"What's wrong with you?" At this time, Di Renjie walked to Song Zhen, patted his shoulder, and interrupted the skill casting.

"Bah! What on earth is in my head?" Song Zhen inexplicably imagined a plot of sneaking into the search officer.

"But it seems to be almost the same." Song Zhen touched his chin and fell into deep thought, revealing a mysterious smile.

Because of the forced interruption, he could never return to the state of reenactment.

He vaguely remembered that the last scene was that the man snatched the incense burner from the woman's hand, angrily retaliated, and smashed it heavily on her head.

So, in order to verify his guess, he walked around the incense table twice, and indeed found an incense burner lying on the ground.

"Huaiying, how many incense burners are usually placed on the incense table in a general temple?"


"But here, there is clearly only one!"

"You mean..."

"Quick! Look for it!"

The two surrounded the incense table and searched for a long time, but to no avail.

Di Renjie stood up and said in a deep voice: "Could it be that the incense burner was hidden by the murderer?"

"This is inevitable."


Suddenly, a thunderbolt illuminated the entire sky, and in an instant, it was as bright as day.

The green-faced, fang-toothed Vajra standing on the right side of the temple, holding a pestle in his left hand and a pagoda in his right hand, was staring at them with wide eyes.

The two were frightened and stopped moving at the same time, not daring to make a sound.

After a while, Di Renjie quietly pulled Song Zhen and whispered: "We seem to have offended the wrath of God. How about leaving?"

"Are you afraid?" Song Zhen looked at him teasingly.

"How could I be afraid?" The young Di Renjie straightened up and said against his will.

He was special. He did not believe in gods and Buddhas like most young people in the Tang Dynasty.

It was just that the scene just now was too weird.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, he saw Song Zhen climbing directly onto the golden body.

"You, what are you going to do?" Di Renjie was shocked. How could this guy be so bold? How dare he blaspheme the gods?

Song Zhen, who was sitting on King Kong's shoulder, called out, and he hurried over.

"Huaiying, look."

Behind King Kong's head, a bloody incense burner stood there.

"The murderer took advantage of people's awe of gods and Buddhas, betting that you dare not search King Kong." Song Zhen laughed, "Unfortunately, he met me."

Most modern young people do not believe in gods and Buddhas, but only believe that man can conquer nature.

Di Renjie took the incense burner from Song Zhen and checked it carefully.

Most of the incense burner was stained with blood, which has now solidified, and fingerprints are clearly visible.

"It's a pity that there is no mature fingerprint identification in this era." Song Zhen sighed helplessly.

However, Di Renjie saw the clue from the blood on the incense burner.

"The case file states that the deceased was injured by a sword, but now it seems that it was not."

"Sword? I can't rule out the possibility. However, I can be ruled out as the murderer anyway." Song Zhen spread his hands helplessly, "With my status, I can't even afford a butcher knife, let alone a sword."

"I took this incense burner back."

"Wait a minute." Song Zhen stopped him, "Don't you think there is something strange about this incense burner?"

"What do you mean?"

"It was obviously used as a murder weapon, so the ashes inside should have been spilled more or less, but why is it full?" Song Zhen smiled and blinked.

Di Renjie's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood and put his hand in to search.

He really found a foreign object!

When the two saw the thing, they looked at each other.

They could basically determine the true identity of the murderer.


When the two returned to the prison in a carriage, they unexpectedly found a large group of soldiers gathered at the door.

"What's going on?"

"Di Panzuo! Song Zhen escaped from prison!" A jailer ran over and shouted.

Escape from what prison? Am I not here?

Di Renjie forced himself to calm down, and he asked, "What happened?"

"It's like this, a thief broke into the prison and committed a crime. When we arrived, the prisoner in cell 654 had been killed. As a result, when we verified his identity, we found that it was not Song Zhen who died!"

"What?" Di Renjie's mind was blank. Song Zhen hurriedly supported him with a sway.

Song Zhen's face sank. He didn't expect the other party to be so bold that he could sneak into the prison to assassinate?

Fortunately, he and Di Renjie had just gone out, otherwise, it would be dangerous.

But in this way, Ah Hua became a scapegoat.

"Take me to see!"

