Feng Chang and Chang Yin planned to make Dong Feng drink the knockout drug first, and then take action while he was unconscious.

Of course, this was only the first plan. What if Dong Feng didn't want to drink?

So, the two made a second plan.

That is to use the door opening as a signal.

At night, as long as Feng Chang, who was hiding in the closet, heard the door opening, he would wait for a while, and after confirming that there was no sound, he would come out immediately!

Unexpectedly, Chang Yin fell asleep because she was too tired from playing during the day, and it was Dong Feng who came out.

The third plan was that the two used pillows as a signal. Dong Feng was the one who used the wooden pillow, and Chang Yin was the one who used the stone pillow.

Feng Chang was scared, and he just wanted to finish the job quickly. Moreover, in the dark, he couldn't tell whether the pillow was made of wood or stone.

He only saw a person sleeping with his back against the wall, with a pillow under his head, and no pillow on the other side.

So, Feng Chang trembled with his hands, and stabbed the other person's neck with a knife with a ferocious face.

As a result, a painful scream made Feng Chang feel like he was falling into an ice cave.

He never expected that the person on the bed was actually his mistress Chang Yin.

Didn't you agree to go out? What's going on?

In a hurry, Feng Chang had to flee in a hurry.

Because it was the first time he did something bad, he accidentally left fingerprints.

Originally, he didn't want to plead guilty, but when Song Zhen's trump card was taken out and the fingerprints were compared, he was speechless.

Is this really Dong Feng's luck?

It's hard to say, it can only be expressed in one sentence, time and fate.

This is Dong Feng's fate, Chang Yin's fate, and Feng Chang's fate.

Feng Chang, as the son of a merchant, already enjoyed a richer life than others, but he yearned for a career in officialdom.

In other words, it is unrealistic. At least in the Tang Dynasty, this dream is undoubtedly wishful thinking.

Chang Yin is also a fool. Her husband passed the high school entrance examination and has a bright future. She could have cut off all ties with Feng Chang before that and become a good man from then on.

Anyway, no one knows, right?

But she didn't. Desire devoured her reason. She actually thought about joining forces with her lover and murdering her husband?

Her tragic death was entirely her own fault.

The truth of the case was revealed.

Dong Feng was acquitted, but he was still confused.

How could he have thought that the murderer was his neighbor, Feng Chang?

When they met each other on weekdays, they looked friendly.

Moreover, the two had been having an affair for more than two years, but he was completely unaware and kept in the dark?

Dong Feng was a pure nerd. He only read the books of sages and was not interested in love between men and women. It can be said that he had never touched his wife.

The melon was ripe, but no one picked it. Didn't this just give Feng Chang the opportunity to take advantage of the situation?

Everyone has desires, Chang Yin is no exception, and Feng Chang is no exception.

Moreover, Chang Yin is indeed good-looking.

So such a ridiculous scene happened.

I will support your wife.

In the past two and a half years, the appearance of Feng Chang has indeed greatly improved Chang Yin's quality of life. She has a rich life with plenty of fish and meat every day, which has further strengthened Chang Yin's determination.

Isn't a man who is rich and knows how to speak sweet words more attractive than you, a damn nerd who doesn't understand romance?

Chang Yin's second brother Chang Wei, after knowing the truth, still couldn't forgive Dong Feng.

He thought that if Dong Feng hadn't run away from home and taken that shitty exam, his sister should have had a happy life, why is it like this?

Afterwards, Dong Feng borrowed money to give his wife Chang Yin a grand funeral.

He stood in front of his wife's grave for a long time, not knowing what to say.

In the end, he only left a sigh and went with the wind.


Feng Chang was eventually sentenced to death and should be beheaded!

He committed murder and manslaughter among the six murders. Although he killed the wrong person, his behavior was very bad and could not erase his crime.

Song Zhen felt that he had not contributed much in this case.

Di Renjie found the person through divination, and he was only responsible for the arrest.

