Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1194 Peanuts go moldy, publicity idea

The husband of the middle-aged woman on the side was so anxious that he almost cried, "When can that miracle doctor Zhang come? My mother-in-law is almost dying!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were footsteps outside, and then Zhang Yuan opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Liu Ruolan shouted in surprise.

"Brother Yuan, you are finally here! Come and show this eldest sister! Her belly has become so big for some reason, and I don't even know how to treat her."

The middle-aged man learned that Zhang Yuan was Doctor Zhang and hurriedly came forward to beg him.

"Doctor Zhang, please save my mother-in-law quickly! She will not survive if no one saves her!"

Zhang Yuan glanced at the woman lying on the bench and couldn't help but frown.

"This is obviously ascites. Didn't you take her to the county hospital to have the ascites removed?"

The middle-aged man said with a bitter look on his face

"I've been there a long time ago! I had evacuations more than once! But the doctors at the county hospital can only draw ascites and can't tell what the disease is!"

"After a few times of pumping, the doctor said that my mother-in-law's condition is that she can't pump the ascites more frequently. I really had no choice, so I found Dr. Zhang!"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "I understand! Get out of the way first, and I'll check your wife's pulse!"

He stepped forward and grabbed the woman's wrist to check her pulse, and at the same time motioned to Lin Dingxiang to lift the woman's top and expose her belly.

The woman's belly is already round, and you can even see the veins and blood vessels on it, which looks scary.

"The doctors at the county hospital only know how to draw ascites. They can't find out why my mother-in-law has ascites. Doctor Zhang, can you find out?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Yuan expectantly.

Zhang Yuan let go of the woman's wrist, tapped her belly a few times with his fingers, and then nodded.

"Now it's basically confirmed! Your wife has a problem with the abdominal mucosa, and there is a problem with her diet, which leads to ascites.

, ordinary instrument inspection cannot detect it! "

"If I guess correctly, your wife should especially like to eat dried fruits such as peanuts and melon seeds, right? And she is not willing to throw away those spoiled fruits, right?"

Facing Zhang Yuan's question, the middle-aged man nodded hastily.

"Yes, my wife just likes eating raw peanuts. She has a lot of them at home, and she doesn't even want to throw away the spoiled peanuts!"

Zhang Yuan shook his head

"There is aflatoxin in moldy dried peanuts. Excessive consumption may cause liver ascites, and then the problem will become serious!"

"Your wife is lucky. Before the liver disease occurred, she developed ascites because the abdominal mucosa was relatively sensitive."

"As long as she empties the ascites in her stomach and takes a few more medicines to nurse her back to health. Be careful not to eat moldy things when eating in the future, and there won't be any big problem!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help but burst into tears.

"That's great! That's great! Thank you, Doctor Zhang! You are truly a miracle doctor!"

The county hospital couldn't find any problems, and his wife had ascites again and again. The middle-aged man couldn't help but feel worried.

Now that he learned that his wife's health was not serious, the middle-aged man was completely relieved.

At this time, Liu Ruolan couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan, "Brother Yuan, if you want to pump ascites, the conditions of the clinic are too simple. Why don't we let them go to the county hospital?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head, "Who said the ascites must be drained out? I'll just give her a few injections and let her go to the toilet to drain it out!"

As he spoke, he took out the needle from his pocket

Using a moxibustion bag, several silver needles are inserted into the Guanyuan point and surrounding acupoints on the woman's abdomen in the blink of an eye.

After a few injections, the woman who was clutching her stomach and complaining of pain suddenly sat up with a look of anxiety on her face.

"I need to go to the toilet! I need to go to the toilet!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly helped her to the public toilet outside.

After a while, the couple returned to the clinic again.

At this time, the middle-aged woman no longer has the big belly as before, and her belly has returned to normal.

The couple excitedly thanked Zhang Yuan as soon as they entered the door.

"Doctor Zhang, you are really a miracle doctor as they say! Your medical skills are so amazing!" the middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Yes, Doctor Zhang! I used to have ascites in my stomach and had to have it drained out every time. It was so uncomfortable! I didn't expect that you just gave me a few injections and asked me to go to the toilet to drain out the ascites!" The woman looked even more expressionless. of gratitude.

Zhang Yuan smiled and waved his hand and explained.

"There are many types of ascites. Your situation is ascites caused by irritation of the abdominal mucosa. Therefore, it can be discharged as long as the silver needle is inserted into the acupoint to promote urination."

"But if the tumor or trauma causes ascites to rupture the abdominal cavity, then the ascites can only be drained out."

Hearing what he said, the three women next to him suddenly understood, and looked at Zhang Yuan with eyes full of admiration.

Although middle-aged women can discharge ascites through urination, Zhang Yuan's few injections are indispensable!

Otherwise, why didn’t middle-aged women expel ascites through urination before?

Zhang Yuan then gave the women a prescription and asked Lin Dingxiang to give them medicine.

The couple got the medicine, paid for it, thanked them profusely, and then left.

The two were leaving

Before, Zhang Yuan did not forget to warn the women.

"If you want to eat peanuts in the future, try to eat new peanuts. If you find that the peanuts are bad, throw them away! How much are peanuts worth? If it causes liver disease or even develops into cirrhosis, it will be worth the loss!"

The woman thanked her again and promised not to eat moldy food again.

After the couple left, Liu Ruolan couldn't help but sigh.

"Many people are like this, just to save a little money, which leads to serious health problems. Not only does the body suffer, but it also costs more money!"

Zhang Yuan nodded

"Many old people are like this. They are reluctant to throw away the leftover food and always save it for the next day. It's good to have a refrigerator. Without a refrigerator, the food will easily spoil."

"Eating this kind of spoiled food for a long time can easily lead to physical problems!"

At this time, Lin Dingxiang said, "Maybe these old people don't understand the truth. If someone tells them, maybe they won't eat those spoiled leftovers in the future!"

"That's right! Why don't we publicize it in the village and tell the elderly in the village not to eat leftovers in the future?" Zhao Yan interjected.

After hearing Zhao Yan's suggestion, Zhang Yuan also felt that it made sense.

"Okay, I'll leave this task to you, Xiaoyan!" Zhang Yuan patted Zhao Yan on the shoulder.

Zhao Yan was immediately dumbfounded, "Leave it to me? I don't understand publicity, so I don't know what to do!"

Zhang Yuan laughed and said

"Don't worry! There are plenty of promotional funds! You can find promotional materials online, then find a printing house to print promotional color pages, and then distribute them for free in the village."

"If you can't do it alone, you can also spend money to hire the young men in the village. Just spend some money on snacks and let them help you."

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