Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1396 Why be sarcastic and leave the provincial capital

On the phone, Zhai Tianhua's breathing became a little heavier.

Especially when Zhang Yuan mentioned the three words "Zhai Family Master".

"Zhang Yuan, actually there is no grudge between you and me, so why bother making sarcastic remarks!" Zhai Tianhua said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yuan smiled, "It's true that you and I have no grudges, but your behavior hurts my good friend. Of course I have to vent my anger on my good friend!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Zhai Qingqing's beautiful eyes were filled with emotion. Zhang Yuan really cared about her in his heart, and he directly confronted Zhai Tianhua for her.

Zhai Tianhua was silent for a few seconds and suddenly said

"You should leave quickly! The provincial capital is not a place for you to stay! Leave the provincial capital immediately and never set foot in the provincial capital again!" .??.

"Zhang Yuan, I heard that you were very successful in Jiangbei City, and you even fought against an old antique from the Hua Family in Jiangnan City!"

"But even so, the water in the provincial capital is still much deeper than you think! I advise you to leave quickly! Take Qingqing and leave!"

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows. Zhai Tianhua seemed to know something, and what he said seemed to mean something!

At this time, Zhai Qingqing next to him said angrily

"Zhai Tianhua, of course you don't want us to come to the provincial capital! If we don't show up in the provincial capital, you, the head of the Zhai family, can go there with peace of mind, right?"

"Do you know that because of your unfilial son, how many times has my father been alone in the study at night feeling dejected?"

"How do you repay your father for giving birth to you and raising you? You tell yourself, are you still a human being?"

Facing Zhai Qingqing's questioning and scolding, Zhai Tianhua remained silent.

It seemed that he had acquiesced to Zhai Qingqing's insults and everything he had done.

"Okay! The scolding is over, you should leave the provincial capital quickly! Remember, don't stay in the provincial capital any longer! Otherwise, the consequences will not be what you can afford!" Zhai Tianhua

said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

There was still anger on Zhai Qingqing's pretty face: "Zhai Tianhua, this bastard, actually hung up the phone. I haven't scolded him enough!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "If you don't scold me enough this time, I'll do it next time! Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities! Let's hurry back to the hotel to check out!"

Hearing this, Zhai Qingqing looked at Zhang Yuan in surprise, "Brother Yuan, did you really believe what that bastard Zhai Tianhua said? He just wanted us to leave so that we wouldn't influence him!"

Zhang Yuan touched his nose

"I don't think so! Forget it, it doesn't make any sense for us to stay in the provincial capital now. We might as well leave the provincial capital first."

"On the way back, you can also visit vegetable dealers in the surrounding cities of Jiangbei City and see if you can find more reliable dealers to cooperate with!"

At first, Zhai Qingqing was a little reluctant. She finally had the opportunity to go out alone with Zhang Yuan, but she hadn't found a chance to develop a relationship with him yet!

But after hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Zhai Qingqing turned from anger to joy.

According to Zhang Yuan, they will next visit a vegetable dealer together, which will definitely take two or three days.

If the two of them are alone together, there may not be sparks!

After they returned to the hotel, they packed their things and checked out, and then they drove out of the provincial capital.

Just half an hour after they left the provincial capital.

In the Tingtai Pavilion Manor, Gu Qingyou frowned and looked at the butler Xu Anfu in front of her.

"What did you say? Zhang Yuan and Zhai Qingqing have left the provincial capital?"

The housekeeper nodded cautiously, "Yes.

Yes, master! I just received the news that they should have left the provincial capital for about half an hour! "

"Huh! You really don't know how to appreciate it!" Gu Qingyou's eyes turned cold instantly.

The housekeeper was so frightened that he trembled all over. "Master, do you want me to send someone to chase them back immediately?"

"That's enough! You want to keep Zhang Yuan with just the gang of wine and rice bags you have? It's simply wishful thinking! Also, don't call me master again! I hate that title!" Gu Qingyou's tone was cold.

She looked out the window in the direction Zhang Yuan left, "I prefer others to call me the Holy Lady!"

The housekeeper nodded hurriedly, "Yes, Lady Saint!"

"Hmph! Go find out why they suddenly left the provincial capital, and whether someone tipped them off!" Gu Qingyou said coldly.

The housekeeper nodded and hurriedly left Tianyi Floor.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan's side.

After he and Zhai Qingqing left the provincial capital, they went straight to the nearby Xuanling City.

Zhai Qingqing said that there is a large vegetable dealer in Xuanling City, which is not much different in size from Tianci Agricultural Trade Group.

Although Zhai Qingqing is not very familiar with the vegetable dealer, they are here to discuss business. As long as the goods are good, they can certainly do business.

When they arrived in Xuanling City, the two went directly to visit the vegetable dealer.

The other party welcomed them at first. He had also heard about the delicious vegetables grown by Zhang Yuan.

But when the other party learned that what Zhang Yuan wanted to sell was not his delicious vegetables, but organic vegetables grown by the villagers of Xiawan Village.

The other party immediately changed his face and confessed directly to the two of them.

If he wants to sell organic vegetables, he has to sell them with delicious vegetables, otherwise he will not buy the organic vegetables grown by the villagers of Xiawan Village at all.

This man thought that Zhang Yuan would definitely make sacrifices for the villagers' vegetable sales, and promised to supply him with part of the delicious vegetables.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan stood up and said goodbye, leaving the other party dumbfounded.

Zhang Yuan really wanted to help the villagers sell organic vegetables, but he didn't want to sell organic vegetables in this way.

Then Zhang Yuan would lose his original intention!

He initially wanted to encourage the whole village to grow vegetables and become rich. Later, he wanted to encourage villagers in surrounding villages to become rich.

To achieve this goal, a series of benign links must be established!

In the short term, he can indeed sell organic vegetables by pairing them with delicious vegetables.

But what if the production of organic vegetables increases in the future?

Will there still be enough delicious vegetables for sale?

Obviously not realistic!

In addition, there is a more important point. Zhang Yuan hopes that the villagers can make money with their hard-working hands instead of relying on Zhang Yuan's protection.

He can catalyze organic vegetable seeds for the villagers, but the next thing has to be done by the villagers themselves.

In the future, Zhang Yuan even plans to encourage villagers in surrounding villages to find their own sales of organic vegetables, and truly build the area around Xiawan Village into a large-scale vegetable planting base!

It was almost evening when we left the vegetable dealer.

They definitely couldn't go to the next city at this time, so the two found a hotel and opened a suite.

After opening the room, Zhai Qingqing asked Zhang Yuan to accompany her to the nearby food street and try the delicious local snacks.

Zhang Yuan had no choice but to accompany her.

He could see that Zhai Qingqing was in a very low mood after taking the call from Zhai Tianhua during the day.

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