After get off work, Song Zhen taught little Wang Bo how to swim. What was Di Renjie doing?

He was studying the book "The Book of Changes".

It was very obscure and difficult to understand.

However, all this could not stump Di Renjie.

"Wu Lang, it's late, it's time to rest."

"It's okay, Mu Zhi, you go to sleep first."

Wang Mu Zhi had moved out of the palace and lived with Di Renjie in a small house allocated by the government.

Di Renjie frowned. He seemed to have found the direction of the road ahead, but he could not cross the river. He always felt that he was one step short.

Until the hour of Yin, his eyes were bloodshot and he slammed the table.

"I know!"

"I finally know what the hexagram means?"

Wang Mu Zhi was awakened. She put on a coat and got up. She walked to Di Renjie and saw that his coat had fallen off, so she helped him put it on.

"What's wrong?"

Di Renjie drew a few circles on the paper full of notes and said to his wife excitedly: "Look, Muzhi."

"Dong Feng first dreamed that he rode a horse to the south to cross the river, and when he came back, he crossed the river to the north."

"In the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes, Kan represents water, and according to the directions of the Eight Trigrams, it is in the northern hexagram. The original hexagram should be Kan below Kan above."

"And Li is in the south, temporarily representing the horse."

"Dong Feng later dreamed of riding a horse from north to south, from the south of Kan. Yao means change, and the three Yaos change at the same time, changing to Li. This shows that this is a change of hexagram, from Kan hexagram to Li hexagram."

Di Renjie paused, he took a sip of water, but Wang Muzhi didn't understand what he was saying.


"Dong Feng saw two suns in his dream, two suns, which is the image of two husbands!"

"In the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes, Qian is the father, Kun is the mother, Zhen is the eldest son, Xun is the eldest daughter, Kan is the middle son, Li is the middle daughter, Gen is the young son, and Dui is the young daughter."

"The so-called Kan is to ask for a son, so it is called a middle son (young man). Among them, Kan is water, and officials should act like water."

"So, the Kan hexagram refers to two young officials. That day, Shouzheng and I went to the prison to ask him! Moreover, we can infer from the hexagram that his wife died of bleeding [water]."

Wang Muzhi was shocked. Is it so powerful? He can even infer the future from dreams?

In other words, the old man who divined for Dong Feng had already calculated that he would be imprisoned?

Di Renjie continued, "Kan Gua has two yin and one yang, while Li Gua has two yang and one yin, which are interchanged. The Gua Xiang shows that Li is below and Kan is above, which is Ji Ji Gua! What does Ji Ji mean, Mu Zhi, do you know?"

Wang Mu Zhi shook her head. She had never studied the Book of Changes, so how could she know this?

Di Renjie smiled slightly, "The Gua Ci of Ji Ji Gua says: Water is on fire, Ji Ji, a gentleman should think about troubles and prevent them. Therefore, the old man reminded Dong Feng and told him to not drink a drop of alcohol, stay away from pillows, and be careful of fatal disasters."

Wang Mu Zhi was stunned. Ah, this refreshed her worldview.

"Isn't this too amazing?"

Di Renjie shook his head and said in a heavy tone: "In fact, this is not all. The old man has even figured out who the real murderer is?"

"Who is it?"

"Feng Chang!" Di Renjie's eyes lit up and he said confidently, "Dong Feng dreamed that the left side of the horse was wet and the right side was dry. Wet means water, and the left side is water and the right side is the word Feng. Two days are Chang! This shows that."

"The murderer is Feng Chang."

Wang Muzhi took a long time to wake up from the shock. Then, she smiled and took Di Renjie's hand and said softly: "Okay, it's late at night, it's time to rest."

Di Renjie was still in a state of excitement and had no sleepiness.

"Muzhi, I'm on vacation tomorrow."

"Don't you want to rest well on vacation?"


"Be good, be obedient, and go to sleep."

Di Renjie was lying on the bed, but he was thinking that he would find Song Zhen tomorrow to tell him about this.

On the other side, Song Zhen sneezed in his sleep. He woke up and rubbed his nose.

