Song Zhen patted Tian Qi's shoulder, gave him a look, and then left first.

He couldn't stay in the military camp for too long, nor could he excessively assist the Dali Temple in handling cases. This was Li Zhi's request.

Besides, he was not working in the Dali Temple now, so there was really no reason for him to get involved.

He had a lot of things to do now.

The most urgent thing was to rehearse 108 male musicians to play military songs.

In his vision, military songs needed to meet the following rigid requirements.

First, they must be inspiring, with high melodies that would make people excited after listening to them.

In this case, drums and bugles would be used.

Second, they must be able to perfectly reproduce the rhythm of music in ancient times.

He once imagined taking out "Heavenly Army Marching Music". Although this song was released on a foreign game, the composer was a Chinese.

Then the question is, more than 70% of the time, the song uses heavy metal instruments such as bass and bass metal drums. How to reproduce it in the Tang Dynasty?

Song Zhen tried many methods, even researching and creating new instruments, but he still couldn't achieve that heavy and deep pitch.

He also did experiments. Wouldn't it be OK to delete the electronic music tune or replace it with other rhythms?

Then the tragic discovery was that it didn't work! The soul of this song is the electronic music of heavy metal music style, which has a strong tension that mobilizes people's psychological emotions.

It doesn't matter if anything is missing, but the electronic music cannot be missing.

If it can't be perfectly reproduced, it's better not to use it.

Including "Shocking Sunset", the same is true. However, the suona part can be used.

Third, for songs with lyrics, the lyrics must meet the requirements of the times and cannot be said to be literary. At least the vernacular of later generations is not suitable.

After a round of screening, Song Zhen left three songs.

One of them is naturally the well-known "Loyalty to the Country".

The shocking melody, the sad and desolate tone, the magnificent momentum, are extremely soul-stirring.

Although the lyrics are in praise of Yue Fei of the Southern Song Dynasty, they can be applied to any dynasty.

Just change some of the lyrics slightly.

For example, the line "Twenty years, vertical and horizontal, who can resist." This time is obviously not suitable for the Tang Dynasty, and it can be changed to forty years.

Because the Tang Dynasty started in the first year of Wude, which is 618, and now it is the second year of Xianqing, 657, which just coincides with the timeline.

During the rehearsal, the fairy girl standing aside and watching the play waved her hand, signaling Song Zhen to come over.

"Jiaofang Envoy, I have a question."

"Tell me."

"Why do horses go south? People look north, what are they looking at?"

"Uh." Song Zhenzhen thought, you are the one who finds fault all day long and goes against me. He thought for a while and explained.

"Let me ask you, which country is the Tang Dynasty fighting with now?"

"Why ask? Goguryeo."

Song Zhen glanced at her unhappily: "Is Goguryeo in the north?"

Miss Tianxian pouted and nodded, as if it made sense.

"What about the horseshoes going south?"

"When the soldiers return victoriously, don't they go back to the court in the south?"

Song Zhen would never tell her that the "horse hooves going south" in this lyric refers to the Song Dynasty's migration to the south.

During the 276 years of the Southern Song Dynasty, there were six recorded migrations of the Song Dynasty to the south.

Miss Tianxian suddenly realized that this was the meaning, which was interesting.

She always felt that something was strange. The lyrics of this song didn't seem to fit the current Tang Dynasty.

She couldn't tell where the specific problem came from.

However, the song praised the Tang Dynasty soldiers who sacrificed for the country, and the intention was good.

The last sentence "China is going to let all four sides come to congratulate" makes people feel excited after hearing it!

The idiom "Serve the country with loyalty" first came from the Tang Dynasty, "Northern History" compiled by Li Yanshou.

Then in the "Song History·Yue Fei Biography" compiled by the Yuan Dynasty politician Tuotuo (tui4), it was written:

"At first, He Zhu was ordered to interrogate him. Fei tore his clothes and showed his back to Zhu. There were four big characters "Serve the country with loyalty", which were deeply engraved on his skin."

Apart from the authenticity of this historical piece, the characters should be "Serve the country with loyalty", and the idiom "Serve the country with loyalty" should be from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

As for the singer, Song Zhen first thought of Tian Qi.

He has a loud voice, good lung capacity, and a loud voice, which is very suitable for singing this type of song.

However, now Tian Qi follows Zhao Heng Xiaoqiwei to assist the Dali Temple and Luozhou Prefecture in handling cases.

This matter can only be discussed later.


Li Chunfeng returned to his house. For some reason, he could not forget Song Zhen's appearance.

He was puzzled. After taking a bath and burning incense, he took out a tortoise shell from the bookcase.

He knelt down and placed the tortoise shell on the ground in front of his knees.On the tortoise shell, he made hand gestures and muttered something.

No one could understand what he was saying, only he could know.

Then, he drew a pattern on the tortoise shell.

Then, he lit the thorn in his hand and placed it under the tortoise shell to burn.

Li Chunfeng's eyes were fixed on the cracks on the tortoise shell to see if they matched the pattern.

If they matched, it would be a good omen.

It was visible to the naked eye that there was an extra line on the tortoise shell, and as the temperature rose, a crisp sound was made.

The lines were prominent!

"It turned out to be a great omen?" Li Chunfeng first divined whether Song Zhen was a blessing or a curse for the Tang Dynasty.

He slowly closed his eyes and peeked into the secret.

After that, Li Chunfeng opened his eyes and looked at it intently.

"I didn't expect that this boy's entry into the court was a blessing for the Tang Dynasty, and he had the potential to turn the tide?"

Then, Li Chunfeng stood up and took a new tortoise shell. He wanted to divine the second hexagram.

"Song Zhen's past and future!"

The tortoise shell divination he used was a divination method from before the Qin Dynasty.

Until the Tang Dynasty, it could still be regarded as an authentic divination method.

"Tang Liudian" records: "The Grand Diviner is in charge of the method of divination to predict the actions of the state; the deputy is the second. One is the tortoise, the second is the omen, the third is the Yi, and the fourth is the style."

There are four popular divination methods in the Tang Dynasty, among which tortoise divination is the leader, but the requirements are very high. People who are not well-versed in Taoism and skills should use it with caution.

It will not work at the least, and it will backfire at the worst.

So why choose tortoise shells as divination tools?

The five vertical pieces in the middle represent the five elements of "gold, wood, water, fire and earth".

The five elements on both sides add up to exactly eight pieces of armor, corresponding to "Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li and Dui".

The three larger pieces in the middle represent "heaven, man and earth".

There are exactly 24 pieces of armor around, corresponding to the "24 solar terms".

There are 12 pieces of armor on the back of the tortoise shell, corresponding to the "12 earthly branches".

The two sides of the side armor correspond to the ten heavenly stems "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸".

In addition, the tortoise corresponds to the number of heaven and earth.

It is said that the effectiveness of tortoise divination is far superior to other divination methods, but it is a bit useless for the tortoise shell.

Li Chunfeng drew the pattern on the tortoise shell and burned the bramble underneath as usual.

Then, the next second, the tortoise shell broke into many pieces without even giving time to react.

Li Chunfeng was stunned.


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