Divination requires sincerity. Di Renjie knelt on the ground and made a wish in his heart, asking God to give instructions to find Feng Chang's location.

He closed his eyes and put three copper coins in his palm.

Shake it!

The copper coins fell to the ground. Di Renjie took a look and hurriedly drew two bars on the paper.

In divination with copper coins, the back side (no words or patterns) is yang and the front side (Chinese characters) is yin.

There are only four variations of three copper coins.

In the first case, there are words on three sides and three are yin, which is Lao Yin.

In the second case, there are no words on three sides and three are yang, which is Lao Yang.

In the third case, there are words on two sides and one is without words, which is Shao Yang.

In the fourth case, there are no words on two sides and one is with words, which is Shao Yin.

Among them, Shao Yang is pronounced as the fourth tone, which can be understood as Shao with the third tone.

Divination with copper coins, from bottom to top, draw the six Yao.

The first hexagram, Shaoyin, Di Renjie drew two horizontal bars on the paper.

The second hexagram was followed by Laoyin. The third hexagram was Shaoyin. The fourth, fifth and sixth hexagrams were all Shaoyang.

Di Renjie opened his eyes, and this hexagram was Qian Palace: Tiandi Fei (Liuhe).

However, there were variables in this case, and the hexagram needed to be changed. The change of the hexagram required the change of Laoyin and Laoyang, which was the principle that things would turn to the opposite extreme.

Di Renjie's eyes lit up, and he drew on the paper. The change was Li Palace: Tianshui Song.

Among them, Qian was heaven, Kan was water, and the sky was above and the water was below.

Di Renjie then silently put the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches into it, as well as the Six Gods and Six Relatives.

Today is February 23, 657, which is converted into Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, which is Dingsi Year, Renyin Month, Bingshen Day, and the current time is unknown.

He deduced that Feng Chang is very likely on a boat in the river in the southwest direction of the village!

After Song Zhen heard the divination results, he was stunned for a long time.

I Zhuo, is this even possible?

Di Renjie immediately arranged for the clerks to rush to Jiezhou.

"Huaiying, you are on leave today, go home and accompany your sister-in-law, let me go on this matter."


"Be obedient!"

"......" Di Renjie was speechless. This was the second person who told him to be obedient. The other was his wife Wang Muzhi.

There was no way, Di Renjie could only give up and watch Song Zhen and Tian Qi ride away on horseback.

Tian Qi was assigned a clerk position by Lu, and his only duty was to follow Song Zhen.

The team of thirty people galloped, raising dust on the road.

The pedestrians on the road didn't know what it meant. Why did so many officials suddenly go out?

Song Zhen arranged for the clerks to requisition boats from the village.

Five people per boat, Song Zhen was sitting on a large boat, which could accommodate more than ten people.

He stood at the bow with his hands behind his back, and his sight had already flown far away.

After rowing for two hours, they finally saw a small boat in front.

Song Zhen rolled up a book into a tube, put it in his mouth and shouted loudly.

"Listen, people in front, you have been surrounded, surrender quickly! Don't resist!"

Feng Chang in the boat woke up immediately after hearing the shouting. He shuddered and poked the bamboo curtain of the boat with his fingers in panic. He saw five boats coming towards him not far away!

"So fast?"

Feng Chang couldn't figure out how the government knew his location no matter how hard he tried.

These days, he has been drifting around casually. When he ran out of food, he went ashore to buy some dry food.

He thought about hiding for a while, waiting for the case to be closed, and then going ashore to start a new life.

But, he never expected that the government would come so quickly?

It's only been a few days? It seems like less than five days!

Feng Chang gritted his teeth and looked at the package, which contained Dong Feng's examination pass.

Damn, just one step away!

Just a little bit, he could take the exam in Dong Feng's name, and then rise to prominence! Become a glorious civil servant of the Tang Dynasty.

As a result...

Feng Chang was reluctant, but he didn't throw the package into the water in the end, because this was his dream.

He studied poetry and books for many years, and thought he could rely on his own efforts to finally pass the exam.

As a result, his father suddenly went to do business.

"Tang Liudian" stipulates: The sons of criminals are not allowed to participate in the business.

In short, the descendants of criminals and merchants cannot participate in the imperial examination!

Yes, the family is rich, but Feng Chang has lost his dream.

He is unwilling! The success that is within reach suddenly shattered and turned into bubbles.

Feng Chang's eyes were red, and he made up his mind and jumped into the river directly!

Seeing this, Song Zhen patted the clerk beside him and stretched out his hand.


He narrowed his left eye, took aim, and then bent his bow and shot the arrow!

There was a scream, and the water soon turned blood red.

"Tian Qi, go and fish him out."

The clerk beside him was a little scared, and he wasHe stuttered, "Song Panzuo, you didn't shoot him to death, did you?"

"Don't worry, no one will die. I shot him in the ass."


Tian Qi salvaged him onto the boat, and Song Zhen ran over and kicked him.

"Get up, don't play dead."

"Ahem——" Feng Chang looked at him with resentment. Why do you think I'm pretending?

"Take him back."

On the way back, Song Zhen kept thinking, could it be that? "The Book of Changes" is really so magical?

This mysterious thing actually allowed Di Renjie to calculate Feng Chang's location.

It was simply amazing! Song Zhen said he was shocked and couldn't let it go for a long time.

He suddenly had an idea, why not let the charlatan Di Renjie help divination, where is Li Mengting now?

At least, he wanted to make sure whether she came or not?

Thinking of this, Song Zhen squeezed the horse's body hard, and the horse ran faster.


"Did you catch him?" Di Renjie ran over to ask when he saw the large group of people coming back.

Song Zhen didn't know what expression to use to express his shock, so he just smiled.

"Huaiying, you are really amazing! You really predicted Feng Chang's location accurately!"

Di Renjie smiled with relief, and suddenly fell weakly.

Song Zhen quickly supported him, carried him back to the house, and then notified his wife to come over.

It was really hard work. I guess you must have spent a lot of time studying the "Book of Changes" during this period of time?

Fortunately, hard work does not pay off.

The next few days passed by in an ordinary way.

Di Renjie interrogated Feng Chang as usual. The other party was just a scholar, and he only needed to scare him a little. In the face of severe punishment, he quickly confessed the crime.

As Song Zhen expected, Dong Feng's wife Chang Yin had an affair.

The two met at a market, and Feng Chang was attracted by Chang Yin's beauty.

Although Chang Yin was married, her husband Dong Feng left quickly, and her boudoir was lonely.

After a few visits, they soon became close.

For this reason, Feng Chang spent money to buy a house next door to the west. He had nothing to do on weekdays and was supported by his family.

He would do daily exercise with Chang Yin whenever he had time.

They were not husband and wife, but they were better than husband and wife.

Because they were very secretive, no one in the village found out.

But one day, Dong Feng returned after passing the imperial examination.

Feng Chang felt that he was smarter than Dong Feng, but his fate was unfortunate and he had no chance to take the imperial examination.

So, he became evil.


[The reason for setting this plot is to rationalize why Wu Zetian asked Di Renjie for dream interpretation in history. 】

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