Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1298: Picking and cleaning up, the most unreasonable

Zhang Yuan laughed and said, "Haha, how can you say that? It should be said that everything I did is for you, the female village chief!"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Zheng Qiuyue asked in confusion.

Zhang Yuan snapped his fingers

"Think about it! If I open a chicken farm or a pig farm, I will definitely recruit people from our village to work! Then these employees will follow me and all of them will escape poverty and become rich!"

"They are striving to become well-off, which means that the overall economy of our village has developed. As the village chief of our Xiawan Village, you will have a face when the time comes, right?"

Zheng Qiuyue thought about it and felt that what Zhang Yuan said was quite reasonable.

She glanced at Zhang Yuan with her beautiful eyes, "You are the most unreasonable! You have passed the test!"

Zhang Yuan patted Zheng Qiuyue's butt again, then stood up, picked up the application form, and left.

When he walked to the door, he turned around and said to Zheng Qiuyue with a wicked smile.

"Remember to put on the special underwear I bought for you later!"

Hearing this, Zheng Qiuyue's pretty face suddenly turned red. Wearing the special underwear that Zhang Yuan mentioned was almost the same as not wearing it.

In the past, Zheng Qiuyue would never wear such shameful underwear.

But for Zhang Yuan's sake, she decided to take the set of intimate clothes with her and show Zhang Yuan what she wanted to wear.

After leaving the village committee, Zhang Yuan returned home.

As he expected, there were indeed several guests at home. They were all villagers who had a good relationship with his father Zhang Dashan and his mother Wang Hui, and they came here to ask for favors.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was back, several people came up to surround him and begged him to help arrange a job.

Zhang Yuan was speechless and took out the registration form directly.

"Everyone here is from our village! It won't be good for anyone I open the back door for! Are you right? Since your names are on it

, then you just go back and wait for the news! "

"Tomorrow when the loudspeaker in the village shouts your name, it means that you or your family members have been hired! If your name is not there, it means that your conditions are not enough!"

Having said this, Zhang Yuan warned several people with serious words.

"Don't always think about working for me, you should focus more on growing vegetables! For the sake of your good relationship with my parents, I can make an exception and give you more vegetable seeds!"

"When you grow more vegetables, won't you be able to make more money when the organic vegetables are harvested?"

"You earn a fixed salary by working for me, and growing vegetables is your own income! Believe me, I won't lie to you!"

Originally, everyone was still a little emotional because of Zhang Yuan's words just now.

But after hearing what he said next, everyone became more energetic.

"Brother Yuan, do you really promise to give us more vegetable seeds?"

“Can you really make a lot of money growing organic vegetables?”

“Can we farmers really make money and get rich by growing vegetables?”


Zhang Yuan explained with a smile

"You are right! We farmers can indeed make money and get rich by growing vegetables! In the past, everyone did not make money growing vegetables. That was because you were growing ordinary vegetables."

"These vegetables are not very competitive. Not only are the prices low, they are easily unsold!"

"Now you are growing organic vegetables, and the price is more than double that of ordinary vegetables! When the harvest comes, you will know how profitable it is to grow organic vegetables!"

His words are important

The first few people listened with excitement. Everyone expressed that they would like to grow more vegetables in the future, and asked Zhang Yuanduo to give them some vegetable seeds.

After they left, Wang Hui walked out with an apology.

"Brother Yuan, it's really hard for you! These old ladies insist on asking you for mercy! I explained to them, but they didn't listen."

Zhang Dashan also sighed, "Yes! Everyone in the village regards the employee quota in your hand as a piece of cake! I am walking on the road now, and from time to time someone begs me to put in a good word for him and ask you to arrange it for him. Working on a pig farm.”

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "That's because they don't know how profitable growing organic vegetables is! When the first batch of organic vegetables are harvested in the future, they will taste the benefits and then they will know what to do to make more money!"

The old couple also nodded after hearing this. They felt that what Zhang Yuan said made sense.

In the evening, Zhang Yuan drove to pick up Zheng Qiuyue as promised.

He noticed that the small bag Zheng Qiuyue was carrying was bulging, and there must be something stuffed in it.

Zhang Yuan thought for a moment and figured out what that thing was.

After Zheng Qiuyue got in the car, he grabbed the small bag, took out the special set of underwear, and waved it in front of Zheng Qiuyue with a smirk on his face.

Zheng Qiuyue's pretty face immediately turned red, and she stretched out her hand to snatch it back.

"give me back!"

Zhang Yuan said with a bad smile, "How can I say I'll give it back to you? I bought this as a gift to you! Logically speaking, this should be mine!"

Zheng Qiuyue was very angry and said angrily.

"Then you should put it on and let me see it!"

The smile on Zhang Yuan's face suddenly froze. He was wearing such special close-fitting clothes?

I can’t even imagine that scene!

Zhang Yuan hurriedly shook his head and

Those sinful images were forgotten.

"Ahem! Qiuyue, you have been busy for me these two days to recruit workers, I decided to reward you today!"

Zheng Qiuyue was a little surprised, "Reward me? How to reward me? Could it be..."

She seemed to have thought of something, her pretty face instantly turned red, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Zhang Yuan.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan knew that Zheng Qiuyue must have thought wrongly, and hurriedly patted her on the head.

"What are you thinking about? It's not what you are thinking about! I want to take you to the county town to buy jewelry!" Zhang Yuan said seriously.

When he saw Mrs. Chu today, she was dressed in jewels.

Although she is very old, wearing those expensive jewelry can still add luster to Mrs. Chu.

Comparing his feelings, Zhang Yuan has never bought any expensive jewelry for his mother Wang Hui!

I had no money before, but now I have money but I can’t think of buying jewelry for Wang Hui.

So Zhang Yuan wanted to take advantage of this evening to go to the county to buy some expensive jewelry for Wang Hui, and also buy diamond necklaces for each of the women around him.

Zheng Qiuyue heard what Zhang Yuan said and quickly refused.

"Brother Yuan, I don't want it anymore! I don't like to wear jewelry! Besides, I'm the village chief. It's not good for others to see me if I'm wearing expensive jewelry!"

Zhang Yuan spread his hands and said, "Whether you buy it or not is my business, and whether you wear it or not is your business! Anyway, you have to go today! If you don't want to go, be careful because I won't let you get out of bed tomorrow!"

Faced with Zhang Yuan's "threat", Zheng Qiuyue had no choice but to succumb.

The two drove straight to the county seat, and it was almost seven o'clock when they arrived.

Considering that the jewelry store closed early, the two decided to shop first and then eat.

After a while, they arrived at the largest jewelry store in the county.

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