Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1196 What happened last night, Zhang Yuan’s decision

Lin Dingxiang hurriedly locked the door, fearing that Zhang Yuan would fall, she also hurriedly followed.

After helping Zhang Yuan into the house and the two of them walked to the bed, Lin Dingxiang was about to help Zhang Yuan go to bed.

But he never thought that Zhang Yuan's foot slipped and he fell directly onto the bed.

Lin Dingxiang, who was supporting him, also fell on the bed, and by chance, she happened to be pressing Zhang Yuan in front of him! .??.

The two bodies were close to each other, and the distance between them was no more than ten centimeters.

Lin Dingxiang could even feel the hot breath smelling of alcohol when Zhang Yuan breathed out!

Zhang Yuan looked blankly at Lin Dingxiang in front of him, feeling her alluring figure, and instinctively hugged Lin Dingxiang with his hands, and his hands happened to be placed on Lin Dingxiang's hips!

Lin Dingxiang was stimulated, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and she instinctively wanted to get up.

But she couldn't resist Zhang Yuan's hands.

She was originally struggling to get up, but soon lost her strength and lay on Zhang Yuan's body. Her originally panicked eyes gradually became blurred.

With a low roar from Zhang Yuan, he turned over and pressed Lin Dingxiang under him.

The beautiful scenes in the room are also unfolding scene by scene...

The night passed and the next morning came.

When Zhang Yuan woke up with sleepy eyes, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. There seemed to be a woman lying in his arms!

His heart was shocked, and he no longer felt sleepy.

Looking down, Zhang Yuan was shocked to see Lin Dingxiang sleeping peacefully in his arms.

What did he do last night?

Zhang Yuan tried hard to recall what happened last night, and then gradually remembered the whole process of getting Lin Dingxiang to bed.

Recalling his mistakes last night, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Is this considered committing murder under the pretext of drunkenness?

Lin Dingxiang kindly helped him back to the house, but he did that to Lin Dingxiang!

Thinking about it, Zhang Yuan himself felt ashamed to face Lin Dingxiang!

He looked at Lin Dingxiang in his arms with complicated eyes, quietly put Lin Dingxiang on the bed, and tiptoed out of bed.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuan's movements were quite light, and Zhang Yuan felt that Lin Dingxiang was too tired from being tortured by him last night, so Lin Dingxiang should not be awakened.

When getting out of bed, Zhang Yuan noticed a touch of red on the sheets, and his mood suddenly became more complicated.

Lin Dingxiang is a good girl, but he hurt this good girl!

When Zhang Yuan went out, he also took the cigarettes from the drawer.

He didn't usually smoke, but now he wanted to smoke a cigarette to relieve his mood.

What he didn't know was that just as he opened the door and walked out, Lin Dingxiang slowly opened her eyes on the bed, with a touch of disappointment in her beautiful eyes.

In fact, Lin Dingxiang was awakened by Zhang Yuan's actions long ago, but the girl's shyness made Lin Dingxiang embarrassed to open her eyes.

Looking through the window at Zhang Yuan who was pacing back and forth in the yard smoking a cigarette, Lin Dingxiang's eyes were also very complicated.

In fact, she had already developed a liking for Zhang Yuan, otherwise she would not have resisted at all last night.

After a night of passion, Lin Dingxiang suddenly panicked after calming down.

She was worried that Zhang Yuan didn't want to be responsible for her.

Zhang Yuan's behavior of quietly getting out of bed and sneaking into the yard undoubtedly proved this point.

Lin Dingxiang looked at Zhang Yuan outside the window with resentful eyes, but she was praying secretly in her heart, praying that Zhang Yuan would not be an irresponsible man.

In the yard, Zhang Yuan paced back and forth, taking a puff of cigarette from time to time, and then blowing out a long smoke ring.

He suddenly discovered that he was blowing out smoke rings very beautifully, even though he didn't usually do it often.


Immediately, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but murmured to himself, "What is this! How could it become like this?"

What worries him most now is that he doesn't know how to explain to Lin Dingxiang.

Zhang Yuan can't remember clearly what happened last night.

I only remember that when he pressed Lin Dingxiang under him, Lin Dingxiang said something like "no."

Zhang Yuan felt chills on his back when he thought that Lin Dingxiang might have had a relationship with him under forced circumstances.

It would be great if word of this got out! .??.

Zhang Yuan took another puff of cigarette, and then realized that only the cigarette butt was left.

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his foot.

After stamping out the cigarette butt, Zhang Yuan seemed to have finally made up his mind and turned around and walked towards the room.

He decided to face Lin Dingxiang head-on no matter what!

If he really hurt Lin Dingxiang last night, he would bear Lin Dingxiang's anger calmly.

Even if Lin Dingxiang wanted to beat him up, he wouldn't complain at all!

I just hope this matter doesn't become a big deal, otherwise things will really get out of hand.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was about to go back to the house, Lin Dingxiang hurriedly lay down again and pretended to be still sleeping.

Zhang Yuan opened the door and walked in, walking step by step to the bedside.

Looking at Lin Dingxiang sleeping soundly on the bed, her pretty face, and the new love between her eyebrows, Zhang Yuan's face was full of guilt.

Just last night, he turned this innocent girl into a woman.

And I don’t know if it was done under compulsion!

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath, his eyes became full of determination and stepped forward.

"Dingxiang, wake up! Dingxiang, wake up!" Zhang Yuan woke up Lin Dingxiang with a gentle tone.

Lin Dingxiang slowly opened her eyes

Opening her eyes and looking at Zhang Yuan in front of her, she instinctively put her hands on her chest, with a hint of "panic" in her eyes.

Seeing Lin Dingxiang's panicked expression, the guilt on Zhang Yuan's face became even stronger.

"Dingxiang, do you remember what happened last night? The two of us... No, I did something wrong! I'm sorry for you!"

Lin Dingxiang covered her face with a quilt and said nothing.

Seeing that she remained silent, Zhang Yuan had no choice but to continue.

"If you hate me, Dingxiang, no matter if you hit me or scold me, I won't complain at all! I will compensate you and never let you suffer!"

Hearing what he said, Lin Dingxiang's beautiful eyes were filled with disappointment under the quilt.

This was not the answer she wanted to hear!

Seeing that Lin Dingxiang still refused to speak, Zhang Yuan took a deep breath again and spoke loudly.

"If...I mean if! If Dingxiang, you think I am a pretty good person! Then I am willing to be responsible for you! Are you willing to be my girlfriend? I think among the friends of the opposite sex you know, I should be the most suitable for you!"

Although he felt it was shameless to say this, Zhang Yuan still said it.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Dingxiang poked her little head out of the quilt with a red face.

"Bah! Shameless! Why do you say you are the most suitable for me among my friends of the opposite sex?"

Seeing that Lin Dingxiang was not angry, but her pretty face turned red.

Zhang Yuan was overjoyed, he was not the first brother who knew nothing about women.

Lin Dingxiang's expression said it all!

"Lilac! I'm serious! Only an outstanding man like me can be worthy of a beautiful and kind girl like you, don't you think so?" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Lin Dingxiang rolled her eyes at him, her eyes filled with indescribable charm.

"Just put money on your face!" Lin Dingxiang said coquettishly.

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