Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1390 Organic vegetables finally take shape

Hua Rulong was startled and instinctively turned around and ran away.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly appeared in front of him and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Young Master! It's me! I have something important to report to you!"

Hearing the other party's voice, Hua Rulong's pupils shrank, and his face was full of shock.

"It's you!"

Hua Rufeng's death had no impact on Zhang Yuan's life.

Apart from sighing a few words, he ignored the matter.

Anyway, it is not unusual for a person as arrogant and domineering as Hua Rufeng to be killed by his enemies!

A few days later, Zhang Yuan, accompanied by Zheng Qiuyue, inspected the vegetable fields planted by the villagers.

Looking at the organic vegetables that are about to mature in the field, he can't hide the smile on his face.

The vegetable planting base in Xiawan Village he built is finally taking shape!

With his encouragement, every household in the village planted several acres of organic vegetables.

With Zhang Yuan’s improved seeds, these vegetables do not need to be sprayed with pesticides at all, and they can be said to be completely organic vegetables!

What’s even more surprising is that even without pesticides, these vegetables are basically free from pests and diseases!

High-quality organic vegetables like this are very popular in the city.

Those rich people are willing to pay several times higher prices than ordinary vegetables to buy organic vegetables!

Many villagers were also busy in the vegetable fields. When they saw Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue, they greeted them enthusiastically.

Some villagers even ran over excitedly to express their gratitude to Zhang Yuan.

"Boss Zhang, thank you so much! If you hadn't distributed seeds to us, how could we have grown such good organic vegetables!"

"Yes, Boss Zhang, you are simply our great savior and our God of Wealth!"

"Boss Zhang, only by following you can everyone in our village truly get rid of poverty and become prosperous!"



Now that the Internet is developed, villagers can also check the sales prices of organic vegetables online.

After seeing the high price, everyone was almost crazy with joy!

If the organic vegetables they grow can be sold at such a high price, then their income this year may be equal to their income in the previous ten years!

This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact!

In a remote village like Xiawan Village, many villagers can only make a living by farming.

How much money can you make per year growing food?

A few acres of organic vegetables is almost equal to the money earned from farming for ten years!

Zhang Yuan smiled and chatted with the villagers for a while, and then encouraged them.

"Boss Zhang, where will we sell the organic vegetables we grow? Can we sell them all?" Suddenly a villager asked Zhang Yuan.

Other villagers also looked at Zhang Yuan nervously, and they also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about the sales of organic vegetables! First of all, the three major restaurants in the county can purchase a large part of the organic vegetables. Secondly, I will also help everyone contact the sales to ensure that all All organic vegetables are sold!”

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

But they didn't know that Zhang Yuan said that on purpose.

The three major restaurants in the county can only consume a small amount of organic vegetables.

Zhang Yuan deliberately said that the three major hotels could purchase a large part to reassure the villagers.

As for the sales of these organic vegetables, Zhang Yuan has asked sisters Chu Xueqi and Chu Xueyan to help contact them.

He believes that with his original reputation and the quality of these organic vegetables, it should not be difficult to find sales.

Zhang Yuan's idea was correct. Within two days, news came from Chu Xueyan's place that a wealthy businessman in the provincial capital wanted to purchase their organic vegetables in large quantities.

To be precise, this is also due to Zhai Qingqing.

The wealthy businessman had cooperated with the Zhai family before. Zhai Qingqing knew that he specialized in wholesale of organic vegetables, so she contacted him.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually agreed!

Zhai Qingqing made an appointment with the wealthy businessman and planned for Zhang Yuan and the wealthy businessman to meet in the provincial capital to discuss the details of cooperation.

Zhang Yuan naturally would not refuse, and went to the provincial capital accompanied by Zhai Qingqing the next day.

In fact, his goal is not only to lead the people in Xiawan Village to grow organic vegetables. When the opportunity is right in the future, he will also lead Shangwan Village and even surrounding villages.

Lead people in surrounding villages to grow organic vegetables and make a fortune!

By then, his Xiawan Village vegetable planting base will be truly established!

If you want to establish a vegetable planting base, you cannot rely on one village alone. You must include surrounding villages and even the entire town.

It was already evening when the two arrived in the provincial capital. At Zhai Qingqing's suggestion, they opened a suite at the Gemei Hotel.

Although Gemei Hotel is not the best hotel in the provincial capital, its service level and environment are first-class.

After arranging accommodation, Zhang Yuan originally wanted to take a rest, but was unexpectedly dragged out by Zhai Qingqing.

"Brother Yuan, I haven't been back to the provincial capital for a long time. Let's go to the night market together!" Zhai Qingqing begged Zhang Yuan.

Seeing her pitiful look, Zhang Yuan had no choice but to accompany her around the nearby night market.

Zhai Qingqing was very excited and bought a lot of snacks.

This made Zhang Yuan a little surprised. Zhai Qingqing also enjoyed the treatment of a young lady in the Zhai family.

Although her identity as the eldest lady had not yet been made public, Zhai Zhongshan truly raised her as his daughter.

Why does such a young lady care so much about what the common people eat?

When Zhang Yuan raised his doubts, Zhai Qingqing rolled his eyes at him.

"Who says young ladies can't like these ordinary snacks? These snacks are so delicious, I've loved eating them since I was a child!"

In response to this, Zhang Yuan burst into laughter, but he was fascinated.

The two of them strolled around the night market and were so full that they didn't even need to eat dinner.

"Qingqing, it's almost time to go back! It's past nine o'clock now!" Zhang Yuan looked at his watch.

Zhai Qingqing said coquettishly, "Let's play for a while longer! I know there is a very fun place. How about we go there?"

"What fun place?" Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Zhai Qingqing looked mysterious, "You'll find out if you come with me!"

After a while, Zhai Qingqing took Zhang Yuan to the end of the night market. It turned out to be a small square with a small fountain in the center.

The fountain is still working now, and the surrounding lights will change every time it sprays water, which looks very beautiful.

"How's it going? Is it fun? I often came here to play when I was a kid. I loved seeing this lantern fountain the most at that time!" Zhai Qingqing's eyes were filled with memories.

Zhang Yuan asked casually, "Did you come by yourself? Or did someone come with you?"

Zhai Qingqing was silent for a few seconds before saying, "My late parents brought me here!"

Zhang Yuan instinctively wanted to say that Zhai Qingqing's father was not Zhai Chongshan?

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