Soon after Song Zhen and Di Renjie and his wife arrived, the people from the Wang family of Taiyuan, the Lu family of Fanyang, and the Cui family of Qinghe arrived.



"Suzhi, you are the host today, you should go in first."

"No, no, no, you are the guest, you should go in first."


The three parties were polite to each other outside the door for half an hour, and Song Zhen couldn't stand it anymore.

He walked out and greeted: "Mr. Cui, Mr. Wang, Mr. Lu, how are you?"

There is a certain order to call people like this.

The turbid eyes of the ancestor of the Wang family lit up: "Sir, why are you here?"

The word "Sir" made the people from the two families of Fanyang Lu and Qinghe Cui startled.

Oh my god, what happened?

This is the patriarch of the Jinyang Wang family, calling Song Zhen "Sir"?

Everyone was still in a dream, Song Zhen had silently helped Wang He, the ancestor of the Wang family, in.

"With the instructions of the teacher, the preparations for the Wang family college have been almost complete, but the system is lacking."

After all, this is the first time to run a private college. In the past, the Wang family taught and studied by themselves.

"I wonder if the teacher has any advice?" Wang He looked at him with a slight smile.

Song Zhen first toasted him a glass of wine: "Did you forget the theme of tonight?"

Wang He was slightly stunned, and then smiled self-deprecatingly.

Indeed, there is a long time to come, so don't rush.

Soon, the clansmen of the five surnames and seven families took their seats.

Song Zhen was pulled to a table by Wang He.

This table is not simple, and people with status from the three clans are here.

To be honest, Song Zhen is only a little familiar with Lu, the governor, so he sat next to him.

Lu Yang leaned over and whispered: "You have made progress."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes at him, and you don't even look at who is sitting at this table.

Cui Lu Zheng Wang, you have won over three people at once.

Lu Yang was happy in his heart. He thought that Song Zhen had paid off his debt of favor for helping him.

From now on, we don't owe each other anything, and you are no longer my father.

These days, Song Zhen has been honest and has not made things difficult for him.

Lu Yang said that he wanted to live a few more years.

The last time, the rotten corpse of Zhao Youguang made Lu Yang sick to this day. He used to be addicted to alcohol, but now he doesn't even dare to drink alcohol.

As soon as he saw the "green ant" floating on the water, he couldn't help but think of it.

Song Zhen helped him quit drinking.

The young people of Fanyang Lu and Qinghe Cui secretly thought it was a pity.

Originally, I was thinking that I could communicate with Song Shouzheng a few more times.

I really don't know how Song Shouzheng's brain grows, and all kinds of golden sentences come out frequently.

In addition to the last "Sitting alone in the study, making my wife, this feeling is unknown to outsiders." Later, Song Zhen inadvertently said "The breeze and the moon are nowhere to be found, and the spring at the bottom of the Peach Spring Cave."

[The above poem is from Tang Yin. 】

When this poem came out, it was amazing.

Cui Mengzhen and others felt that Song Shouzheng was really a role model for our generation.

This car skill is admirable.

Alas, when can I reach the level of Song Shouzheng's talent and write such a poem that is appreciated by both the refined and the vulgar?

It's bad, it seems that the young people of the two tribes have been led astray. It's not really crooked, there is a school called Huajian Ci.

Let's stop chatting, the sound of stringed instruments rang out.

The young people listened attentively, and they remembered that Song Shouzheng praised the repertoire of Huichunfang.

He even said something like "The world's musical talent is one stone, this person alone occupies eight buckets, and Song has only one bucket."

Wang He and others closed their eyes and immersed themselves in the ocean of music.

The melody of this song is like a woman, telling you the story of first love in your ear.

So innocent, so beautiful, so unforgettable.

Song Zhen drank a sip of tea silently, frowned, as if he had played a wrong note.

However, judging from the expressions of the crowd, they did not hear it.

After so much training, the musicians of Huichunfang have mastered the ensemble skills skillfully.

The so-called ensemble is not to play at the same time.

Instead, it is divided into sections and played with different instruments. Only in the climax will many instruments play together.

One advantage of such a performance is that it keeps fresh at all times.

After the song was over, Wang He couldn't help but sigh: "This song is melodious, and people can't help but fall into it after hearing it."

Cui Qiufang held Lu Yang's hand tightly, with affection.

Although the two have passed the age of knowing their fate, the good times when they were young are always vivid in their minds.

Cui Mengzhen's nose was sore, and he said sadly: "After hearing this song, I couldn't help but want to write a poem."

Song Zhen glanced at him and saw that he was a man with a story.

Born in the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Families, it is hard to predict whether it is a blessing or a curse.

In a marriage of a large family, you can't do whatever you want in many cases, even if you are veryI often like a woman, but because of the difference in status, you have to separate.

This kind of thing is very common.

The marriage system of the Tang Dynasty is monogamy, that is, you can only have one wife.

Article 177 of "Tang Law Commentary" stipulates: "One husband and one wife, an unalterable system. If you have a wife and remarry, you are not a wife."

At this time, maybe some Yanzu will say, didn't the ancients have three wives and four concubines?

No, no, no, do you think it's really that simple?

The Han Dynasty clearly stipulated: "If you are awarded a title for success, you can prepare eight concubines", "One wife and two concubines for the nobles", and "One husband and one wife for the common people".

In short, those who have made great contributions to the court and have been awarded a title can have one wife and eight concubines.

Ordinary officials can have one wife and two concubines.

As for the common people? Sorry, you can't take concubines, even if you are rich and have status!

The Tang Dynasty inherited the Han and Wei systems and still maintained this tradition.

Some Yanzu would say, if I don't travel to the Tang Dynasty, I can go to other dynasties, right?

You think too much. The marriage system of the Han Dynasty continued until the Yuan Dynasty, and even the Ming Dynasty had regulations.

"As for common people, they must be over 40 years old and have no children before they can be allowed to choose a concubine."

This means that if your wife is 40 years old and still has no children, you can report to the court and buy a concubine after approval.

From this point of view, it is probably only the Qing Dynasty that can marry concubines at will without restrictions.

However, you can't marry openly, because rich people can keep a mistress. Anyway, there is no report from Lao Liu.

Keeping a mistress is keeping a mistress, but you can't let her go out. If she goes out, she will be exposed.

In the Tang Dynasty, people who violate the marriage system are basically caned 100 times.


Seeing that the young people were in the mood for poetry, Song Zhen sat aside with his arms around his chest and didn't say anything.

In fact, the name of this song is "Golden Wind and Jade Dew", and you can tell which poem it comes from as soon as you hear it.

Cui Mengzhen stood up, took a sip, then shook his head and chanted: "The peach charms always have two lines, and the bamboo chopsticks are all the same height. Mandarin ducks play in the water together, and yellow oranges push the clear waves."

"Pa pa pa - good poem!"

The Jinyang Wang family's clansmen looked at him one after another, and they couldn't help but be speechless. This guy, here he comes again.

After the young man's desire to perform was satisfied, Wang He looked at Song Zhen with a smile.

"I wonder if you have any quatrains, sir?"


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