After thinking carefully, Song Zhen felt something was wrong.

Suppose the deceased and the murderer agreed to kill the person sleeping on the pillow, then why did the deceased use the pillow?

Did she forget? Or did she think the murderer could recognize her?

Song Zhen thought in his mind, maybe there is another possibility.

That is, the deceased and the murderer agreed to kill someone when someone went out.

This possibility is very high, because Dong Feng just went out to pee, and the closet door was immediately opened.

It's not right, how does the murderer judge whether the other party is the person he wants to kill?

Suddenly, he thought of something.

If the above two assumptions are combined, wouldn't it be reasonable?

The deceased and the murderer agreed that when the murderer heard the door of the room open, he would come out immediately, and then stab the person who saw the pillow!

It seems quite reasonable.

This can also explain why the deceased asked Dong Feng to drink the bowl of wine with knockout drugs.

It's just a pity that there are variables, which leads to deviations in the results.

"Alang, they're gone."

Song Zhen came back to his senses and turned his head to look at the bed. The body had been carried away by the clerk.

He shook his head and felt that he was worrying too much.

Now that there is no evidence, it is not a good habit to imagine so much on your own.

Because in this way, your future thinking will involuntarily follow the route of your initial thinking.

If you imagine it on your own, you will have cognitive bias about the result.

What if the murderer does not want to kill Dong Feng, but really wants to kill Chang Yin?

"It seems that I have to change this bad habit in the future."

Song Zhen patted Tian Qi and called out, "Let's go too."


When we returned to Jinyang County, it was already late.

Song Zhen returned to his residence exhausted, the house allocated by the general manager's office.

It was not big, only one acre in area, with five rooms.

The little girl adopted by Tian Qi also followed, and at the end of the party, someone was arranged to send her to the mansion.

The little girl had no name, so under Tian Qi's strong suggestion, she was given a surname.

Her full name was Song Ruoshui. Song Zhen recalled that during the reign of Emperor Dezong of Tang, there were five talented women.

The five sisters were Song Ruoxin, Song Ruozhao, Song Ruolun, Song Ruoxian, and Song Ruoxun.

Song Zhen thought that the little girl should take advantage of him, so he gave her a name with "Ruo".

He thought hard for a long time before he thought of the idiom "Three Thousand Weak Waters", so he named her after it.

As for the name, let the child choose it herself after she reaches the age of marriage.


"Auntie, hello." Song Ruoshui raised her head obediently and stretched out her hand for a hug.

Now she is only five years old, but she is very cute.

Song Zhen held her in his arms and rubbed his face against her delicate little face.

"Ruoshui, don't call me grandpa from now on, call me godfather."


"Uh..." Song Zhen wanted to complain, isn't that calling me old? I'm only 22 years old and I'm a grandfather?

What kind of joke is this about the Tang Dynasty?

"Godfather." Song Ruoshui kissed him on the face affectionately.

Walking into the lobby, the two "old onions" standing in front of the door made Song Zhen silent.

[PS: No derogatory meaning, this is a joke in the movie, don't scold. ]

Where is the beautiful and pretty girl? That's it?

He felt that he was fooled by the dog-rat Lu Yang, who deliberately arranged it this way.

Song Zhen had to make a self-strategy: "Okay, if you have an old man in the family, it's like having a treasure. If you have two old men in the family, it means you have two big treasures at the same time. This wave is profitable."

Song Ruoshui jumped down, she said with a smile: "The old ladies and I have already prepared the food just now." Her little expression seemed to be asking for credit.

Song Zhen leaned over and rubbed her head, smiling and saying, "Ruoshui is great."

As a result, as soon as he came to the table, he felt something was wrong.

What happened? All wild vegetables? Or steamed?

You can imagine the taste.

"Why didn't you add salt?"

"I didn't buy it."

"It's been a day, why didn't you buy it?"

"Alang, we don't have money." The two maids, or maids, said. They looked nervous and were about to cry.

"......" Song Zhen asked Tian Qi to give them a coin, and said earnestly: "Food is the first necessity of the people. From now on, every meal in our family must have three meat dishes and five vegetables. Do you understand? If you don't have money, ask Tian Qi for it."

Song Zhen ate the wild vegetables with difficulty. Isn't this too painful?

No, let the guards go to Huichunfang to pack some food and bring it back.

Fifteen minutes later, five guards brought back the takeaway in large and small bags.

Song Zhen picked out the food and only took two bags, letting the guard take the rest away.

"Song Panzuo, what are you doing..." The guard was stunned, not knowing what he meant.

"You have worked hard on guard duty, share it with your brothers."

"....." The guards' eyes were red instantly, and they didn't know what to say.

The status of guards in the Tang Dynasty was very awkward. They were neither soldiers nor local government clerks.

How to say it, it was similar to the temporary security guards in later generations, and the salary was collected by the court from the salaries of officials.

The salary was basically very low, without food and accommodation, and could only maintain basic needs.

However, you have a good reputation. When you return to the village, your family will feel proud to hear that you are working with the officials in the city.

I don't know who to tell about the hardship.

Seeing that they were still standing there, Song Zhen deliberately said with a stern face: "Why are you standing there? This is a midnight snack for you, don't you want it?"

"Thank you, Song Panzuo!!!" The guards were grateful from the bottom of their hearts. Where can you find such a good boss?

"Go, go, if you are hungry while guarding the night, just take a piece of cake to eat. If it is not enough, bring more back tomorrow. "

Song Zhen has an internal price in Huichunfang, which doesn't cost much, and the main thing is that he can buy on credit.

Song Zhen, Tian Qi and Song Ruoshui were feasting on the side, and the two maids were envious.

"Why are you standing there? Sit down and eat?" Song Zhen pointed to the side room of the hall.

"Alang, this, isn't it inappropriate?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there are so many that the three of us can't finish."

The maid hesitated for a moment, and finally sat down nervously.

After being restrained, everyone let go.

All they thought about was Song Zhen's goodness.


"Cuckoo-cuckoo--" Song Zhen was awakened by a burst of chicken crows, and he opened his eyes in confusion.

It's not dawn yet, shout, shout, shout, shout! Wait a minute, I'll throw a basketball over!

He covered himself with the quilt and continued to sleep.

But not long after, Tian Qi came over. He was a human alarm clock, knocking on the door outside.

"Alang, get up and go to work! "

Going to work is a term brought by Song Zhen. Tian Qi heard it so many times that he started shouting it.

"What time is it now?" Song Zhen asked listlessly.


Fuck! Getting up to go to work before five o'clock is even more terrifying than the fucking 996!

He used to be lazy. Anyway, the bad commander didn't have to punch in to work, so he slept until he woke up naturally every day.

Now his status is different. He is now a glorious civil servant of the Tang Dynasty.

The residence is a distance away from the General Administration Office, so Song Zhen took a nap in the carriage.

"Alang, we're here."

After getting off the car, he unexpectedly met Di Renjie. It must be said that this is fate.

Seeing his happy face, Song Zhen knew in his heart that something good must have happened last night.

"Shouzheng, good morning."

"Good morning, Huaiying."

"By the way, what was the situation at the crime scene yesterday? "

Song Zhen threw the handwritten notebook to Di Renjie, who looked at the crooked words on the paper and felt a slight headache.

"Shouzheng, you should practice calligraphy."


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