Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1167 The God of Cookery retires, what is going on?

Chu Xueqi didn't know what she thought of, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Because I believe in that person! I believe in him, so I also believe that the next few dishes will definitely meet your requirements!"

Hearing this, the old man's eyes flashed with brilliance, but then he regained his composure.

He turned around, returned to his seat, sat down, and put his bag and fan aside.

"Go and pass the dishes! I really want to try the special dishes you mentioned, little girl!" .??.

Originally, the old man had no intention of trying the food again.

But when Chu Xueqi mentioned that person just now, the happy feeling on her face reminded the old man of his youth.

When I was younger, I would smile the same way every time I cooked for my loved ones.

It was precisely because of this that the old man decided to give Chu Xueqi one last chance.

At the same time, he was also curious about why Chu Xueqi was so confident in the next few dishes.

Is she planning to change chefs?

If Chu Xueqi really did that, the old man's sense of her would definitely be reduced to the lowest level!

It is already illegal to hire foreign help to cook temporarily!

Then, Chu Xueqi called a waitress and whispered a few words to her.

The waitress looked surprised, but nodded and left the private room in a hurry.

The lobby manager was still sighing. He was really speechless.

The old man was obviously leaving, so why did Chu Xueqi keep him?

Moreover, the special dishes just now are already at the highest level that Yuanyuan can make.

No matter how much you cook, it’s impossible to meet the old man’s requirements!

The lobby manager sighed in his heart. Sure enough, Chu Xueqi was still too young and was really not suitable to be the general manager of the delicious source.

He is not the only one who thinks so, many middle-level and old employees of Yumeiyuan think so too.


The lobby manager had also made up his mind that after this incident was over, he would take the opportunity to advise Mrs. Chu and ask her to replace Chu Xueqi as the general manager.

Otherwise, if Chu Xueqi continues to mess around, the source of delicious food may really collapse!

Chu Xueqi took out a chair and sat opposite the old man, chatting with the old man with a smile.

The old man still refused to tell Chu Xueqi his origins, but he told Chu Xueqi many interesting stories and experiences about food tasting, and the two of them had a very happy chat.

The lobby manager on the side looked at this scene and couldn't help complaining in his heart, what's the use of having a happy chat with this old man?

If you are not satisfied with the food later, the old man will still give you a bad review!

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Mr. Chu, the dishes you requested have been prepared!"

"Bring it in!" Chu Xueqi said solemnly.

The private room door opened, and several waiters came forward with a plate of food each.

At the same time, a scent of fragrance spreads.

Smelling this fragrance, the old man's face, which was originally calm, suddenly changed slightly.

"This fragrance... is interesting! It is indeed interesting! Let me try it!"

Chu Xueqi smiled and turned the dishes to the old man, "Old sir, please try these four vegetarian dishes! They are fried vegetables, tomatoes mixed with sugar, fried cucumbers and eggs, and baby cabbage drizzled with oil!"

Hearing Chu Xueqi introduce these four dishes, the lobby manager couldn't help but smile bitterly.

All the signature dishes with big fish and meat just now failed to conquer the old man's taste buds. What can these four vegetarian dishes do?

He could already imagine the scene of the old man leaving with a gloomy face after tasting it, and he couldn't help but sigh again.

Take a breath.

While the lobby manager was busy sighing, the old man had already picked up a piece of tomatoes mixed with sugar and put it in his mouth.

The moment he entered, his eyes suddenly became much brighter.

"Such a refreshing taste! And that refreshing fragrance! Could it be that some special seasoning was used? Wait! This is not the taste of the seasoning, this is... this is the taste of the ingredients themselves!" The old man's eyes widened.

He ignored talking to Chu Xueqi and turned the table again to taste cucumber scrambled eggs.

"Hiss! The fragrance of cucumber and the simplicity of stupid eggs are perfectly blended into one! No, it's cucumber combined with the taste of stupid eggs! The root is still in the cucumber!" The old man exclaimed again.

As if he understood something, he hurriedly tasted the remaining two dishes.

When the last bite of fried vegetables was put into his mouth, the old man closed his eyes and chewed slowly, his face full of enjoyment, as if he was tasting some top-notch meal!

The waiters and lobby managers present were all dumbfounded. What is going on?

The old man was so picky just now and dismissed their restaurant's signature dishes.

But now, the old man was actually conquered by a few vegetarian dishes!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed what they were seeing.

"Old...Old sir, are you kidding me? Do you really think these vegetarian dishes are well done?" the lobby manager asked the old man stumblingly.

Hearing this, the old man frowned and opened his eyes, staring at him with an unkind look.

"When I'm tasting delicious food, I hate having people interrupt me! Could you please shut up?"

The lobby manager quickly covered his mouth and did not dare to speak anymore, because Chu Xueqi also glared at him fiercely.

The old man took another bite of the fried vegetables, and the look of aftertaste showed on his face again.

"This return to the original fragrance and taste! This is the first time in my life that I have tasted it! It's... really touching!"

Everyone was surprised to find that the old man was actually moved to tears!

Chu Xueqi took out two pieces of paper and handed them to him. The old man said thank you, took them and wiped his eyes.

"What is gourmet food? This is real gourmet food! It's a pity that I tasted it too late! If I could have tasted it two years earlier..." The old man sighed.

He seemed to remember something sad and wiped away tears again.

After a while, the old man calmed down and calmly commented on the dishes in front of him.

"Compared with the previous dishes, these four dishes are really different! Although the cooking skills are still the same, the ingredients... are simply the best ingredients I have ever tasted in my life! It is perfect!"

Chu Xueqi's eyes suddenly lit up. "Mr., are you telling the truth? Are these ingredients really the best ingredients you have ever tasted?"

The old man nodded, "Yes! I have tasted countless delicacies in my life, and this is definitely the most delicious ingredient I have ever tasted!"

"It's great! It's great!" Chu Xueqi's face was full of joy.

She knew she made the right bet!

These dishes use vegetables that Zhang Yuan just delivered today. Unexpectedly, these vegetables saved the reputation of Weiweiyuan Hotel!

"Old sir, do you really like these dishes? In other words, you will not disclose the results of this evaluation to the outside world?" the lobby manager asked excitedly.

The old man glanced at him and said, "That's right! I didn't plan to announce the results from the beginning! Because I have retired and haven't published a food review for a long time!"

"Wait a minute, you said you have been retired for a long time. Are you the legendary Xu Langning, the god of cooking who has retired?" the lobby manager shouted.

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