Zhen fell into deep thought. If he had not come back, Di Renjie would still be a small seventh-rank lawyer in Bingzhou at this time. Would this amazing "extermination of the dragon vein" case be left unresolved?

Then, because the dragon vein was damaged, an outstanding general fell innocently at the border of the Tang Dynasty?

Let Goguryeo extend its life for a few more years.

"Grand Historian, is there a possibility? This action was done by the talented people of Goguryeo?"

Li Chunfeng was stunned for a moment, and he nodded: "If you put it that way, it is possible."

After all, the dragon vein was damaged, and the most direct beneficiary was likely Goguryeo.

Song Zhen then thought that according to the current cultural level of Goguryeo, it should not be able to find dragon points, or even perform rituals to try to destroy the dragon veins.

It's not that Song Zhen underestimated them. The fact is that many countries in this period learned from the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

They rarely had their own native culture. Most countries absorbed the advanced civilization of the Tang Dynasty, and then adapted to local conditions and slightly modified the Chinese civilization.

Finally, they shamelessly took a bite back and said that this was their thing!

Some history, whether they admit it or not, the facts are facts, which just adds to the jokes.

ThenWell, if it wasn't a talented person from Goguryeo, could it be some unlearned Taoists in the Tang Dynasty who were accomplices to the evil?

Very likely!

Some people can do anything unorthodox for the sake of profit.

So, taking all these cases into consideration, the real target is not the saint Li Zhi, but the brave soldiers at the border of the Tang Dynasty!

Di Renjie also thought of it, and his face was heavy.

"Grand Historian, is there any way to solve it?" The person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it, and only magic can defeat magic.

This case is no longer a simple murder case, but a matter of national war, and to be more serious, it also affects the national destiny.

The longer the battle line drags on, the more disadvantageous it is for the Tang Dynasty.

Li Chunfeng was silent for a moment, and then said: "How about this, you two come with me to the scene to have a look."

The three of them rode on their horses. Di Renjie was very anxious, but seeing Song Zhen and Li Chunfeng chatting casually, he was in no hurry, so he had to slow down.

Two hours later, we finally arrived at Yihe Village.

"Let's go to the first mountain of divine beasts."

Song Zhen asked curiously: "Grand Historian, are these five mountains of divine beasts called Qinglong Mountain, Baihu Mountain, Zhuque Mountain, Xuanwu Mountain, and Huanglong Mountain?"

Li Chunfeng just glanced at him lightly: "You think too much, these five mountains are not worthy of these divine beasts. They have no names."


It took another half an hour to finally reach the top of the first mountain of divine beasts. At this time, the sun was setting.

The beautiful sunset made people fascinated.

Li Chunfeng squatted down, grabbed a handful of yellow soil, crushed it in his hands, and then put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

"Fortunately, the five elements of fate are not complete, and the wronged soul is just imprisoned in the same place and has not been liberated."

He glanced at Song Zhen and said lightly: "Lend me your knife!"

He accidentally glanced at the Kanglong mace on Di Renjie's waist, then looked up at Di Renjie, without saying anything.

Li Chunfeng drew his knife, held the knife in his right hand, slowly closed his eyes, and muttered something in his mouth, but it was not clear.

After a quarter of an hour, he suddenly opened his eyes, and he couldn't look directly at it!

I saw Li Chunfeng quickly pinching the seal with his left hand, and holding the knife in his right hand, drawing a talisman on a tree?

"The sky has the generals, the earth has the gods, who are smart and upright, impartial and impartial, and eliminate evil and evil, and solve difficulties and safety!"

"If the gods are angry, they will be crushed to ashes!"

"Hurry up and obey the order!"

Li Chunfeng drew the talisman while chanting the spell, and the last stroke fell straight down!


[Scientific explanation: I don't know if it is useful, but I just want peace of mind. 】


Song Zhen looked up, but there was no legendary heaven and earth phenomenon.

Is it over?

Li Chunfeng seemed to see his thoughts and said lightly: "The so-called heaven and earth phenomena are all deceptive, that's not so magical."

Is that so? Song Zhen nodded.

However, to be honest, the way Li Chunfeng made a seal with one hand just now was really handsome!

I just have a doubt, is it really useful to make a seal with one hand?

"Tai Shi Ling, what talisman did you draw on the tree?"

"The evil-suppressing talisman." Li Chunfeng explained, "This mountain is located in the north, and the corresponding five elements attribute is water. I have to go to other peaks to pinch the talisman and chant the spell to prepare for a rainy day. You, please do as you please."

Although Song Zhen was a little disappointed after the operation just now, he didn't see any strange scene.

However, he still felt that it was really amazing! Thai pants hot!

So, Song Zhen asked eagerly: "Can I learn it?"

"Want to learn?" Li Chunfeng raised his white eyebrows.

Song Zhen nodded quickly. Compared with Buddhism, he was more interested in Taoism.

"It's a pity that you were planted with wisdom before, so you can't learn it."

"?" What does that mean?

Li Chunfeng knocked on his head three times to remind him.

Song Zhen remembered, I Zhuo, it turned out to be Xuanzang! At that time, I knocked on his head three times, and then...

I don't know what happened, it seems that I met him in the future across time and space.

In addition, his memory suddenly improved, and he revived and awakened Mandarin in his previous life.

Is it true that I am destined to be with my Buddha?

Song Zhen didn't know, but the enhancement of Alaya consciousness did help him to a certain extent.

However, he still wanted to learn Taoist magic in his heart.

There are many categories of Taoist magic. In summary, the five major Taoist arts are "mountain, medicine, life, appearance, and divination".

