"The door is still open!"

Zhao Minghao holds his delicate body and smells his daughter's body fragrance. There is fire burning in his heart. But it's still very rational.

"Well, Wu Yingying is coming out." Ye still stands upright in a hurry. Just as I was going to close the door, I heard Wu Yingying's cry.

"Still, ye still, you said you would invite us to breakfast!" Wu Yingying rushed over. I don't care when I come in. Ye still stands straight.

"Yes, yes. Let's go out for breakfast now. What would you like to eat? " Ye is still helpless.

"Let's have noodles. There is a noodle shop opposite, which is very good. I like fish noodles. No, have seafood noodles. It's just that there's a lot of money! "

Wu Yingying said with a smile. Saliva comes out when you talk.

"Well, that's no problem. Seafood noodles, right? Let's go now. Let's go with Bai Xu Mingyue. " Ye still takes out the posture of Hostess: "we will open the clinic later!"

"Yingying has time. She works in the afternoon. We can't. We have to catch the subway now. When can we have money and leisure? " Zhang Mingyue looks depressed.

"Gone, gone." Bai Xu's urgent way.

"I'll treat you to seafood that night." Ye still smiles.

"Still put on the bracelet." Zhao Minghao said. As soon as he reached out, he pulled Ye's jade wrist and put two gold bracelets on one of her jade wrists.

"How does brother Hao wear it on a wrist? It's a bit discordant." Ye is still smiling.

Ye is still smiling and shaking her wrist. Two gold bracelets sparkle. Let Wu YingYing and Zhang Mingyue have red eyes. Women just can't see such things.

"When I have time to buy jade, another bracelet with jade!"

Zhao Minghao's words make ye still look at him tenderly. Zhang Mingyue and Bai Xu are red in their eyes.

However, the two are still very rational to leave, this is someone else's boyfriend, and they have no relationship. Why is it someone else's!

"Ah, the bracelet is really beautiful. No, ye, you have to bleed a lot today. I'll have the seafood noodles! "

Wu Yingying bit her teeth and said, "go, go."

"Wait a minute, I'll take the bag." Zhao Minghao said with a smile. There are some small wooden bottles in the bag. It's the pills prepared last night.

When Zhao Minghao leads ye still's little hand to the elevator. There is also Wu Yingying here. Bai Xu and Zhang Mingyue left in a hurry. It's a tight time in the morning.

Anno comes over, followed by Xiao Yuyao.

"Well, what a coincidence. Zhao Xiaodi, we don't have time to celebrate the opening of your clinic... "Ano said with a smile.

"What are you celebrating. There's no need to celebrate the opening of the clinic. If the clinic business is booming, it's a bit out of the ordinary. " Zhao Minghao said with a smile:

"Besides, my clinic is open at night. It's for fun

"Well, here comes the elevator. I have a lot to do today, so I can't help! " Arnold shook his head.

In the elevator. Zhao Minghao is still holding Ye's jade hand. Xiao Yuyao didn't say a word, but her eyes were still the same as the knife.

The elevator stops here on the 21st floor. Zhai Yuping came in. When she saw that Zhao Minghao and ye were still holding hands, her eyes were fixed and she bit her teeth.

"Hello, Dr. Zhao. Are you going to work?" Zhai Yuping stabilized her mood and said, "it's my parents..."

"Beauty Zhai, I said that. Your help can help. After all, I have my own business, OK? "

Zhao Minghao's voice is firm. Let Zhai Yuping heart chilly, she knew that she must have no chance.

"All right." Zhai Yuping's bitter way.

Zhai Yuping has a look at ye still, and then at herself. I have no chance. This leaf is still long enough to fall into the city. I can't compare with it at all. What's more, age is much older.

When he arrived at the hall on the first floor, Zhao Minghao saw that Zhang Rou was not on duty. It's a man in his twenties. Needless to say, the night shift is a man.

"It's seven o'clock. Let's go to breakfast. There are a lot of people there Wu Yingying looked at the mobile phone.

Anno and Xiao Yuyao take the elevator directly to the parking lot. At this time, there were only Zhao Minghao and four of them in the hall.

Two people came in from outside the hall. They were Zhai Yuping's parents. As soon as they saw Zhao Minghao, they said happily, "Minghao, you are on a business trip. Why don't you tell Yuping?"

Looking at these two people, a look of eager. Zhao Minghao said with a faint smile:

"Don't be so intimate. I'm just doing your daughter a favor. I think you should know my relationship with Zhai Meimei. It's just because of the neighbors I met when I bought a car. "

"Well, if you can help me, it's interesting for my daughter. You can develop your talents and looks. You are a... "Zhai Yuping's mother said eagerly.

"You two, I have something else to do. By the way, I have a girlfriend. Don't say that. "

Zhao Minghao said, hugging Ye's fragrant shoulder. The meaning is very obvious. Let the two people stop talking!

Ye still looks at Zhai Yuping. Looking at her silence from the beginning, we can see that she has not given up.

But I don't want to let my parents do this. What else can I do? Maybe it's urgent, but there's no other way!

"But we came here after seeing the pictures of you and Yuping. You lied to us, too. " Zhai Yuping's father said.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows.

"You have to give us the cost of this time. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have come in vain. There's also the cost of work delay. You can give 20000 yuan. " Zhai Yuping's father said.

"Tut Tut, there are other things like that. Zhai Yuping takes care of your parents. "

Zhao Minghao raised his eyebrows and said, "don't make a fool of yourself here! Still, let's go. "

Looking at Zhao Minghao, the three of them left. Zhai Yuping said to her parents with a bitter smile: "forget it, you can do anything else. Hurry back to your hometown. It costs a lot here. "

"I can't bear it. Don't let him pay... "Said Zhai Yuping's father.

"This is not my hometown. You're not going to work here. You're going to make yourself look bad. Hurry up and go back. "

Zhai Yuping looks helpless. That's all that matters. Then I know a man appeared at this time.

This is the fitness coach Tang bin. At a glance, he saw Zhai Yuping and came over quickly

"Yuping, are you going to work?"

"It's none of your business. Mom and Dad, go back quickly. " Zhai Yuping said impatiently.

"Daughter, who is this young man?" Zhai Yuping's mother looked up and down at Tang bin.

"Auntie and uncle. I'm Yuping's boyfriend. Now he's angry with me. " Tang Bin said in a hurry.

"Well, this young man is good. It's pretty long, and it's good to wear. " Zhai Yuping's mother said in a hurry.

"Yes, Auntie and uncle. When did you arrive? Why don't I walk around with you? "

Hearing what Tang Bin said, Zhai Yuping's parents immediately agreed.

"My father and mother, Tang bin, is a poor man. I'm sure you'll have to pay for going out. " Zhai Yuping sneered.

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