The jailer saw that the other person was a little strange, and stopped Song Zhen. He took off his hat and said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way! I am Song Zhen! "

The jailer glanced at the two of them with strange eyes, thought for a moment, and let them in.

After Di Renjie walked into the 654 cell, he saw Ah Hua lying in a pool of blood, and he couldn't help but feel extremely sad.

Before leaving, he set a lofty ambition and fantasized about being appointed prime minister.

Unexpectedly, he had only been in the government for two years, and Ah Hua was killed for assisting him.

Unfortunately, the young man could no longer wait for the moment when his master returned.

"Ah Hua, it's midnight, I'm back." Di Renjie choked up.

Song Zhen said apologetically: "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have died."

Di Renjie was silent for a while, and then he spoke: "Don't blame you. "

Song Zhen ran to Ah Hua's body and carefully checked it. He found that the fatal wound was in the abdomen, and he died of excessive blood loss.

The murder weapon did not penetrate the back, and there was a mark of the handle on the belly.

The distance from the belly to the back is about 20-60 centimeters.

Ahua's physique is relatively thin, so Song Zhen deduced that the opponent's weapon was about 30 centimeters long.

"The wound is about nine inches deep."

"It's a slash knife." Di Renjie replied expressionlessly.

Among the weapons of the Tang Dynasty, only the slash knife was so short.

There are four types of Tang swords: ceremonial swords, The chuangdao, the horizontal sword, and the modao.

Among them, the chuangdao is the shortest, the modao is the longest, and the ceremonial sword is an extended version of the ring-headed sword.

After the Zhenguan period, everyone can equip themselves with swords, provided that you have money.

First of all, the ceremonial sword is the exclusive weapon of the Qianniu Guard of the Imperial Guard, and ordinary people dare not use it.

The modao is too long and is usually a weapon used in marches and wars.

If you walk around the street with a long-handled sword that is taller than a person, believe it or not, the government will immediately arrest you.

Only relatively The mediocre chuangdao and horizontal sword are deeply loved by the people.

The assassin should not have used a Tang sword. According to the inward-turned skin and flesh, the wound caused by the sword will not present this shape.

Therefore, according to the description, the murder weapon is likely to be a 15-50 cm long chuangdao.

[PS: There are many different opinions on the size of the chuangdao. Some say it is the long sword of the chuangwei, and some say it is a Japanese sword instead of a Chinese sword. This is just a guess. This description here is actually required by the plot. 】

"Who in Bianzhou has a chuangdao?"

Di Renjie gritted his teeth and replied: "It should be the Zhao family. "

Again, ordinary people simply can't afford a Tang sword, and there is no need to equip one.

The monthly salary of a seventh-rank official is 4,500 coins, and a high-quality iron sword is equivalent to half a month's salary for a seventh-rank official.

How many coins are there for a dou of rice?

Knives and swords are generally used by those literati and poets who have nothing to do to show off.

Then, combined with this case, the Zhao family, a local wealthy family in Bianzhou, has become the biggest suspect.

Di Renjie secretly clenched his fists.


"Bianzhou judge, what crime should you be punished for taking a death row prisoner out of prison without authorization?" Zhao Youguang, the county magistrate of Fengqiu County, came to the cell at some point, and he stood behind the two of them grimly.

The law officer who followed him hurriedly stepped forward to explain: "Mingfu Zhao, Huaiying should have taken Song Zhen out to identify the scene."

[The county magistrate in the Tang Dynasty was generally honored as Mingfu.]

"Heh, identify? This case is over, no need to investigate further. Or are you questioning me?"

Di Renjie stood up, staring at him indifferently, and slowly said: "Yes, I am questioning you."

"I question your ignorance! I question your inability to distinguish right from wrong! I question your market for fate!"

"Huaiying! You can't slander me!" Zhao Youguang's face turned red and white, he pointed at Di Renjie with trembling hands.

"Don't think that you can ignore your superiors just because the Henan Dao Chuzhishi values ​​you!"

Di Renjie took a heavy step and said with a firm look.

"If this world is dark, then I, Di Renjie, will become a lamp to break the dark curtain. "

As soon as this bold statement came out, the atmosphere immediately cooled down.

Everyone was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Song Zhen, who was huddled in the corner, suddenly smiled and said, "Well, what Mingfu? Don't worry, your boss will ask you to come over for tea soon."



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