Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1324 Another secret treasure, a miserable person

"Boss, I'm ready! Where do you think we're going to perform?"

Zhang Yuan looked around and finally pointed to an alley next to the square.

"Just over there! I don't think there's anyone there!"

The monkey charmer agreed, packed up his things and walked in that direction.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Lin followed.

But soon, Zhang Lin noticed something was wrong.

The monkey tricker obviously didn't walk very fast, but the distance between them became farther and farther, and in the end they were even several hundred meters apart!

Seeing that the monkey charmer was almost out of their sight, Zhang Yuan next to Zhang Lin snorted and took action.

The next moment, he came to the side of the monkey charmer, grabbed the monkey charmer's shoulder with one hand, and his tone was cold.

"You took my money and you want to run away without performing? How can there be such truth in the world?"

The monkey charmer looked at Zhang Yuan in shock. Unexpectedly, he used his best escape technique and was caught up by Zhang Yuan!

"What kind of big shot are you, your Excellency? Why bother to trouble me, a small character?" the monkey charmer said with a bitter smile.

Zhang Yuan stared at the other party coldly, "Don't ask me, tell me about yourself first! Who are you? What method did you use to control the monkey just now?"

At this time, Zhang Lin ran over panting.

"Brother Yuan, can you run so fast!"

Zhang Yuan patted the monkey charmer on the shoulder.

"This dear man refused to work after accepting my money, so I had no choice but to catch him and force him to work!"

"By the way! I heard that when a monkey charmer performs tricks, the monkey will be beaten if it doesn't work! Do you think I should beat you like you beat the monkey?"

As soon as Zhang Yuan finished speaking, the monkey at the monkey charmer's feet suddenly screamed sadly.

The next moment, the monkey rushed towards Zhang Yuan, its sharp claws fiercely aimed at Zhang Yuan's chest.

Caught it with your mouth!

"Brother Yuan, be careful!" Zhang Lin exclaimed.

Zhang Yuan, however, looked calm and just slapped it with his palm.

The monkey screamed and was shot several meters away by Zhang Yuan. It hit the wall hard and fell down, passing out on the spot.

When the monkey charmer saw the monkey being knocked unconscious by Zhang Yuan, he immediately shouted.


Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Don't scream so miserable. I only used three points of strength just now. Your monkey won't die! It's you! You took my money but didn't do anything. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, be careful." I will let you die in anger!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, the monkey charmer couldn't help but smile sadly.

"Forget it! They actually invited a powerful ancient warrior like you to deal with me! It seems that I really can't run away this time! I accept my fate!"

Zhang Lin on the side heard the monkey charmer saying that Zhang Yuan was an ancient warrior, and couldn't help but think of the guard team formed in the village some time ago.

The members of the escort are all very skilled and have much greater strength than ordinary people.

The stone that took three grown men to lift can be easily lifted by one member of the escort team!

Everyone in the village said that these escorts were no longer ordinary people, but legendary martial arts masters!

Now it seems that Zhang Yuan is an ancient warrior just like the people in the escort team.

The escort was funded by Zhang Yuan, and it is normal for Zhang Yuan to be stronger than the members of the escort.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lin felt relieved.

However, Zhang Yuan was suddenly confused when he heard what the monkey charmer said.

"Did you just talk about them? Who are they? Can you

tell me the story! "

The monkey charmer glanced at Zhang Yuan coldly, "Does it make sense for a strong man like you to trick me? They are the ones who invited you!"

Zhang Yuan let go of him, shrugged and said

"Then you have misunderstood! I came here uninvited! I don't even know the people you are talking about!"

The monkey charmer was stunned for a moment and then asked Zhang Yuan.

"Since you don't know them, why do you want to give me money? And let Monkey perform a few shows for you alone?"

Zhang Yuan pointed at the unconscious monkey on the ground and said

"That's because I'm very interested in your method of controlling monkeys, so I want to find an opportunity to chat with you."

"I never thought that it would be so unethical for you to take the money and run away!"

Hearing this, Monkey Talent suddenly realized that he had misunderstood the co-authorship!

Zhang Yuan didn't come to catch him, he just happened to pass by and saw his monkey trick.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly, "If your Excellency has this intention, just say so! Why make things like this! You even made my monkey unconscious after you beat him!"

"You can't blame me! It was your monkey who took the initiative to attack me!" Zhang Yuan said casually.

A few minutes later, the monkey charmer followed the two men to the corner of the square, holding the unconscious monkey in his arms.

It's quiet here, no one's around, and there happens to be a bench.

After the three of them sat down, Zhang Yuan immediately asked the monkey charmer.

"First tell me who you are! Who are those people who are chasing you?"

Mentioning this matter, the monkey charmer couldn't help but smile bitterly.

he explained

"I am a miserable person! In fact, my family was very well off when I was a child! I come from a big family! People in our clan are proficient in a secret method. Then

Just playing monkey! "

"But our monkey charmers are different from ordinary monkey charmers. They simply train the monkeys over and over again. During the training, they will beat the monkeys black and blue."

"But our family's secret method of playing monkey is to connect with the monkey's mind! When you reach a certain level, you can temporarily store part of your consciousness in the monkey."

"So I can control the monkey's body to complete those difficult actions! However, in this process, the monkey can only execute simple commands, but cannot complete complex commands."

Zhang Yuan nodded, "I saw you playing with the monkey just now, and it was indeed like this! I originally thought you hypnotized the monkey, but I didn't expect that you actually placed part of your consciousness on the monkey!"

"How amazing! Then you must have put in a lot of effort to train to this level, right?" Zhang Lin on the side exclaimed.

"Yes! Our monkey-charming skills are very difficult to practice! And we have to practice with the monkeys for a long time!" said the monkey-charming man.

"Take Monkey and I as an example, it took us more than three years to get along successfully!"

Zhang Yuan touched his nose and said, "What happened next? Did anything happen to your family?"

As he spoke, he also glanced at the monkey charmer's somewhat dirty clothes.

The monkey charmer sighed, "That's right! Something happened to our family later! Just because our family has a secret treasure!"

Hearing the word "secret treasure", Zhang Yuan suddenly became energetic.

The Zhai family was destroyed by mysterious forces because of the secret treasure, the Extraordinary Stone, but the real piece of the Extraterrestrial Stone was still on Zhang Yuan's body.

Unexpectedly, the family of the monkey charmer in front of me actually has a secret treasure. Could it be that their family is also being targeted by mysterious forces?

Zhang Yuan immediately asked, "What secret treasure? Tell me!"

The monkey charmer was silent for a few seconds before speaking slowly.

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