Zhao Youguang's face changed, but he soon calmed down.

The reason why he dared to do this was naturally because there was someone behind him. He believed that Master Zhao would take care of everything.

At this time, his subordinate walked to Zhao Youguang's side and whispered in his ear.

Zhao Youguang raised his eyebrows. Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come.

"Let's go." He flicked his hand lightly, turned around and left here, and gave the jailer a look.

The jailer understood and locked the wooden gate of the cell.

"Di Panzuo, because you have privately communicated with prisoners, abused your power for personal gain, and knowingly violated the law, your behavior is very bad! Zhao Mingfu will detain you first and wait for Lu Zhishi to decide."

Lu Zhishi was on a business trip and was not nearby. He would make a decision after he came back.

The cell of only 30 square meters fell into silence again.

"Huaiying, you are in jail with me."

"It's okay. You can't judge someone's weakness when you are not involved in the difficulties." Di Renjie waved his hand indifferently.

Song Zhen was in awe.

Taking advantage of this boring time, the two discussed the case.

"Have you found a problem, is all this too smooth?"

Hearing Di Renjie's words, Song Zhen fell into deep thought.

Indeed, it was too smooth, as if the other party was deliberately showing them the evidence.

The most suspicious thing is the evidence found in the incense burner.

Who would be so stupid as to bury personal belongings in it? Isn't this a case of trying to cover up one's own guilt?

"What a pity, if there is no autopsy, the truth will never be known."

"Autopsy?" Di Renjie touched his chin and pondered.

Song Zhen's eyes lit up: "Do you have a way to get out?"

"Really, but can you do an autopsy? I can't."

"I know a little bit."

Song Zhen had read the ancestor's work "Xiyuan Jilu" before, and now it can come in handy.

It feels that everything is destined by God.


Zhao Youguang returned to the palace, and there was a man standing in the center of the hall.

He stood with his hands behind his back, looking majestic without being angry.

"Cui Changshi." Zhao Youguang bowed respectfully.

Cui Hao threw a book at him! He shouted angrily: "Dogs and rats!"

Zhao Youguang dodged it nimbly. He first glanced at the door, and then sat down very calmly.

"I know you are very anxious, but don't be anxious."

"I am not anxious? I was almost killed by you!" Cui Changshi blushed.

What consequences will be borne by beheading before waiting for the report?

Emperor Taizong Wen once issued an edict, emphasizing that from now on, all death sentences must be "re-reported three times", and criminals sentenced to death in Chang'an even need "five re-reports" before they can be executed.

At the same time, it was emphasized that the re-reporting speed should not be too fast, and there should be enough time for the superior to make the right decision.

Article 485 of Tang Law Commentary: Judgment clearly stipulates: "In the Law of Official System, if a death penalty is imposed without waiting for the report, and the person makes his own decision, he shall be exiled 2,000 miles according to the following text."

Even if the death penalty is personally ordered by the sage, it must wait until three days after the edict arrives before it can be executed. If the prisoner is not executed in advance according to the re-report system, the law enforcement official will be exiled 2,000 miles directly.

The laws of the Tang Dynasty are strict, and no one dares to cross them.

If Song Zhen is really beheaded today, what will be the consequences for him as the supervising officer... He dare not even think about it.

"Why don't you think about it, Chief Cui, why did Zhao dare to do this?"

"Why?" Cui Hao sneered. He wanted to hear what ivory this dog rat could spit out of his mouth.

"Does Chief Cui know the Zhao family of Bianzhou? This official was entrusted by the third son of the Zhao family."

"Hahaha." Cui Hao raised his head and laughed, "Zhao family of Bianzhou? I am from the Cui family of Boling, I am not as good as them..."



Outside the door, there was a sound of applause.

"The Zhao family of Bianzhou is indeed worthless in front of the Cui family of Boling."

"Is it you?" Cui Hao narrowed his eyes, he naturally recognized the visitor.

"Meeting Cui Changshi." The man bowed with a smile.

"Humph!" Cui Hao snorted coldly, obviously not liking him, "Zhao Sanlang, what do you want?"

"Cui Changshi, the case of Song Zhen was indeed arranged by me. There is nothing wrong with the behavior itself, the mistake is that I did not inform you in advance."

Isn't it just the execution of a pariah? What's wrong with it?

Cui Hao remained silent, and this was what made him angry. The other party did bad things secretly and didn't take him seriously at all.

In short, you don't play with me, but you want me to take the blame. How can this be justified?

Zhao Sanlang smiled slightly, he waved his hand, and his followers understood and brought a box from behind.

"It's just a small gift. I hope Cui Changshi will accept it."

How can Cui Hao be rational with all the golden light? His breathing suddenly became rapid.

However, Cui Hao still looked atWith a face, he said in a deep voice: "You want to buy me with just money? You know I was born in the Bo Ling Cui family, and I have seen all kinds of storms and waves?"

The meaning is, let the storm be more violent.

Unexpectedly, the black-clothed follower beside Zhao Sanlang stabbed Zhao Youguang with a knife.

Zhao Youguang's eyes widened. He never thought that it would be such a result until his death?

After falling to the ground, his mouth slowly closed, and his throat moved.


"Cui Changshi, are you satisfied with this?"

The man's smile made Cui Hao shudder. The other party told him with his actions not to push his luck.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. The Bo Ling Cui family is strong, but this is in Bianzhou.

Cui Hao waved his hand: "Let's stop this matter. If there is a next time, Cui will definitely not forgive you!"

"Then, what about this?" The man smiled and pointed to the corpse lying on the ground.

"It's okay, Cui will handle it properly."

"And that Di Renjie." When this name was mentioned, a trace of haze flashed in Zhao Sanlang's eyes. It was this young boy who ruined his good deeds!

"Isn't it simple? Now it's almost the twelfth lunar month. When the time comes, Cui will arrange for others to evaluate him as unqualified."

The Tang Dynasty established an official evaluation system. Officials at all levels would evaluate officials of the same level. Unqualified officials would be dismissed or transferred.

Di Renjie had made a big mistake by taking criminals out of prison without authorization. He really shouldn't have sat in that position.

"Then I would like to thank Cui Changshi." Zhao Sanlang bowed and saluted. He looked up and said with a sinister expression.

"I have only one request, that is, Song Zhen must die immediately!"

"I can't wait for a year."


"Huaiying, how should we leave?"

"The jailer patrols once a day, usually before the shift change at 9 pm. Now it's just past 9 pm. We leave now, and there's still time!"

"How to leave?"

"Come here." Di Renjie waved his hand, and Song Zhen curiously came over. He lifted the wooden bed board, and a hole in the ground suddenly appeared in front of him.

What the hell? This is also possible?

"The prisoner who was imprisoned here before once dug a tunnel, and I caught him when he escaped from prison."

"......" Song Zhen was speechless. Can this be called God's will? Can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Why didn't I find it after lying here for a few days?

"However, the tunnel was blocked by the people I arranged before."

"......" Song Zhen took a deep breath, "Dig it."

Fortunately, when Di Renjie was thrown into prison, his belongings had not been taken away.

He happened to be wearing a horizontal sword, about 60 to 80 cm long.

The horizontal sword is generally the standard equipment of yamen runners and constables. You can think of it as a baton for modern police.

Song Zhen came into contact with the Tang sword for the first time, and he excitedly held it in his hand and waved it.

This horizontal sword weighs about 3 pounds, and the force required to wave it in your hand is just right.

"Only one?"


Song Zhen held the horizontal sword tightly in his hand, and he said shamelessly: "Swords have no eyes. For your safety, I will use a knife and you use a wooden stick! Look, how good I am to you?"


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