"Well, what about taking us to the police station? I often go to that place in my hometown. " Liu Jianye hummed.

"Yes, we didn't do anything wrong. What can you do to us! " Qi Yujuan is also disdaining the way.

They both have experience. In my hometown, as long as the relatives are harassed by them. There are really people who call the police, and they can't be dealt with.

"Officer, they're going to blackmail me for five million!" Zhao Minghao light way: "I have here they blackmail video."

"Ah, you videotaped just now!" Liu Yuan shivered.

"Yes, you are trying to blackmail five million. I don't know if I'm going to shut you up for a while. Three or two years is still possible. "

Hearing Zhao Minghao's words, Liu Jianye shuddered. He didn't stand up on the sofa. "Zhao Minghao, you can't do this. I'm your uncle!"

Qi Yujuan couldn't stand up at all. Liu Yuan shivered while hiding.

"Whose uncle are you? Do I know you? Don't think you can go all over the world with your shamelessness Zhao Minghao gave a sneer.

"There's evidence. Then it's easy for us. " Said the policeman.

"No, Ming Hao, please don't sue us. Let's go now. We can't go now. " Liu Jianye quickly picked up Qi Yujuan and said:

"Let's go!"

"It's so easy to go first. What do you think this is? " Zhao Minghao sneered.

Four cops are about to step forward. Let Liu Jianye get down on his knees to Zhao Minghao

"Ming Hao, I'm your uncle. I can't go to jail..."

Zhao Minghao really can't let Liu Jianye kneel down. The chair drifted away like a pulley. After he got down on his knees, Zhao Minghao got up from his chair.

"Stand up and talk, or I'll let the police catch you!" Zhao Minghao said sternly.

Liu Jianye just stood up. Liu Yuan's face turned white, but he didn't expect that things would be so big.

"Go away, I'll let you go this time. If there's another time, I'll take you in. " Zhao Minghao said sternly.

"Come on, let's go." Liu Yuan one hand holding a hasty slip out.

"Officer, please!" Zhao Minghao said to the police at this time.

Zhao Minghao knew that these policemen must have been instructed. Sure enough, the police left without saying anything.

"Thank you, boss Jiang! I'll trouble you twice this day... "Zhao Minghao came out and said to Jiang Yushan.

"I'm at your service. It's not polite. " Jiang Yushan said with a smile.

Two people just finished the courtesy, a Maserati sports car stopped at the door. This is Arnold's car.

"Zhao Xiaodi, I've got the agreement you want. Let's see if there are any more problems. "

Annuo came in and passed by Jiang Yushan. At this time, he handed Zhao Minghao the paper bag in his hand.

"Sister anno, what else do you have to see. When Liu Qijun comes, just sign it. " Zhao Minghao took the document bag with a smile.

"Sister Ann, let's go back first. Brother Hao, you wait for boss Liu to come and get things done and come back quickly. "

Ye still said in a delicate voice. Here we go with Arnold.

Zhao Ming Hao has nothing to look forward to. But Liu Qijun is different. After this, I read the agreement carefully.

"Well, you can take it back to see if it's signed and bring it to me." Zhao Minghao said.

"Come on, I want to understand. There's nothing else to look at. Dr. Zhao, if you can cooperate with me, that will give me a great chance. What else can you do to me? "

Liu Qijun also want to understand, here picked up the signature brush brush brush on his name.

After signing his name, Zhao Minghao said with a smile, "let's make an appointment to go to the notary office tomorrow."

"No problem. I'll wait for your call, Mr. Zhao."

Liu Qijun left with 20 jin of Danshen powder. I'll go back and arrange production. I'll have to go through the formalities or something in the future. His company has changed its owner!

When Zhao Minghao returned to the four halls, Liu Yuan and his parents were here. It can be seen that they are waiting for Zhao Minghao here.

"Ming Hao, Ming Hao, we were joking just now. Now I have something serious to say to you. "

Liu Jianye stepped forward and said that he was not kind-hearted.

"Do you have anything else to say to me? Do you really think I can't do anything about you? " Zhao Minghao said sternly.

"Ah, Ming Hao. We're not asking you for money. " Liu Jianye said hastily, "my husband and wife have no place to live. You can live in one room and one living room. You can sleep in the living room. "

"Yes, yes. We are all relatives. I'm here to entertain you. Is there any problem with food and accommodation. We don't want to ask you for money! " Qi Yujuan said.

"Tut Tut, it seems that if you don't ask me for money, you have suffered a great loss. Like I owe you, right? " Zhao Minghao laughed angrily

"Get out of here, don't say we know each other in the future!"

Zhao Minghao said and turned to the elevator. Liu Jianye and Qi Yujuan want to follow in the past. But he was held by Liu Yuan.

"Mom and dad. Now the boy's six relatives don't recognize him. " Liu yuanyao said:

"It's hard to catch up."

"Where do we live? This boy is really ungrateful! I went to hold him when I was a child! " Liu Jianye's way of hating.

"What do you live in. Hurry to the station and go back all night. Take a taxi to the station. " Liu Yuan made an arrangement for him.

"Brother Hao, come to dinner. Everyone is waiting for you. " Ye still tells Zhao Minghao.

At this time, Zhao Minghao just changed his clothes in his room. Ye still knocked on the door and opened it himself.

"Let's go. Who are there over there? I heard the voice of Zhang Weihai. "

Zhao Minghao said. When he came here just now, the door of room 2204 was open.

"Yes. Zhang Weihai doesn't know how to let Mingyue find her. " Ye still shook his head

"But sister Mingyue is really happy."

"I can understand that." Zhao Minghao said: "at that time, I bought these three houses. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well all night."

"Well, I was glad to hear that you said there were three houses. I just want to share my joy with someone Ye still said.

"Low key. I don't want people to know about the cars I buy. " Zhao Minghao shook his head

"Let's go and see what's good."

Zhao Minghao leads ye Yushou into 2204. Sitting in the living room is an Nuo, Zhang Mingyue, Wu Yingying. Zhang Weihai was wandering around the room.

"Sister, can you borrow this house to live in?" Zhang Weihai said excitedly: "then I'll move here too..."

"No way. I'm here to show the house. Why don't you know when you are so old. Make some unrealistic demands. We'll get something to eat and go

Zhang Mingyue would like to kick Zhang Weihai away now. Just now I met Zhang Weihai when I was buying pickled vegetables in the market. This guy's going to follow me.

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