However, Di Renjie did not think so. He believed that Song Zhen's contribution was much greater than his own.

The two upright gentlemen were bragging about business, and Liu Luliu next door could not stand it anymore.

"Can you two be quiet for a while?"

Di Renjie and Song Zhen smiled awkwardly, and then came to a remote room.

Song Zhen dragged him over and whispered, "Did you bring copper coins?"

"I brought them, what's the matter?"

"Help me tell a fortune and tell where my future wife is?"

"?" Di Renjie was speechless. No, you are a man who is indifferent to a woman who expresses her feelings to you.

If you really want to find a wife, you can find one easily. Why do you need to calculate it?

Di Renjie handed three copper coins to Song Zhen and asked him to go by himself.Throw it by yourself.

"Remember, adjust your breathing, and sincerity will work."

Song Zhen took a deep breath, then exhaled the turbid air, he closed his eyes tightly, and silently chanted in his heart.

"Li Mengting, where are you now?"

As soon as he let go, the copper coin fell to the ground. Di Renjie looked at it and drew a horizontal line on the paper.


Song Zhen threw it six times in a row. Di Renjie stared at the hexagram and said to himself: "Different hexagrams overlap, the lower hexagram is Li, and the upper hexagram is Kan. Is this the Ji Ji hexagram?"

"What does it mean?"

"The Tuan says: Ji Ji, Heng, Xiao Li Zhen, the beginning is auspicious and the end is chaotic."

"Don't make it so mysterious, speak human language."

After Di Renjie put the heavenly stems and earthly branches, the six gods and six relatives into it, his eyes lit up: "From this hexagram, you can see that you and that woman are really a match made in heaven!"

"What do you mean?"

"Everything is ready, water and fire are in harmony. However, it is right to pull the wheel."

Song Zhen was speechless. Since Di Renjie learned the Book of Changes, he has been talking nonsense all day long. He said helplessly: "Speak human language."

"In short, you need to be careful and cautious at present, and you should not act on impulse. When everything is ready, the two of you can finally become a couple."

Di Renjie was silent. This hexagram seemed to imply that Song Zhen's future wife is from a big family?

That would be bad. Judging from his current strength, let alone the five surnames and seven families, even ordinary gentry may not look down on him.

The difference between the gentry and the common people is a gap that ordinary people cannot cross.

Di Renjie touched his chin and pondered: "Your future wife is now in a city with the name of water and fire."

"?" What does it mean? Why don't I understand? Song Zhen touched his head.

Di Renjie took out a book and read it with a frown.

After searching for a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up.


"Luoyang?" Song Zhen was skeptical.

"Yes, it is Luoyang. Luo means water and Yang means fire."

Song Zhen asked anxiously, "Then how can I find her?"

"Ah, this..."

Di Renjie fell into deep thought. The upper part is Li and the lower part is Huo. One is in the south and the other is in the north. The two are far apart. It can be understood that the status of the two people is very different.

Or it means that the two people seem to be far away from each other, but they are destined to be lovers, but in fact they are close to each other.

Wait, is there a possibility?

The person next to the woman is actually near Song Zhen, but he doesn't know it?


[The original text of Feng Chang case has only two or three hundred words, but I exaggerated it to tens of thousands of words. The method of solving the case is different from other cases, but I think it is very cool. 】

【Regarding the divination to solve the case, I could have written it like other fortune-telling novels, "Di Renjie frowned, counted with his fingers, then suddenly realized, and finally smiled mysteriously, so that's it.", just pass it over in one stroke.

No, I don't want to do that. Why do you want to be mysterious? If you want to write, do it for real!

In order to have a basis and to show you the wonderful divination reasoning and case-solving process, I really studied the "Book of Changes" and divination for several days, and checked a lot of information before writing these three chapters, although now I know only a little. 】

【Di Renjie has been sealed by me because it takes a lot of brainpower. Please know. 】

【Since the author is so pragmatic, can you give it a five-star rating? Muah. 】

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