Wang Yizhi chose to follow his heart. He decided to go home first and talk to his father about this.

After Wang Zhe heard this, he thought, why not take this opportunity to exchange feelings with the other two wealthy families.

They have been in Bingzhou for so long, and the Jinyang Wang family seems to have no expression, which is really unreasonable.

So, all the seats for the performance at Huichunfang tonight were reserved by the Jinyang Wang family.

Other audiences who bought tickets had to give up when they heard that it was that group of people.

Huichunfang is very good at doing business. They gave small gifts to every audience who missed the performance tonight as compensation.

Wang Zhe first went to the governor's mansion to personally entertain the clansmen of Fanyang Lu and Qinghe Cui.

The three parties are in-laws for generations, so naturally they will not offend them.

Everyone talked and laughed along the way, and walked shoulder to shoulder to Huichunfang.

"Qingzhu (Lu Yang's pen name), I've been hearing you nagging me about how interesting Huichunfang's programs are. I'm going to see them today."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Everyone, I won't let you down."

He kept it a secret for now. When everyone knew who the creator was, they would be shocked.

A large group of people entered Huichunfang.

Bingzhou's Huichunfang is several times larger than Bianzhou's, and its infrastructure is much more luxurious.

It's just that the courtesans here don't look that good.

Of course, most of the people here are doing serious business, and talent is the most beautiful.

For example, Miss Yuhe, the courtesan of Bingzhou Huichunfang, is a wonderful woman who is proficient in any musical instrument and has a good voice.

There is also Miss Shuangyue, who has excellent literary talent and often amazes readers with her poems.

When the musicians of Huichunfang learned that Song Zhen was coming, they were all curious. They wondered what this young man who created many songs looked like. Qu is a good-looking man, and he must be as handsome as Pan An.

Pan An was born in the Western Jin Dynasty. Now in the Tang Dynasty, his legend is still circulating in the world.

Pan An, whose original name was Pan Yue, whose courtesy name was Anren and whose nickname was Tannu. How handsome was Pan An? This is how it was recorded in the Book of Jin.

"Yue was beautiful and graceful. Women who met him all held hands and lingered around him, throwing fruits to him, and then returned with a full cart."

After a stroll, he filled a cart with fruits. What a guy.

Song Zhen was in the carriage. When he heard Di Renjie tell the story of Pan An, he was stunned.

It's a pity that such a handsome guy didn't sell fruits.

Pan An was both handsome and talented. He only married Yang in his life, and he didn't flirt with other women everywhere because of his handsomeness.

It was precisely because of this beautiful image of being loyal to love that he became the "public lover" in the women's world.

The four most handsome men in ancient times: Pan An (Jin Dynasty), Lanling King Gao Changgong (Northern Qi Dynasty), Song Yu (Chu Dynasty of the Warring States Period), Wei Jie (Jin Dynasty).

The man whose wife commented "You are too beautiful" is not on the list.


When the carriage arrived at the gate of Huichunfang, Song Zhen got off the carriage, and the musicians gasped.

They had never seen the legendary Pan An, so they didn't know how handsome he was, but Song Zhen's beauty was the most handsome man they had ever seen, no one else.

He was more than six feet tall, well-proportioned, and talented, which made many musicians fall in love with him.

Song Zhen bowed first and smiled, "Everyone, why do you have to go out to greet him? We are all family."

Humble young man! His image in everyone's heart was raised to a higher level.

I wonder which woman in the world can be lucky enough to get Song Lang's Bodhi water?

The owner of Huichunfang in Bingzhou is a man named Gongsun Zhi, about forty years old.

By the way, not long after the New Year's Day, Gongsun Yu returned and announced to the public that the old system would be restored from then on, and the Changsun family would be renamed Gongsun family.

Gongsun Zhi politely welcomed Song Zhen in, while Di Renjie and Wang Muzhi were led to the elegant seats by the elegant slaves.

"Song Lang, this is the copyright fee for the first month and the second month."

The term copyright fee was proposed by Song Zhen. Although Gongsun Shi didn't know what it meant, they just shouted it.

Song Zhen looked down and was stunned.

Wow, more than 300 strings of cash were accumulated in just two months? Robbing money?

"Gongsun Shi Huichunfang has a total of 568 rooms in various counties." Gongsun Zhi saw his surprise and explained slightly.

Wait, the copyright fee is only 20%, and the drinks and rewards are not included, only the tickets are counted.

If there is no deduction, it is conceivable that Gongsun Shi made a fortune!

Song Zhen simply glanced at the bill, which recorded everything in detail.

As long as Gongsun was not stupid, they would never dare to pay less than a copper coin.

Song Zhen was the real God of Wealth for their family.

Since the introduction of Song Zhen's singing and dancing program, it was performed once a week, and almost every show in Huichunfang across the country was full.

Not only did they make a lot of money, but most importantly, they earned a good reputation.

Scarcity makes things valuable. When guests gradually went to Huichunfang,When the Chunfang gathered, other brothels were anxious.

But they couldn't contact Song Zhen, so they had no choice but to create their own original works.

However, fixed thinking is difficult to change in a short period of time. Their original songs are weird, and the deceived audiences cursed and said, "Fuck you, give me back your money!"

However, they did learn the strange and weird dance created by Song Zhen.

You know what, the puppet dance in Pingkangfang is indeed imitated in a very realistic way, about 80% similar.

Even the clever Pingkangfang musicians, inspired by Song Zhen's dance, developed more dance postures similar to postmodernism.

It must be said that Song Zhen's sudden appearance has brought about a huge change in the Tang Dynasty's song and dance entertainment industry.

Who is still looking for a sword in a boat, who is still standing still, who is still standing still, just wait to eat shit behind.

Song Zhen changed the music of the Tang Dynasty from elegant music that only high-class people can appreciate to folk music that can be appreciated by all classes.

This trend even swept into the palace, and Wu Meiniang secretly learned Song Zhen's singing and dancing just to make him laugh.

Today, Huichunfang has included songs such as "Beautiful Mythology", "Farewell", "Wish to Meet Again", "Love Across Time and Space", "Spring Festival Overture", "Spring in the Garden", "Pulling Silk Play", "Double-Faced Yan Xun", "Pure Land of Bliss", "Fisherman Sings at Dusk·Song Shouzheng Presents to Prince Teng", "Golden Wind and Jade Dew", "Only Mom is Good in the World", and "Good Days".

Today, Song Zhenzhen just sent the score of "Friendship Forever".

After all, one more show can bring more dividends.

Huichunfang adopts the performance system and song request system, which is a new concept proposed by Song Zhen.

Simply put, customers can pay a few musicians to play for you in the private room for any song they want to hear.

Of course, you can also listen to the music and drink with everyone in the attic.

The charge for ordering songs is naturally high, but rich people like this. They think they are special. The key is that after the zither and the harp sound in harmony, they can also sing in harmony. Isn't it happy?

Luoyang, Ziwei City——

"Zitong, I'm suddenly interested in that Song Zhen."

Wu Meiniang put a grape into Li Zhi's mouth, and she smiled and said, "If your majesty wants, you can order Song Zhen to come to the palace."

"But he is in Bingzhou now, and the journey is long." Li Zhi frowned.

Wu Meiniang smiled and covered her mouth with her hands: "Your majesty is really sympathetic to good ministers, but good ministers, how dare they disobey the king's orders?"

"That makes sense, Mei Niang, go and arrange for Song Zhen to come to Luoyang."

"I heard that this boy has great talent in music, and I want him to compose a song for the royal family."

"Let him come before the Cold Food Festival. On the Cold Food Festival, I will return to Chang'an to worship Zhaoling."


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