The subdivision is "mountain", for example, alchemy and talismans. Cultivate your body and mind, open up the twelve meridians, achieve a state of complete harmony between the soul and the body, and finally... ascend to heaven, cough cough;

"Medicine" represents the art of incantation, acupuncture and massage, and the art of sex, etc.;

"Ming" means to deduce fate, and even to change fate, such as changing the Feng Shui pattern,Find the dragon and determine the cave to change your own or your descendants' fate;

There are three categories of "Xiang", which is divided into "Xiangtian", which refers to observing astronomy and inferring major events in the world. Astronomy and arithmetic are inseparable.

"Xiangdi", that is, geomancy, is related to Feng Shui.

"Xiangren", infers a person's fortune and misfortune based on his face and palm;

Divination, that is, divination, can predict historical changes, find people and objects, etc. The wide range of coverage, the magic of the algorithm, and the accuracy of the inference cannot be explained by science until later generations, and then it is classified as metaphysics.

Li Chunfeng turned his head and looked at Di Renjie, and said seriously: "Your innate Taoism is not bad."

Di Renjie hesitated for a moment, and he finally did not choose to become a disciple.

In his opinion, it is not necessary for the time being. He still remembers how much energy he spent on learning divination. Now, with the help of Shouzheng, he has become the Minister of Dali Temple, and a lot of work is waiting for him to deal with.

He is determined to do well and not let Shouzheng down. So, how could he have time to learn the five arts of Taoism?

Li Chunfeng saw this and didn't force it. He was a calm person who valued opportunities and didn't like to teach others.

He believed that one day, Di Renjie would change his mind.

As for Song Zhen, he saw from his face that this boy was extraordinary, but he still needed to go back and deduce one or two.


The two followed Li Chunfeng all the way, watching him pinch his fingers, chant spells and draw talismans.

Song Zhen had observed carefully, and it seemed that each talisman had different shapes and was not exactly the same.

He couldn't understand it, so he simply didn't want to think about it.

Professional matters should be left to professionals, and Song Zhen said he was very relieved.

After everything was done, Li Chunfeng let out a long breath.

"Next time, the murderer should commit the crime at noon on the day of Renshen (27th). When the time comes, remember to notify me to come."

"Wait, why did the murderer commit the crime at noon? Isn't this the time when the Yang energy is the strongest?"

Li Chunfeng said calmly: "The murderer is not stupid. He has killed too many people cruelly and is afraid of affecting the Heavenly Dao's responsibility. So, haven't you noticed that he always commits the crime at noon?"

Song Zhen asked curiously: "What is the Heavenly Dao's responsibility?"

"You can understand it as the cause and effect of Buddhism, but Taoism does not talk about the afterlife."

I understand. It turns out that Taoism talks about responsibility, while Buddhism talks about cause and effect. Taoism cultivates this life, while Buddhism cultivates the afterlife.

Back in Luoyang City, it was already midnight, and Song Zhen took the initiative to mention a treat.

Li Chunfeng smiled and waved his hand to say that it was not necessary.

Song Zhen wondered if this person had been fasting for a long time? Along the way, he and Di Renjie were starving and walking less and less, but Li Chunfeng was still walking briskly, which was strange.

Li Chunfeng took two steps and then turned back and said, "By the way, don't ask about Yuan Tiangang's whereabouts anymore. He has passed away long ago."

Di Renjie simply thought that Yuan Tianshi was dead, but Song Zhen felt that this matter was not that simple.

Because passing away has another meaning.

There is no way, contact with the legendary Taoist gods always makes people think wildly.

On the other side, before leaving the palace, Xue Zhengqing and Lu Yang went to the Cavalry Camp.

They found Zhao Heng, the Cavalry Captain, who was assigned by Li Zhi to assist in the case.

Zhao Heng, whose courtesy name is Wenxin, is from the Zhao family of Nanyang. His name looks like a civil official, but he is a military general.

His name was chosen by his father. Because his family was a scholarly family, he was considered a not-so-small aristocratic family, so his father hoped that Zhao Heng could study literature and pass the imperial examination.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Heng had never been involved in reading and writing since he was a child.

He was young and hot-tempered, and he had fought with others and injured others. He was once sentenced, so he was a very strange person in the Tang army.

Zhao Heng started as a bad man and eventually climbed to the position of Xiaoqiwei.

It is conceivable that his ability should be very outstanding.

Unfortunately, because of this background, his career should stop here.

When Zhao Heng received the oral instructions of the saint, he picked out 200 elite warriors from the army camp without saying a word.

Coincidentally, Tian Qi was among them.

Tian Qi was sent to the army camp by Song Zhen to gain experience. Although Yuchi Baoqi admired him very much, military generals were not like civil officials who could easily go through the back door.

You can't do it if you don't have the strength and military achievements!

Tian Qi has been in the military camp for almost a year now. When I saw him again, his temperament was completely different.

If Tian Qi used to look like a wolf from a distance, he is now a tiger.

However, even a tiger can be docile.

When Tian Qi saw Song Zhen, he touched the back of his head.

"A Lang, long time no see."

Military strongholds cannot be entered and exited casually, even if it is Song Zhen. If it weren't for this case, he would not have been in the military stronghold.There was no chance to visit Tian Qi in the military camp.

If a civilian casually stepped into a military stronghold, it would easily make people imagine.

"Tian Qi, it's been a long time since we last met." Song Zhen looked him up and down. Well, he has indeed changed a lot.

"How is it? Are you used to living in the military camp?"

"Very good." The honest man Tian Qi laughed, "The only bad thing is that no one can survive two rounds in my hands."

"......" Song Zhen was speechless. Isn't this good?

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