Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1237 Just understand, let out a long sigh

Zhang Yuan nodded noncommittally and said

"That's right! I also cherish the opportunity to drink tea. But if the tea is contaminated by something, the original taste will not be able to be tasted!"

"So, Mr. Wu, you should understand what I mean, right? Green tea should be pure tea, it should not be mixed with other things, and you should not try to change its properties!"

Wu Sansheng fell silent immediately, and then nodded slowly after a few seconds.

"Brother Yuan, you are right! When it comes to the state of drinking tea, you are better than me!"

Zhang Yuan smiled

"Very good, now that Mr. Wu understands what I mean! Anyway, I don't want to see any undue changes in Qingcha!"

"As long as the taste of the tea remains unchanged, these tea sets and even the entire tea tray will not change much. Even if there are some changes, they will only change according to the situation and will not really hurt the bones."

A gratified smile appeared on Wu Sansheng's face, "Very good, as long as the tea cups and trays don't change much! The tea won't change either!"

Zhang Yuan nodded and stood up, "In that case, it's time for me to say goodbye! I'll have tea with you again when I have the opportunity!"

"Haha, I'm looking forward to Brother Yuan coming over next time!" Wu Sansheng chuckled.

Then he asked the housekeeper to send Zhang Yuan away.

After Zhang Yuan left, Wu Sansheng's face remained uncertain for a long time, but finally it turned into a long sigh.

Originally, Wu Sansheng had another important intention, which was to take the opportunity to change Yuan Shishi's mind and let Yuan Shishi use Zhang Yuan's strength to develop and strengthen the Wu family.

But his purpose was discovered by Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan came over specifically to warn Wu Sansheng not to brainwash Yuan Shishi.

Wu Sansheng was a little reluctant at first, but when he got Zhang Yuan's assurance that the Wu family would not be really hurt, he agreed to Zhang Yuan's request.

Zhang Yuan leaves the Wu family

, and went directly back to Qinghe County.

When he arrived at the village, it was just in time for dinner. Fortunately, he called his mother Wang Hui in advance on the way back and said that he would go home for dinner, so Wang Hui cooked his meal.

During lunch, Zhang Yuan recounted everything he had seen and heard during his trip to the provincial capital.

He specifically mentioned that he won first place at a vegetable exchange meeting in the provincial capital!

Knowing that Zhang Yuan's delicious vegetables took first place, the couple also felt proud.

"Well done, Brother Yuan! You really give us a reputation in Xiawan Village!" Wang Hui said with a beaming smile.

Zhang Dashan also nodded, "Well done, baby!"

Lin Dingxiang on the side couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan, "Brother Yuan, after attending the vegetable exchange meeting this time, are you going to make any big moves next?"

"That's right! It's time to start!" Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice.

“I’ve been planning it for so long and now it’s finally time to get started!”

"Why are the people in our village so poor? It's because they have no other way to make money besides farming."

“That’s why people in the village are particularly eager to work here because the wages I offer are much higher than what they pay for farming and doing odd jobs!”

"But the jobs I can find are limited! If I really want the whole village to get rich, I have to find other ways! This vegetable exchange meeting is an opportunity!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Zhang Dashan seemed to suddenly think of something and couldn't help but asked in surprise

"Brother Yuan, are you planning to take the whole village with you to grow vegetables?"

Zhang Yuan’s front foot just finished participating in the vegetable exchange meeting, and his back foot started to hurt.

Even if he brings the whole village to become rich, it is hard not to think of this.

"Yes, that's what I think! As the old saying goes, it's better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish! You have to teach the people in the village how to fish, so that they can really have enough to eat!" Zhang Yuanxiao Said.

Wang Hui had a look of surprise on her face, "Okay! Brother Yuan, this is a great idea! When everyone in the village grows vegetables, there will be no more poor people in our entire village!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Dashan looked worried

"That's what I said, but I'm worried that the people in the village may not believe Brother Yuan so easily."

"It's normal for us rural people to grow vegetables in greenhouses, but how many of you have seen become well-off by growing vegetables?"

"Although we know that Brother Yuan must have a way for everyone in the village to grow vegetables and make money, the problem is that everyone in the village doesn't know!"

As soon as Zhang Dashan said these words, Wang Hui and Lin Dingxiang's expressions changed.

Although his words were suspected of hurting Zhang Yuan, he was telling the truth!

Seeing the three people frowning, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

"What? Do you just have no confidence in me? Don't worry! I know it! This time everyone in the village will definitely follow me and grow vegetables to make money!"

At the end of the sentence, Zhang Yuan drank the cold beer in the cup in one gulp.

Seeing Zhang Yuan so confident, the three of them were puzzled.

But when they asked Zhang Yuan again, Zhang Yuan refused to say anything and just said that they would wait and see the good show.

After lunch, Zhang Yuan and Lin Dingxiang went to the clinic as usual.

At first, Lin Dingxiang wanted Zhang Yuan to rest at home. Unexpectedly, when Zhang Yuan learned that Zhao Yan had taken leave today and was not at work, he had to follow her to the clinic to help.

In fact, Zhang Yuan still has his own ideas. This trip to the provincial capital, and when he comes back, he will

Two more women.

He had to find an opportunity to talk to the women around him, starting with Lin Dingxiang and Liu Ruolan!

The two women have the best personalities. Let me mention it to them first. I think they should be more accepting.

When they arrived at the clinic, Liu Ruolan was getting medicine for a stomachache from an aunt in the village.

When the aunt saw Zhang Yuan coming, she greeted him with a smile, "Brother Yuan, why haven't I seen you in the past few days? Where did you go to make a fortune?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "I can't even talk about getting rich. I'm really going to find ways for everyone in our village to get rich!"

"What? Find a way for people in our village to get rich?" The aunt was immediately shocked.

Zhang Yuan nodded, "That's right! You have a bad stomach, right? Just taking medicine won't help if you have a bad stomach. You have to take food supplements to treat it. I will write down some kinds of food for you later. If you eat more often, your stomach will gradually improve." alright."

As he said this, he walked to the table and sat down, took out a piece of paper and wrote on it raw peanuts, yams and other stomach-nourishing foods.

After finishing writing, Zhang Yuan asked Lin Dingxiang to hand the paper to the aunt.

The aunt took it and thanked her, but her attention was not on the piece of paper at all.

What she really wanted to know was what Zhang Yuan said was the way to make the whole village rich.

"Brother Yuan, tell me quickly! How are you going to lead our whole village to get rich?" The aunt couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said nothing. Seeing this, the aunt asked Liu Ruolan and Lin Dingxiang again.

Liu Ruolan didn't know, although Lin Dingxiang knew, Zhang Yuan refused to tell, and she didn't dare to say it either.

Seeing this, the aunt felt like a cat's paw in her heart.

But the more she wanted to know, the more Zhang Yuan refused to tell her.

Until the end, the aunt paid for the stomach medicine angrily and left.

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