"Damn, who is thinking about me in the middle of the night?"

After complaining, he pulled the quilt. This is what it's like to sleep alone. He always likes to kick the quilt.

By the way, he really can't get used to the pillows in the Tang Dynasty. They are high and hard, so he can only sleep on his back. For Song Zhen who is used to sleeping on his side, it is very unfriendly.

He had to find a few cotton clothes and stack them together, thinking that if he had time, he would go to Huichunfang and get a free ride with the young lady there.

Uh, a free ride with an embroidered pillow.

No words all night-

Song Zhen was awakened by the crowing of the chicken again. A few days ago, he was so angry that he stewed the chicken in his yard.

Never expected that Liu Panzuo next door raised a group of chickens, and the crowing of the chickens was very loud.


Tian Qi was about to knock on the door when Song Zhen pushed the door open.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah Lang, you woke up so early." Tian Qi touched the back of his head in a simple manner.

"Let's go, pack up and go to work early."

The position of Panzuo is actually quite leisurely. He can go out for inspections whenever he wants, and then hide in a corner to play with his mobile phone.

By the way, what should I do without my mobile phone? Go to the brothel to listen to music.

After Song Zhen clocked in at the government office, he crossed his legs and played the flute.

Everyone has long been accustomed to his work style. Governor Lu didn't say anything, so it was difficult for others to blame him.

I got used to it after listening to it for a while. When Song Zhen didn't go to work one day and couldn't hear the music, I felt uncomfortable all over.

"Good morning, Shouzheng."

Song Zhen put down the flute and greeted with a smile: "Good morning, Yuhua. "

Yuhua is Liu Luliu's pen name. The two are currently the most familiar with each other in the government office, probably because they are all losers.

Other officials basically have backgrounds, but these two are just ordinary.

Unexpectedly, this greeting caused dissatisfaction among others!

"Yuhua, what are you doing? You can just nod to say hello, but you have to say it out loud, which interrupted the song."

Then, the man was another law officer. He looked at Song Zhen and said anxiously: "Shouzheng, don't stop! Hurry up, continue."

"?" Wait, this sounds a bit ambiguous? Did I think wrong?

But, you, a grown man, said this, I am not excited, I am just afraid.

Song Zhen shook his hand and put away the flute.

"It's already the hour of Mao, everyone, it's time to go to work. "

Everyone could only sigh and disperse.

When Chenshi arrived (9 o'clock), Song Zhen packed up and prepared to escape, but he unexpectedly met Di Renjie with dark circles under his eyes.

"My Zhuo, Huaiying, did you steal last night?"

"No." Although Di Renjie looked tired, he was in good spirits.

He said slowly: "By the way, I have interpreted Dong Feng's dream."

"?" So awesome?

Di Renjie pulled him back to his seat, wrote and drew on paper, and told Song Zhen about last night's calculations in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

However, Song Zhen still only understood half of it, especially the first part, what are the Kan Gua and Li Gua?

However, he understood the last sentence.

"According to what you said, Dong Feng actually had the answer in his dream a long time ago. Tell him who the real murderer is?"

"That's right, water on the left and horse on the right, two suns coming out together, it is the two words Feng Chang."

"You are awesome, I give you a thumbs up! "Song Zhen grinned, his white teeth seemed to shine in the sun.

However, Song Zhen soon thought that it was useless for you to calculate that Feng Chang was the murderer, and you couldn't find him now.

"Maybe..." Di Renjie touched his chin and pondered, "Can I?"

Then he took out three copper coins from his pocket.


[PS: This case refers to the Feng Chang case in the "Book of Jin" in the Twenty-Four Histories. The dog author specially learned Liu Yao and polished the details. Please look at the culture of our ancestors rationally and don't fall into cognitive misunderstandings.]

[Excerpt from a passage in the Song Dynasty legal work "The Turtle Mirror for Judging Cases":

In ancient times, there were many techniques for investigating cases, and the ten divinations were all done with all their heart. If you are sincere and compassionate, you will definitely get help from the underworld. This is what Zhou Xuan called "the spirit moved the king to speak", isn't it the sincerity and compassion?]

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