Zhu San wanted to cry. He couldn't fight at all. It was like a level 18 strong man. Even if he didn't learn any skills, it would be easy for him to beat a level 6 Teemo.

Tian Qi was too big, and he had been killing pigs for many years, which had trained him to have brute force.

Zhu San couldn't block a few times, and was forced to take off the knife because of a broken knuckle.

Song Zhen was stunned. He could see that Tian Qi didn't know any knife skills at all. He was just using the strength of killing pigs to chop people.

Is this the legendary master who was killed by random knives?

Si Guoyi.

Chen Si and Zhu San were subdued and tied together.

"How long will it take for the clerk to arrive?"

Di Renjie shook his head: "I don't know. I just asked Uncle Guang to go back to the government office to call for help."

"Then let's keep going."

Di Renjie hesitated: "But these two."

"Just knock them out."

Tian Qi laughed, showing his white teeth: "Knock them out, I'm good at this."

He walked towards Chen Si and Zhu San with his hands rubbed. The two guys looked nervous and shouted, "Don't come over."

Tian Qi slashed with two hands, and Chen Si and Zhu San rolled their eyes and fainted.

Song Zhen felt unsafe, so he cut the feet of the two people respectively. They shouldn't be able to run away now, right?

"Let's go!"


The tunnel was obviously carefully prepared, with torches lit on both sides for lighting.

But in this case, the carbon monoxide would exceed the standard.

Song Zhen's breathing gradually became rapid. Fortunately, the tunnel was not very long, and the three of them could already see the light.

At this moment, five bandits rushed out from the fork in the road.

The "house owner" looked at Di Renjie deeply, and he said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that you would find out so quickly, you are worthy of being the detective of Bianzhou."

"I didn't expect that you would be the murderer."

"Two officials, why do you have to press each other so hard? Give me a way out."

Song Zhen drew out his sword with a ding: "The law is long and wide, and nothing can escape. You can run away for a while, but you can't run away forever."

The "house owner" raised his head and laughed: "What a great sentence, the law is long and wide, and nothing can escape. Let's see what you can do to me?"

Five against three, is there any need to say? The advantage is mine!

Unexpectedly, Song Zhen took advantage of his unpreparedness, drew out the sword on his waist, threw it out, and stabbed the "house owner" in the abdomen.

"The villain dies because he talks too much. I wonder if you have heard this saying."

The "owner of the house" covered his stomach and screamed in pain: "Kill them for me!"


"Huaiying, did you hear them say they want to kill us?"


"Then can I kill them too?"

"......" Di Renjie was speechless. Brother, you have time to chat, but they are rushing over.

Song Zhen leaned over and dodged the opponent's horizontal slash, then he quickly stood up and stabbed the opponent's chest with a knife.

He hugged the opponent, used the opponent's body as a shield, and rushed all the way.

Someone couldn't dodge and fell to the ground.

Song Zhen pushed the man to the ground, stepped on the opponent's chest with one foot, and pulled out the knife.

He looked at the four gangsters behind him coldly, and stabbed the man lying on the ground again with a backhand knife.

One knife!

Two knives!

Three knives!


Blood splashed, staining half of Song Zhen's face red.

The four gangsters looked at him stupidly as if they were looking at a demon.

Big brother, he's already like that, are you still stabbing?

Song Zhen didn't know how many times he stabbed. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the horizontal knife, splashing a blood arrow, and he pointed the knife at the four gangsters.

He grinned, and with the blood on his face, it was scary to see.

"Who else?"

Some people's legs were shaking. They were not desperate criminals. Moreover, they didn't kill the people, nor did they throw the bodies. If they were caught and thrown into prison, they might not be sentenced heavily.

However, facing this demon who killed people without blinking an eye, they might be killed by crossing the tower immediately.

Didn't you see Nie Shiyi lying on the ground, his body was twitching constantly and groaning in pain? It was obvious that he was going to die.

"Why are you all standing there? Go!" The owner of the house shouted loudly, his face covered with cold sweat.

"I, we won't go!"

"That's right, even if we are caught, we are just accomplices and will not be sentenced severely. However, attacking officials is illegal and will result in beheading."

"If you want to go, go ahead. Officer, please tie me up." Someone was very sensible and took the initiative to drop his weapon and walked to Di Renjie and stretched out his hands.

Di Renjie was stunned. Is this possible?

Is this the legendary "defeating the enemy without fighting"?

Song Zhen first killed a gangster ruthlessly, which made the other gangsters afraid.

Everyone is afraid of death.

Who wants to die if they can live? If they die, they will have nothing..

The owner of the house fell down due to excessive blood loss, which further strengthened their ideas.

Absolutely no resistance, resistance is a dead end.

Confess the crime obediently, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!

Only a few hundred yuan a month, what's the point of playing with your life?

When the clerk arrived at the scene, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Good guy, these four little thieves are as well-behaved as cats. They suddenly thought, should they not come?

Where is their business, the two leaders have already subdued them.

Tian Qi walked to Song Zhen's side, and he quietly raised his thumb: "Langguan, you were too..."

Song Zhen raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I'm too hot?"

"Ah, right, right!" Tian Qi followed and shouted.

Well, it was successfully led astray!

Song Zhen, who killed people, now seems to have no fear at all, but is laughing and joking with Tian Qi.

His performance made Di Renjie feel a little speechless, and he looked at him differently in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Song Zhen was not only serious and rigorous in his work, but also wiser than him in handling certain things.

If Song Zhen had not decisively killed someone first, it would have been a fierce battle.

The three of them would definitely be injured, and they might even die in the line of duty.

However, Song Zhen took a different approach. He aroused the fear of the bandits and convinced them with virtue.


Lu, the governor, who was sitting in the elegant room of Fengqiu County Government Office, was sitting by the window, lowering his head from time to time to write, and raising his head from time to time to think.

Half an hour later, he picked up the letter and read it over and over again.

"Tsk tsk." The writing is exquisite, the feelings are sincere and touching, and the excuses are well-reasoned. Even a saint would have to say it after reading it.


Governor Lu sighed pretentiously: "Alas, I haven't written for a long time, I'm a little rusty."

Looking at the letter paper again, the dragon and phoenix are flying and dancing. If you pick them out separately, each word is a good word, but if you put them together, you can't understand what you are writing.

Governor Lu was immersed in the "good words" and didn't notice the time passing by.

Finally, the sun was high in the sky and the sun shone on his desk.

He stood up and stretched.

Suddenly thought, since it is impossible to drive away Song Zhen and Di Renjie in a short time, why not change the idea?

Damn, if you don't leave, I will leave! Can't you hide if you can't afford to offend?

Governor Lu wanted to live a few more years. The last time he saw the corpse of the Hu people, he couldn't eat. Today, he saw the rotten corpse in the well again. I'm afraid that he won't dare to drink water for a while in the future.

For fear that there is something dirty in it.

So he sat back again. He wanted to write a letter back to the family and let the elders make arrangements!

I want to be transferred out of Bianzhou!

I can't stay in this damn place for even a moment.


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