Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1305 What to do? Long nights and many dreams

Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice, "Not in a while, but in the past few days! Can you spare a few days and come to us tomorrow?"

"Ah? Going tomorrow?" Liu Qingqing was a little surprised.

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Yes! It's tomorrow! Come play with him for a week tomorrow, and then go back to the provincial capital! It just so happens that I have been staying at home when I have free time recently, and I'm afraid I will have to go to Jiangbei City in a while."

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Liu Qingqing on the other side of the phone suddenly fell silent.

After a few seconds, she slowly said, "Brother Yuan, do you know something?"

A bright light flashed in Zhang Yuan's eyes: "What do you know?"

"You called me suddenly, and I guessed that you might already know something!" Liu Qingqing said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yuan smiled, "Qingqing, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? I just want you to come over and play for a few days!"

"You don't have to hide it! In fact, I already know it! Murong Juan and the forces behind her are ready to attack the Zhai family! Uncle Zhai said this to me personally!" Liu Qingqing's tone was low.

Zhang Yuan's pupils shrank, but he didn't expect that Zhai Zhongshan also knew about the mysterious force's plan to deal with him, and even told Liu Qingqing about it.

"Qingqing, since you already know this, why don't you leave the Zhai family? You are not from the Zhai family. Even if the mysterious forces want to deal with the Zhai family, it has nothing to do with you!" Zhang Yuan's tone was serious.

"Alas!" Liu Qingqing sighed, "I have lost my family since I was a child. Uncle Zhai kindly adopted me. If it weren't for him, I would have been living on the street. How could I still be as rich as I am today? In my heart , Uncle Zhai is just like my father!"

"I have long made up my mind to live and die with the Zhai family! If that mysterious force wants to kill Uncle Zhai, it must first step over my body!"

Zhang Yuan frowned, "Qingqing, are you too impulsive? I suggest you calm down for two days before making a decision!"

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