"Well, my identity is semi official. I belong to the Third Bureau, which is to manage some practitioners with different powers. Of course, it's the one with successful cultivation. "

Jiang Yushan did not hide the meaning of the way: "I was sent to serve Dr. Zhao."

"Dedicated to me?" Zhao Minghao's eyes widened.

"Yes, practitioners like you have extraordinary power. So some things try not to let you use your power. What I've come here to say is that as long as I don't violate the law, I'll try my best to solve your problems. "

What Jiang Yushan said is very obscure. But Zhao Minghao understood. It's just that he can't have a chance to get angry. If you feel that he can't control Zhao Minghao, you will definitely find a way to eliminate this unstable factor.

"You'll open a supermarket next to me like this in the future?" Zhao Minghao calmed down and said.

"Yes, you must have more than two levels of cultivation. And there will be a lot of innate combat skills. So focus on you. " Jiang Yushan said:

"There's going to be people in charge of medical care. It doesn't matter what cousin the fat man calls. "

"Tut Tut, thank you very much." Zhao Minghao let go. But also secretly alert, the original attention to them.

"And the four guys in Tongcheng are to blame. Dr. Zhao, you did a good job

Hearing Jiang Yushan's words, Zhao Minghao knew that he had been noticed by the Third Bureau at least when he was in Tongcheng.

"I see. I see." Zhao Minghao nodded. Here, Jiang Yushan went back to his supermarket with a smile.

"Brother Hao has such a thing..." ye still said.

"You think you can do whatever you want in such a society." Zhao Minghao said with a bitter smile.

"Well, it's good to have such a backstage. We're not going to break the law anyway. " Ye is still indifferent to Tao

Just as they were talking. The van with a face of health supervision stopped at the door. Three people came down from the top, and the one who took the lead was Secretary Wang.

Three men came in in a fierce way. Zhao Minghao sat on the edge of the table, looking at the three people calmly.

"Dr. Zhao didn't expect us to meet again." Secretary Wang sneered.

"Secretary Wang, what are you doing here?" Zhao Minghao light way.

"Secretary Wang. This is our section chief Wang! "

A man with a glossy face in his health supervision uniform cried.

"Just say something." Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows.

Chief Wang came in and looked at the clinic. After seeing the little nurse with a cold face behind the counter, his eyes were stunned, but then his heart was furious.

"NIMA's, you have such a fairy like little nurse, and even went to rob Lin Yuqiong with me. If I don't make you call Dad today, I won't be Wang!"

Secretary Wang, no, it's chief Wang now! He said with an official smile:

"Dr. Zhao, I know you have complete procedures, but some people complain that you charge indiscriminately and..."

"Hey hey, is that your cousin who complained?" Zhao Minghao sneered.

"It has nothing to do with whether he is my cousin or not. It's whether you charge indiscriminately! " Section chief Wang is domineering.

Just when he was proud, a car on his face stopped in front of the clinic. Looking back, chief Wang recognized whose car it was.

In the past, section chief Wang accompanied director Lin in this car almost every day. It's a pity that he can only take a van now.

Section chief Wang ran out quickly and said to Director Lin who just got off the bus: "director, what happened here has shocked you? Now these clinics are really mixed. I didn't even think of a doctor like Zhao Minghao working in a big hospital. They also open clinics in their spare time and charge indiscriminately... "

"Yes, yes. As soon as our chief Wang heard the news, he brought us here. We should severely punish this person who charges fees indiscriminately. "

More than 30 men with oily face said. He nodded and bowed on one side. If he was fitted with a dog's tail, he would be able to shake like a wheel now.

"Go away, you all go back to me." Director Lin's face turned green with anger: "you are not allowed to come to the wuxingtang clinic if there is any problem in the future. I'm in charge here. "

"Er, the director is here..." section chief Wang was stunned.

"It's none of your business. I didn't hear you."

Director Lin scolded in his heart. This asshole doesn't even know the weight. If it wasn't for Zhao Minghao's strong background, how could he have gone to this trip in person.

"It's none of our business. This belongs to our work... "Director Wang is not reconciled.

But looking at director Lin's murderous eyes. He quickly shut up and slipped out with two men.

"Dr. Zhao, I'm sorry. My lax management has caused you trouble. " Director Lin looks straight at Zhao Minghao.

Director Lin's heart is full of ups and downs now. Just now, the vice mayor in charge of medicine and Health called him directly. I want him to come quickly and block the section chief Wang back. Don't disturb Dr. Zhao here.

Director Lin calls Xiao Wang in a hurry. I don't know this guy's cell phone is ringing and no one answers. I don't want to call Xiao Wang while I'm going this way.

Zhao Minghao now has the bottom of his mind. With a faint smile

"Director Lin, you're welcome. It's the ingratiate cousin of section chief Wang who bothers me... "

"I will take it seriously, I will take it seriously." Director Lin is in a hurry. If you can deal with section chief Wang and let Zhao Minghao vent his anger, then section chief Wang will be the shield!

"Well, thank you, chief Lin." Thank you. Director Lin left in a hurry.

Chief Wang is still waiting by the side of the road. The director is still here. How can they leave. This is a bit of common sense in officialdom.

"Director Lin this matter..." Wang section chief also knew that the matter was beyond his expectation.

"Mayor Zhang, who is in charge of medical treatment, called me and asked me to block you in advance. Why don't you bring your cell phone? " There are flames in director Lin's eyes.

This has made Zhao Minghao unhappy. Who knows what Mayor Zhang will do next. The order given by Mayor Zhang is to stop section chief Wang from disturbing Zhao Minghao.

"Ah, cell phone? I just came out and threw it in the office... "Section chief Wang knew something was wrong.

"You're suspended." Director Lin said without hesitation:

"The punishment must be given to you. The reason is that you listen to your cousin's one-sided words and harass the normal medical activities of other people's clinics... "

"Er, this..." section chief Wang was stunned.

Director Lin angrily Pooh a way: "this that what, I was all dragged down by you.". To be criticized is certain, it's all because of you! "

Looking at director Lin left, section chief Wang was also stunned. I didn't expect that I would be suspended because of this, and I would be punished in the future. All these people are trying to help fat people.

Of course, he also wants to find Zhao Minghao's trouble!

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