"How's cousin? How much can I get back? I'll treat you to dinner tonight. " The fat man said to the section chief Wang.

"Back to your paralysis!" Section chief Wang angrily scolded: "I have been suspended for you! Get the hell out of NIMA

Wang section chief angrily back to the van, very used to sitting in the co driver's seat. To the two people sitting in the back:

"Why don't you drive. Why are you all sitting in the back? "

"Hey, Xiao Wang, you can drive." More than 30 men said, "there are only three people in our department. If you have been suspended, you will not be the section chief. I will be promoted to the section chief. Hey, hey, you think you're the boss? "

"You..." chief Wang was angry to vomit blood.

"Yes, Xiao Wang, you have to be punished. I can't get up in my life. Why do you want to show the authority of your section chief? "

The 245 year old man disdained to say, "drive now and stop talking nonsense. It's good that you can stay in our department in the future. "

Chief Wang is dizzy. This reminds me of the bad situation in the future. It's really the same as what these two people said. The future is not bright.

Once this punishment is imposed, it is impossible to be promoted in the future. After all, he offended director Lin. it is estimated that Mayor Zhang hated him. If these two bastards dare to do this to him, they must have thought of it.

As soon as he thought about it, he made a decision: "just the two of you want to jump on me? Can't I quit? "

Zhao Minghao and ye still have no interest in staying in wuxingtang after director Lin left.

"Forget it, close the door and we'll go back. We'll invite Zhang Mingyue to dinner later. Go back early and help. " Zhao Minghao is a bit disappointed.

"Yes, I don't know how to save a person." Ye still pouts his little mouth.

"Most people know how to be grateful. It's me who's out of luck and meets an asshole. " Zhao Minghao shook his head.

Two people have not left, there are three people at the door. Among them, Liu Yuan is the leader.

"Ming Hao, my parents have come to see you. Dad, you didn't expect Ming Hao to have such achievements, did you

Following Liu Yuan are two couples in their 50s and 60s. The man is similar to Liu Yuan. His round face looks unreasonable. The woman's face was full of ready expression.

Looking at Zhao Minghao, he looked surprised. Liu Jianye a face of displeasure way: "Ming Hao so little time didn't see, see Uncle don't know to say hello?"

"Whose uncle are you? Do I know you? " Zhao Minghao sneered: "Liu Yuan quickly takes them as far as possible. Otherwise, I want you to look good. "

"Well, I'm your uncle, and you can't deny it. Uncle, you must treat me well today. " Liu Jianye's arrogant way:

"You can charge your cousin 10000 yuan. I'm going to discipline you today. You're not making a lot of money. Give your uncle a hand. Well, I want to buy a house for Liu Yuan in the city. You borrow five million first... "

Liu Jianye and his wife Qi Yujuan sat on the sofa. Liu Yuan's smiling eyes became a crack.

Liu Yuan is very happy. His father is Zhao Minghao's uncle. He came here to see what Zhao Minghao could do. The boy has a lot of money. Just get some to buy a house. Of course, Zhao Minghao will continue to help them.

"Ming Hao, please help us. We are all relatives. Give me five million dollars and we'll never bother you after that. " Qi Yujuan said.

Zhao Minghao sneered and played on the phone, saying, "what can I do if I don't give it to you?"

"No? You're the death of both of us. I think you can still... "Liu Jianye said.

Zhao Minghao no longer spoke. He said to Jiang Yushan, who was looking at the door: "boss Jiang, please call the police for me."

Jiang Yushan nodded and disappeared. He just heard something wrong here. Just look at the door. That means to tell Zhao Minghao that such a thing should be handled by him.

"Call the police. What's the use of calling the police. You can't deny that I'm your uncle, can you? " Liu Jianye said with an insolent face:

"You have money. You don't want to get rid of us poor relatives."

"Yes, it's within our extended family. When the police come, they don't care. " Qi Yujuan is elated.

Qi Yujuan and Liu Jianye feel that they are elders. Zhao Minghao has no parents or relatives alive. Then the two of them will have Zhao Minghao.

As long as the skin is thick enough and the person is shameless enough, it's certainly not a problem to get money.

"Brother hao?" Ye still can't help it.

"No problem, someone will deal with it soon." Zhao Minghao is still in harmony with Ye.

"By the way, Ming Hao, you have found such a beautiful girlfriend. How also want to find a ha for Liu Yuan. He's your cousin Qi Yujuan said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, you have a good plan. If it wasn't for the police. I'll throw you three out. "

Zhao Minghao sneered and said: "if you are wise, get out of here. Don't look ugly on your own. They are both arrogant and ignorant. Liu Yuan, you've been in a big city for so long. Don't think I have nothing to do with you? "

"Well, what can you do? Get us out of here at most. We'll come back when the police leave. "

Liu Yuan said triumphantly: "of course, I will not step forward!"

Just talking about the siren from far to near. Let Liu Jianye and Qi Yujuan some flustered up.

"Why did you really call the police? I don't want to kill you, unfilial... "When Liu Jianye stands up, he has to do something.

Zhao Minghao sat behind the table with disdain on his face: "then you can try one. As long as you dare to reach out, I can take it back! "

"I still don't believe it..." Liu Jianye is about to rush up.

"Dad can't do it. There's a camera here, and the smell changes when you do it. And the police are here Liu Yuan grabbed Liu Jianye in a hurry.

"What if the police come? I'm the boy's uncle... "

Liu Jianye was a bit weak and watched four policemen come in. It's a police dilemma, two women. It seems that they are ready to fight. Qi Yujuan has taken care of them.

"Who is Dr. Zhao? Did you call the police? " Asked the leading 30 odd policemen.

"It's me." Zhao Minghao stood up and said, "this is what happened..."

Zhao Minghao said something about it. The policeman looked at Liu Jianye and said, "follow me to get on the bus."

"We didn't break the law. I'm his uncle... "Cried Liu Jianye.

"If there's anything you need to talk about at the police station!" The policeman said coldly.

"It's none of my business. It's none of my business. I'm just a guide. " Liu Yuan is in a hurry. He was about to slip away.

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