"It's obvious, isn't it? Someone wants to get rid of the matter as soon as possible?" Song Zhen's eyes were full of deepness.

What does that mean? Those who can do this are definitely not ordinary people.

So the murderer is very likely to be someone from the local wealthy family, and his power is extraordinary.

The two discussed again based on the case file.

Di Renjie was surprised by Song Zhen's meticulousness and couldn't help wondering, is he really the murderer?

No, judging from the traces at the scene, the murderer thought he was very smart and could hide the truth, but in fact he made many mistakes.

So, who is the real murderer?

I don't know!

If the real murderer can't be found, then it will still be a dead end for Song Zhen.

"Huaiying, is there any way to take me to the scene?"

"This..." Di Renjie hesitated, and he said in embarrassment, "Let me think of a way."

It is not easy to take a death row prisoner out of prison, and it is illegal.

The risk is huge. If Song Zhen escapes, what will greet Di Renjie?


Di Renjie didn't know why, but he subconsciously chose to believe him, maybe it was out of his sixth sense.

Think about it from another angle, if he didn't pursue justice, then he wouldn't be Di Renjie.

Song Zhen squatted in the prison, thinking about his future.

The biggest problem now is that even if he successfully found the real murderer, if the murderer is from a wealthy family, due to the difference in status between the two, it is difficult to have any impact on the outcome, and he still can't escape death.

The other party is likely to collude with officials and gentry, arrange for someone to behead him in prison, and then the whole name of "suicide for fear of crime" will be used, and the real murderer will be at large from then on.

This is the sadness of the lower-class people in feudal society.

Unlike modern times, modern times have more perfect laws, so there is an opportunity to ask for justice.

Song Zhen suddenly remembered that Di Renjie's first half of his life was full of ups and downs.

"I have to gamble once!"

He is gambling! Betting whether the big guy will take action in time!

Why does Song Zhen know Di Renjie's life so well?

He had been addicted to detective dramas for a while. When it comes to ancient criminal investigation, three famous figures are inevitable.

One is Di Renjie, one is Song Ci, and the other is Bao Zheng.

So, he was very curious and dug up the life experiences of the three big guys.

Never expected that they would be useful a few years later?


The next night, Di Renjie came to visit the prison with an assistant.

"Hurry, you two change your clothes."

It turned out that they were planning to replace the prince with a cat.

Since Song Zhen and the assistant are almost the same size, you can't tell if you don't look closely.

Di Renjie helped him put on the hat, pressed the brim down, and nodded with satisfaction.

Before leaving, he turned to the assistant and said, "Ahua, don't move around here for the time being. I'm going to buy some oranges and come back at midnight."

Oranges are a code, and the two nodded tacitly.

Ah Hua looked at the night sky outside the window. It was now Haishi (9pm), so he only had to wait for two or three hours.

Di Renjie led Song Zhen out of the prison. The guards on duty were lax, some drinking, some playing chess, and some even beating drums and dancing.

If they were more careful, they would have noticed why this man limped after he came out.

A guard suddenly smiled meaningfully, and said in his heart that his leader was so elegant.

No one noticed that Di Renjie's assistant had replaced the original.

"Quick! Get on the carriage!"

The groom waiting outside the prison shouted "Go!" The horse's butt hit 999 damage and ran away.

Because there was an official document, they were not checked or stopped by the officers and soldiers along the way.

"I'm so sick!" After a bump, nausea surged.

"Ugh..." Song Zhen's face turned pale. He pushed aside the carriage curtain, stuck his head out and vomited.

Di Renjie on the side laughed and said, "You are not used to riding in a carriage, right?"

"First time in my life, ugh!"

The carriages in ancient times did not have shock absorbers like modern cars, and the ancient roads were muddy and not smooth. In addition, they were in a hurry, so they went faster.

Song Zhen collapsed weakly in the chair. He felt that he had vomited all the last meal he had this morning.

