Bingzhou is not too far from Jiezhou within its jurisdiction, but it still took less than half an hour to ride at full speed.

A lot of people gathered at the gate of the courtyard located in the suburbs.

"Make way, make way, the Bingzhou judge is here." Tian Qi shouted in front, and everyone heard that the official was coming and quickly made way.

Tian Qi, who was tall and strong, walked in the front. Song Zhen behind him was not short, but compared with Tian Qi, he was indeed a little bit.

"Song Panzuo." There was already a judge at the scene, named Liu Luliu, who was not only a colleague, but also suddenly dropped in. He did not hold himself as a senior, but greeted politely.

"Tell me about the situation at the scene." Song Zhen took the bamboo tube handed over by Tian Qi and drank a sip of water.

Liu Luliu replied, "The owner of this courtyard is named Dong Feng, and the deceased is his wife, Chang Yin."

"Wife?" Song Zhen raised his eyebrows. In the Tang Dynasty, usually only scholars and scholars would call their partners wives, and farmers would only call them wives.

"When did you report to the authorities?"

"This morning."

Song Zhen frowned: "No, I reported to the authorities in the morning, why did you say it in the afternoon?"

"Song Panzuo, it takes time for us to go back and forth." Liu Luliu wiped the cold sweat, wondering if Song Zhen was taking it for granted.

Song Zhen only realized now that it was in ancient times, and it was inconvenient to travel by car.

Moreover, the Bingzhou General Administration Office was built in Jinyang County. In addition to the county officials, the city-based Panzuo like them did have to set out from Jinyang County and rush to the scene.

"Where is the body? Take me to see it."

Liu Luliu asked in a low voice with a strange expression: "Are you sure Song Panzuo wants to see it?"

Generally speaking, the autopsy is done by the coroner and the coroner. Other officials think it's unlucky and basically don't even want to get close.

"Take me."

Liu Luliu took Song Zhen to a house with a clerk guarding outside the door.

"Have you examined the body?"

"Yes, this is the body compartment."

Song Zhen took it and looked at it. Wow, there are only four words!

[Died by the blade. ]

That's it?

He suddenly felt that the coroner's office made a lot of money. The government paid you to come and help with the autopsy, but after working for most of the day, only four words came out?

Song Zhen glanced at the deceased and found that the body was lying on its side, and there was indeed a knife stuck in its neck.

The thick black blood dyed the bedding red and even dripped onto the ground.

This should be the fatal injury.

Therefore, Song Zhen was not in a hurry to check the body, but looked for clues around.

First, what caught his attention was the wardrobe in the house.

The wardrobe door was not completely closed, but was sideways?

Song Zhen walked over and opened the wardrobe door, and found that the clothes inside were very messy, and there were traces of being pressed by heavy objects.

"It seems that someone has been hiding here."

He looked down and saw a series of unclear footprints.

Others may not be able to find it, but it will definitely not escape Song Zhen's eyes.

He leaned down and gestured at his feet, confirming that it should be a man.

Song Zhen closed his eyes first, and then opened them.

Time goes back, day and night change -

All the objects in this room seem to have been restored to their original state.

Song Zhen saw that a man and a woman were sitting on a chair. The woman seemed to want to persuade him to drink, but for some reason, the man did not drink and fell asleep directly on the bed.

The woman sighed helplessly and finally went to bed with him to rest.

The scene accelerated again, and soon, it should be night.

The man suddenly got up and went out, probably to urinate in the middle of the night.

At this moment, Song Zhen suddenly looked back and saw that the closet door behind him opened.

A man came out from inside, holding a murder weapon in his hand, and slowly moved to the bedside.

The man slowly pushed open the curtain, perhaps confirming something, and then stabbed the dead man's neck with a knife.

Suddenly, for some reason, the man seemed to step back in panic.

Finally, he ran out of the window in fear.


Song Zhen was shocked and returned to the real world. He frowned and sorted out the information he had just seen.

The first doubt was, what did the dead man want to give the man to drink?

So, he walked to the side of the table and carefully observed the two glasses of wine on the table.

"No! The turbidity is not right!"

Obviously, there is sediment at the bottom of the wine in the left glass!

Song Zhen picked it up and smelled it, and it seemed to have a different smell from the other glass.

It seems to be, the fragrance of herbs?

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes and thought, could it be that the owner of the house has a hidden illness?

He asked Liu Panzuo outside the door: "Well, where is Dong Feng?"

"He was arrested and taken back to prison early in the morning. The second brother of the deceased pointed out"Have you seen him?" "Yes." "Do you feel that he looks different?" "Nothing different, he's a normal person." Song Zhen understood that Dong Feng was not sick, so the deceased deliberately wanted him to drink the wine mixed with herbal impurities, which was probably the legendary knockout drug! The knockout drug was recorded in the "Secret Biography of Hua Tuo, the Divine Doctor" compiled by Sun Simiao. "Ma Fei San is composed of Yang Ji, Jasmine Root, Angelica, and Calamus." The first person recorded in history books to use knockout drugs was An Lushan. "Old Book of Tang": "Since he was too fat to fight, he deceived the Khitan more than ten times, put [henbane] in the wine at the banquet, dug a pit in advance, waited for them to get drunk, beheaded them and buried them, and they all died without knowing it, and did dozens of people each time. "

Let's not discuss whether the knockout drug made from Chinese herbal medicine has the effect of making people unconscious.

The reason why Song Zhen made such a judgment was because of the murderer's strange behavior.

After killing the deceased, the murderer took a few steps back in panic, which means that he didn't want to kill the deceased, but wanted to kill Dong Feng!

But, for some reason, he missed.

Combined with the deceased's previous strange behavior, it is hard not to suspect that this is a premeditated murder.

But, by mistake, the wrong person was killed.

In order to verify the guess, Song Zhen took out a silver needle from the bag he carried with him and carefully inserted it into the cup.

"There is no poison." But he didn't dare to test the poison himself.

He looked around and found a dog drooling and wagging its tail at the door.

"Tian Qi, coax the dog over. "

The dog barked twice, Song Zhen leaned down and stroked the dog's head, then poured out a little impure wine.

The dog licked it a few times, and it was still lively at first, but unexpectedly, after less than half an hour, it barked twice and fell to the ground.

Song Zhen was shocked, it was indeed the case.


Since Dong Feng was not the murderer, who was the real murderer?

Song Zhen walked to the window, and he suddenly found a very obvious bloodstain on the window frame.

There were even clearly visible fingerprints on it.

"Tian Qi, take a knife and cut it off here, be careful not to touch the bloodstain. "

"Okay, Alang. "

The blood had solidified, leaving two fingerprints on it.

This is a major discovery that can help identify who the real murderer is.

But the problem is, in ancient times, fingerprints were useless. Unlike modern times, the public security organs retain a large amount of fingerprint big data.

Song Zhen walked to the bed, and he suddenly noticed a detail!

Only one pillow?

The deceased slept on the inside with his head on the pillow, and the pillow outside was thrown to the end of the bed?

Wait, could this be deliberately created by the murderer? ?

That's not right. He ran away immediately after killing someone. Why bother?

Song Zhen suddenly raised his head and suddenly thought of a possibility!

Is there a possibility? Suppose.

Did the murderer stab with the pillow as a signal?

At that time, the deceased was sleeping with his back against the bed and covered with a blanket. The murderer couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman in the dim environment.

It was not until he stabbed the woman and heard the woman's painful groan that he woke up.

Did he kill the wrong person?


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