Zhao Minghao returns to the room. Take out a prepared jujube wood and carve it into a small bottle with a scalpel. It's the one with the wooden plug.

Only one pill can be placed in the carved bottle. And there are three types of bottles. There are embossed handwriting and patterns on the bottle, just corresponding to the three kinds of pills he made.

Anyway, the bottle is exquisitely carved, which makes people feel sorry for the bottle if they can't afford a lot of money.

The color of jujube wood makes people feel high-grade. With Zhao Minghao's meticulous carving, it goes without saying.

After that, put the pills in three bags. I'm ready to wash and sleep here. I don't know if Leng Xiaodie will come back in a few days. Here, take the two Jietong out of the storage bag.

Zhao Minghao has everything ready to trade. Just can't wait for Leng Xiaodie to open the two realms. I haven't been able to draw Qi into the body and become a practitioner, and I don't have the ability to open the two realms.

Shake your head, throw liangjietong on the table, stand up and take a bath. I'll wear my underwear and go to bed after washing.

Just came to the bedside, the two circles sent out light and formed a light curtain on the wall.

Zhao Minghao rushed over. I didn't expect Leng Xiaodie to contact him at this time.

"Ah, what are you doing? Put on your clothes

Leng Xiaodie almost appears in the light curtain when she sees a naked guy. He quickly covered his eyes and screamed.

Zhao Minghao noticed what he was wearing. He hurried back and put on his shirt and trousers.

"Well, how can I know when you are in the bedroom..."

"You still have reason. Are you dressed? You should pay attention later. " Cold small butterfly indignant way. Fortunately, no one else knew about it, otherwise she would not have to be a human being.

"All right, all right. Let's make a deal. " Zhao Minghao said in a hurry.

"No, why did you become a five level warrior?" Cold little butterfly some surprised way.

It's because she can't feel the strength of Zhao Minghao's divine consciousness through the light curtain. Otherwise she'd be able to crawl through the light curtain.

"I ate the reed head of Jinxian Xuanshen."

Zhao Minghao is elated and proud of his opportunities.

"What, you eat the golden thread Xuanshen Lutou like this. That's to refine pills, which will play a great role in our gas refining period. " Leng Xiaodie grasped her chest painfully.

"I know, but I can't make pills. What else can we do? "

What Zhao Minghao said is natural. You don't have to be able to cultivate yourself. Whatever resources are available, they will be used immediately.

"I'm so angry that I won't talk to you. Make a quick deal. "

Leng Xiaodie takes a deep breath in her airway. Here is a spirit stone and two gold ingots.

"Ten cosmetic boxes. And this food for you. "

Zhao Minghao is elated and takes out those things from the storage bag and throws them in the past. Let cold small butterfly stare big eyes!

"No, it's not true that you have a storage bag because you don't have a Xiuzhen plane." Leng Xiaodie was surprised.

"We're not here to fix the true plane. But it's possible to have a few practitioners. I found it by accident Zhao Minghao's triumphant way.

"Tut Tut, I managed to get a storage bag. I didn't expect that you could have it as an ordinary person. " Leng Xiaodie looks angry. It's like Zhao Minghao shouldn't have a storage bag.

"Well, this is for you. In the future, at this time, you will open the two realms of tongha. "

Zhao Minghao lost a fully automatic women's watch. Explain how this works. Leng Xiaodie learned it all at once.

"That's the timing thing. It's quite ingenious. What's the handwriting on it. No, if we have our handwriting, we can exchange it for a spirit stone! "

After listening to Leng Xiaodie's words, Zhao Minghao immediately thought of something. That is, this thing can also be changed into a spirit stone in the future.

"Then I can make it as you say. It's a stone. I don't care how many stones you sell. "

Zhao Minghao said: "I know those cosmetic boxes make you earn too much."

"I've taken a lot of risks, and of course I have to earn more. If people know that I have two connections, I will lose my life. " Leng Xiaodie's natural way.

Leng Xiaodie's cosmetics are sold to her elder martial sisters. Those elder martial sisters who are still very rich.

As for where these things come from. I found it in a relic. It's going to be sold out soon, or people will be suspicious. It's frightening to earn this spirit stone!

"Well, I'll get ready next time." Zhao Minghao nodded.

Leng Xiaodie is also very satisfied. It's very convenient to exchange this watch for a stone. If it's a big deal, say you know a refiner. I'm sure the refiner can make it.

Unlike cosmetics, it's not something that can be done by a refiner. It's not right to say it's a alchemist.

"I'll trade with you once in five days." Leng xiaodiedao:

"Too often, it's going to get noticed."

Leng Xiaodie now earns enough Lingshi for her to use. This fruitless string can also be eaten often. It was a snack she couldn't afford before.

Leng Xiaodie then disconnected the two realms. Zhao Minghao shook his head and put the two boundary bronze mirrors into the storage bag.

Zhao Minghao decided to take out the two world links every night. Otherwise, the situation like tonight would be missed.

Zhao Minghao practiced with the stone. I didn't know until the end of cultivation that I needed six spirit stones to advance from the fifth level to the sixth level!

"Well, slowly get the spirit stone from her side. It's enough to get the stone at this speed now, but it's absolutely not enough in the future. We have to find another way. " Zhao Minghao murmured.

Zhao Minghao got up at six the next morning. After a wash, I got a gold ingot. A piece of gold was unscrewed from it and two gold bracelets were soon made.

The small patterns on the two bracelets are very beautiful. Those patterns are different in depth and light, which makes the gold bracelet shine!

The depth of these patterns is calculated. It's still God's sense that is powerful and easy to use!

"This is for me?" Ye's eyes are still full of surprises.

She had just knocked on Zhao Minghao's door when she saw him holding two bracelets in front of her.

"Yes, I made it myself."

Zhao Minghao said with a proud face: "I still have some gold and silver here. I'll buy some jade when I have time. I'll make jewelry for you when I'm free! "

This inadvertently said love words, as if the current flow throughout the leaf is still the whole body. Let leaf still whole body crisp hemp, have the feeling that cannot stand.

"Brother Hao!" Ye is still full of water in his eyes and plunges into Zhao Minghao's arms. Let Zhao Minghao embrace Ye's delicate body, which is full of softness and elasticity, make Zhao Minghao's nose hot, as if to bleed.

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