Lu Yang was born in the second branch of the Northern Ancestor of the Fanyang Lu Clan.

How powerful is the Fanyang Lu Clan? One of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan in the Tang Dynasty.

How powerful are the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan?

In the upper class of the Tang Dynasty, there was a saying: "I would rather marry a woman of the Five Surnames than marry into the imperial family."

At that time, young people had three dreams: 1. Pass the imperial examination; 2. Marry a woman of the Five Surnames; 3. Be buried in the Beimang Mountain.

Prime Minister Xue Yuanchao was born in the Hedong Xue Clan. He was originally a wealthy family, but he died in his later years because he could not marry a woman of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan in his lifetime.

Everyone is proud to marry a woman of the Five Surnames. Is the princess really fragrant? Not necessarily.

If you Yanzu traveled to the Tang Dynasty, there were two stunning women who fell in love with you at the same time.

One is the legitimate daughter of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan, and the other is a royal princess.

I believe most of the Yanzu would choose to marry the latter, but in the eyes of the Tang people...

"Wear the hat properly, don't tilt it."

If Lu Yang didn't have this background, the last case of Zhao Siniang would have such a bad impact, and you would have been demoted or even dismissed from office.

It's impossible to just hit him with forty bamboo sticks.

The case has been collected by the Dali Temple, and they are preparing to send the Dali Temple Secretary to Bianzhou to verify it in person.

If it is true, it will be a classic case that will definitely be selected into the Dali Temple.

Because of Song Zhen's arrival, Di Renjie's career may be advanced a lot.

[I left home thousands of miles away when I was young, and returned home three or two nights when I was thirty. There are old and young in the family, no one to take care of them, I am afraid that we will not meet when we are sixty. 】

Lu Yang wrote this poem with tears in his eyes, with true feelings, father sees father sad, mother sees mother crying.

The poem describes his life of stumbling and leaving his hometown. Now that he is over fifty years old, his only wish is to return to a place closer to home to serve as an official so that he can take care of his family.

Bianzhou is still too far away.

It is human nature to miss your hometown and your family.

Lu Yang's mouth corners slightly raised, with reason and evidence, convincing.

Now, when the elders receive the letter, they will most likely use their connections. He should be able to transfer out of Bianzhou, right?

He now has only one thought!

Run! Run quickly!

Stay away from Song Zhen! Stay away from Di Renjie! Stay away from Bianzhou, a place of trouble!

After doing everything, Lu Yang carefully put the letter away and showed a smile from the heart.

Dong Dong Dong——

"Come in."

"Lu Governor, someone is coming from the Dali Temple."

I'm so shocked! Lu Yang stood up quickly.

"Who is coming?"

"The Dali Temple Secretary, Xue Zhengqing."

Although Lu Yang is a fourth-rank official, and the Dali Temple Secretary is only a sixth-rank official, he works under the eyes of the saint.

For anyone who comes from the central government, you can call him brother first, regardless of whether his position is high or low.

Lu Yang quickly tidied up his appearance, coughed twice to clear his hoarse throat, pushed the door and took people out to greet him.

"Xue Temple Secretary."

"Lu Governor."

The two of them politely saluted each other.

"Xue Temple Secretary, please."

"Lu Governor, please."

"Xue Temple Secretary, please, Bianzhou is honored by your presence." Lu Yang said with a smile on his old face.

Xue Zhengqing is a burly man, and he can be seen from the barracks.

He put the horizontal sword on his waist on the table, and the startled sound made Lu Yang's body tremble.

"Lu, Governor, let me be frank. I came to Bianzhou this time to review the case of Zhao Siniang and the Hu people."

Xue Zhengqing's eyes suddenly became stern: "Excuse me, where is Di Renjie, who was in charge of the interrogation at that time?"

"Uh..." Lu Yang hesitated for a moment, "Di Facao went..."

"Let me interrupt you, isn't Di Renjie the new Bingzhou Facao? How come he was still in Bianzhou and suddenly promoted from a judge?"