No, it was my predecessor who ate, and I vomited.

He was full, and I was full too.

He looked deeply at the groom outside his eyes, leaned over and asked quietly, "Are the people you brought tonight reliable?"

Di Renjie answered without hesitation, "Of course. Uncle Guang is a servant I brought from my clan. Assistant Ahua is my follower. We grew up together and I am sure he can be trusted."

So that's it. Song Zhen nodded.

He knew that Di Renjie was born in a Taiyuan family, rich and powerful.It is not surprising that the second generation has several servants around him.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped.

"Wu Lang, we're here."

Song Zhen, who was originally listless, immediately cheered up after hearing that the destination had arrived.

"Quick, help me up."

The two of them walked into the temple together. Di Renjie took out a fire starter from his pocket. He blew it gently, and a cluster of weak flames came out.

"I think we should come here during the day." Song Zhen looked at the dark surroundings speechlessly.

Damn, careless!

Di Renjie rolled his eyes at him: "During the day? Do you think you can come out?"

"Yes, then start working."

Di Renjie asked the coachman to get a torch, and he handed the torch to Song Zhen, while he used the fire starter to observe secretly.

Song Zhen held the torch and lowered his head to look for clues.

However, the heavy rain at Shenshi today basically washed away the footprints outside.

He walked into the temple and noticed the overlapping footprints on the ground.

"Did you find anything?" Di Renjie asked curiously when he saw him squatting down.

"Look here, there are two different footprints, from the door, all the way to here?"

"How can you be sure that they are not left by later people?"

"New and old, feel it with your hands."

Because the courtyard is yellow soil, it will definitely be stained when passing by.

The old traces are hard, and the new ones are soft, which is easy to distinguish.

The two people's eyes followed the trajectory of the footprints and looked at the incense table at the same time.

There are very obvious traces of clothing friction on the table opposite the door, and then, on the other side, half of the palm print is clearly visible?

"The size of this palm print should be that of the deceased." Song Zhen gestured with his palm to size and said with certainty.

Di Renjie asked puzzledly: "What does this mean?"

"It means that the posture they used at that time was that the old man did that."


"Well, you won't understand even if I tell you."

Di Renjie's eyes were sharp. He found a piece of purple cloth from under the incense table.

"This piece of cloth should be the fragments of clothing on the deceased."

Song Zhen took it in his hand and felt the softness of the silk.

His eyes were fixed on the footprints from the door to the incense table.

He simulated and deduced in his mind the scenes that had happened here.

Time went back, day and night changed, and the surrounding environment also changed slightly.

It was clearly pitch-black night, but in Song Zhen's perspective, it became daytime.

At the door, he saw a vague figure in a trance.

She was tall, wearing a purple gauze skirt, and was holding the door frame and looking at the door of the courtyard.

She seemed to be waiting for someone.

Soon, a carriage stopped at the door, and a man got out of the carriage. The man's face seemed to be mosaiced and could not be seen clearly.

The two stood at the door and talked for a while. Suddenly, the woman's mood began to be wrong. She kept shaking her head and kept backing away.

Song Zhen looked down and saw that the footprints seemed to match!

The man rushed over and hugged her. The woman struggled hard, but in vain.

The man savagely tore off the woman's skirt around her waist, lifted the hem of her skirt, and took advantage of the opportunity to enter.

Unexpectedly, the woman escaped. She retreated in panic. When she approached Song Zhen, he subconsciously wanted to avoid her, but the other party penetrated his body directly like a soul.

He looked back and saw that the woman retreated to the side of the incense table. The man laughed and approached her step by step.

Suddenly, the man rushed over and grabbed the woman's wrist, turned her body over, and pressed it on the incense table.

The woman cried helplessly, "No, no," and held the corner of the incense table tightly with both hands.

The following scenes are too bloody and violent, so it is recommended that you watch them with your parents.

Please review the teaching video and learn something new.


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