Lu Yang squeezed out an expression that was uglier than crying: "It's like this, Di Renjie's appointment letter was indeed issued, but one of his good friends has not yet been acquitted, so he chose to stay in Bianzhou and not take office for the time being."

"Do you think this is in line with the rules?" Xue Zhengqing narrowed his eyes.

Damn, the question asked by this Dali Temple Secretary really hit Lu Yang's heart.

Is this in line with the rules? Of course not!

What a bosom friend! Lu Yang's heart was in tears.

Lu Yang was just in time to sell out his misery: "Xue Sicheng, this, when to take office is his own business, I can't rush him."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? You are a fourth-rank official, are you afraid of an eighth-rank official?"

You know what, I'm really afraid.

Lu Yang was really afraid of being dragged into the water by Di Renjie, this guy is so heartless.

He was about to answer, Di Renjie and Song Zhen, who was covered in blood, walked into the government office.

Since Di Renjie lived in the government office, Song Zhen could only come back here to change clothes. He couldn't go to Huichunfang, right? How unlucky!It's appropriate.

Xue Zhengqing noticed Song Zhen at a glance, and he grabbed his sword and walked up.

"Who are you? What did you do just now?"

"Me?" Song Zhen pointed at himself in confusion, and seeing that the other party was still staring at him, he said, "My name is Song Zhen, and my name... I can't remember it for the time being. I am the bad guy of Fengqiu County, and I just went to catch a thief."

Bad guy?

The bad guys of the local government can be appointed by themselves without being reviewed by the superiors, so Xue Zhengqing couldn't say anything.

"What thief did you catch?"

Song Zhen said lightly: "Murder and dumping the body."

How to use four words to warm him up all day?

Xue Zhengqing's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

He was actually not from the barracks, but from Ruzhou. It was just because of his outstanding performance and the fact that he had someone behind him, so he was transferred to the Dali Temple.

After entering the Dali Temple, he found that it was not as good as he imagined.

The biggest difference is that there are more cases, but fewer people go to the scene.

The job of the Dali Temple Assistant is mainly to review judicial cases in local states, in simple terms, it is to correct test papers.

Occasionally, there is an opportunity to go on business trips to local states to help try suspicious cases, or like this time, review major cases.

However, now that the world is peaceful, or local officials conceal and do not report murders, they don’t have many opportunities to go on business trips.

Xue Zhengqing is a case-solving fanatic. This kind of job sitting in the office all day is really a skinny dog ​​for him!

Fortunately, Bianzhou reported two murders truthfully this time. Xue Zhengqing took the initiative and was the first to write an application to the Dali Temple, expressing his desire to go to Bianzhou in person for review.

So, he left Chang'an in the envious and jealous eyes of his colleagues.

Never expected that he had just arrived in Bianzhou and another murder happened.

Bianzhou is really a blessed place.

Xue Zhengqing couldn't help laughing, otherwise it would make him, the Dali Temple Assistant, look unserious.

"Tell me more."

Di Renjie noticed the official uniform of the man in front of him, and his eyes suddenly fixed. The leader of the Dali Temple?

He thought for a moment, thinking that he must have come for the first two cases.

Seeing the other party asking, he hurriedly stepped forward and replied.

"Today at noon, someone reported to the government that there was a strong stench in a well in the south of the city. So I went there with the bad commander, sent people to go deep into the well, and fished out an unknown male corpse."

"?" Good guy, Xue Zhengqing was so excited.

"Later, the owner of a nearby house said that he suspected that the body was his enemy, Cai Jiu from the north of the city threw the body into the well."

"Fortunately, we noticed his conspiracy in time, returned quickly, and started a big battle in the tunnel, and finally successfully arrested the suspects!"

Awesome! Just listening to Di Renjie's description, Xue Zhengqing could imagine the danger at that time. This kind of life of solving cases on the edge of a knife made him very yearning.

He hurriedly asked: "Where is the body?"

Instead of asking where the prisoner is, he asked where the body is first?

Song Zhen's expression was a little strange: "Are you sure you want to see it?"

Xue Zhengqing raised his eyebrows: "Why not? Do you think I'm afraid?"


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